A Slight Change of Plan

A Slight Change of Plan
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Автор: Эрнст Ди
Год: 2013
Добавил: Admin 11 Дек 16
Проверил: Admin 11 Дек 16
Формат:  EPUB (545 Kb)
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Рейтинг: 0/5 (Всего голосов: 0)


Widowed Kate Everett is looking forward to starting her ?second act.? She's planned out everything that she wants ? a new house, a new job, maybe even a new man. She can't wait until everything falls into place. But life has a way of butting in, and Kate soon finds herself dealing with unexpected houseguests, helping her daughter plan the world's smallest wedding, and sudden unemployment. Things get even more complicated with the reappearance of her old college love, Jake. He realizes the mistake he made years ago in letting her go, and is eager to win her back. Kate thinks that she and Jake can build something real, and that maybe her happy ending is in front of her at last. But the arrival of Edward, her daughter's future father-in-law, presents Kate with an unexpected choice. It looks like real happiness may require a slight change of plan.

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