A Scanner Darkly

A Scanner Darkly
Научная фантастика
Язык: английский
Год: 1991
Страниц: 61
Издатель: First Vintage Books Edition, December 1991
ISBN: 0-679-73665-4
Добавил: Admin 10 Июн 11
Проверил: Admin 10 Июн 11
Формат:  FB2 (321 Kb)  EPUB (446 Kb)  MOBI (1375 Kb)

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British Science Fiction Award (1978)

Bob Arctor is a dealer of the lethally addictive drug Substance D. Fred is the police agent assigned to tail and eventually bust him. To do so, Fred takes on the identity of a drug dealer named Bob Arctor. And since Substance D—which Arctor takes in massive doses—gradually splits the user’s brain into two distinct, combative entities, Fred doesn’t realize he is narcing on himself.

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