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“Don’t be gone too long,” Harruq said.

“I just want to see what shape Veldaren’s in,” Tarlak said. “And I’ll be back. Someone’s got to raise your new baby properly, and I doubt it’ll be the big lug. Keep Antonil in line while I’m gone.”

“I’ll do my best,” Harruq said, laughing.

With a great flap of wings they soared into the air. Harruq and Aurelia held hands and watched until they were just a speck of white across the blue sky, one of many as the elves flew toward their homeland.

Not long after, Qurrah approached from the city exit, Tessanna with him, clutching his arm.

“Are you sure you have to go as well?” Harruq asked. “I swear, no one seems content to just sit back and relax.”

“We need a chance to start anew,” Qurrah said. “In Ker, we might be free to find a place of our own. We’ve hurt too many here, and in Neldar as well. But none begrudge my name there, and Bram has promised me a small parcel of land of my own.”

“If you must,” Harruq said, giving him a hug. “But make sure you visit.”

Qurrah shifted his pack across his shoulders and stepped to leave, but Tessanna lingered. She lowered her head and looked bashfully at Aurelia.

“I don’t know if you’ll ever forgive me,” she said. “But…but you know I loved Aullienna. I always will. Please, when your new baby is born…may I visit her? I promise to be good.”

Harruq squeezed her hand, and that seemed enough comfort for her.

“You may,” she said.

Tessanna’s face lit up, and she wrapped her arms around Qurrah’s. As they left, Aurelia called out.

“What do you mean, ‘her’?”

Tessanna only smiled.