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‘ We got up this morning and… oh, Dad! Mum’s not here! She’s gone. We don’t know what to do.’

Henry felt something heavy drop in his stomach.

Meanwhile, in the same room, not six feet away, Donaldson was taking a transatlantic phone call.

‘ Just letting’ ya know outta courtesy, Karl,’ the faint voice 3,000 miles away at the other end of the line was saying. It was one of Donaldson’s former partners, still a good friend.

‘ Speak up a little, Jack. Can hardly hear ya.’

‘ Bad news, pal, bad news. It’s about Joe Kovaks… ‘

Henry and Donaldson hung up simultaneously. Each ran a hand over his own face.

‘ I can’t believe this,’ said Donaldson. ‘Joe’s gone missing. Last seen leaving the office ten a.m. yesterday, not called in since. Bucar’s gone too. Not like him, not like him at all. Chrissy hasn’t seen him. I know he’s a maverick, but he ain’t stupid. Don’t like it.’

Karen laid a worried hand on the back of his head.

Henry, stunned, said simply, ‘I think Hinksman’s got my wife.’ He closed his eyes, dropped his head and began to pray.

A light flashed on the switchboard. One of the comms operators answered the call.

‘ DS Christie? Call for you.’

FB burst brusquely into the communications room. ‘I’ve just brought the Chief Constable up to date with what’s happening and where this thing’s going. He didn’t half sound strange-’ He stopped midsentence and looked at the serious faces of everyone in the room. Karen put a finger to her lips.

All attention was focused on Henry who picked up the phone and slowly put it to his ear.

‘ Henry, you’re one hell of a lucky son of a bitch. That bomb was meant for you, but no doubt you know that.’

‘ It’s a conclusion I reached,’ said Henry stonily, immediately recognising the voice of Hinksman.

‘ An’ I’m real sorry about the kid because I don’t like killing innocent people unless it’s absolutely necessary. It’s so unprofessional. ‘

‘ So how guilty was the prostitute in Blackpool?’

‘ Hey, some detective! I’m impressed you know about her.’ Hinksman’s voice went hard, making the hairs creep on Henry’s scalp. ‘She stole from me. She lost her status of innocence. Rather like you, Henry, when you turned my money down, then when you shot me.’

‘ And how guilty is my wife?’ whispered Henry, feeling the nausea grip his lower abdomen like a clawed hand.

Hinksman gave a short laugh. ‘She’s actually very innocent. I’ve told her it’s nothing personal, but I need to use her. What surprises me is that you didn’t take more steps to protect your family. You ain’t even got a burglar alarm on your house. I as good as let myself in — not even a dog, for Christ’s sake. And all those goodies to protect — TV, hi-fi, microwave — and those two lovely daughters.’

Hinksman allowed the words to sink into Henry’s consciousness.

‘ Had a look in at that older one, he said airily. ‘Developing a real nice pair of titties. Might come back one day and rape the fuck out of her — just to make you suffer again. Because that’s what all this is about, making you suffer for what you did to me.’ His voice grew thick. ‘I wanted to kill you face to face. I was waiting for you the other night, but I chose the hooker instead… ‘

‘ Then let’s meet,’ Henry cut in desperately. ‘Let Kate go and I give you my word, just you and me.’

‘ Love to say yes — but no can do. I’m out of here — once I’ve finished with Mrs C, that is.’ He laughed uproariously. ‘So, unfortunately I’m going to have to make you suffer by proxy. Oh, and forget about tracing the phone — I’m on a mobile. Goodbye Henry. Missing you already.’

‘ Don’t hang up,’ screamed Henry. ‘Hinksman!’ The line was dead.

‘ I told you to hold all calls, you stupid bitch. I don’t want interrupting,’ Dave August snapped down the line to his secretary. He was trapped in his office and it was getting smaller and smaller. The walls seemed to be sliding towards him like some sort of medieval torture chamber. He half-expected sharpened spears of steel to appear.

‘ Mr August,’ Jean remonstrated. ‘I’m doing my best. I felt I should let you know that the HMI has been on, as well as the Head of the Police Committee, as well as numerous others… and there are two gentlemen here to see you.’

‘ Tell them to fuck off.’ He was sweating profusely. ‘Is that bitch of a reporter still there?’

‘ Yes, out in Reception together with several others and the TV.’

‘ Tell them all to fuck off, or I’ll have them thrown out.’

‘ Mr August, I can’t do that,’ she said desperately. ‘I’m struggling out here to be as polite to everyone as I can. I’m trying to protect you so you can pull yourself together, yet all I hear from you are senseless, obscene instructions which are impossible to carry out. Mr August, I am very close to tears.’

Not as close as I am, he thought. He capitulated. ‘Look, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. My mind’s in a bit of a mess at the moment as you can probably appreciate.’ He took a deep breath. ‘Who are the gentlemen you refer to? Not reporters, I hope. I won’t see anyone from the press.’

‘ No, they’re officers from Greater Manchester Police. They say they have something very important to discuss with you.’

‘ Right, right… give me five minutes.’

‘ I’m Detective Chief Superintendent Runshaw and this is Detective Inspector Tandy.’

August leaned across his desk and shook their hands. He had changed out of his uniform into a suit and had quickly shaved, nicking himself several times in the process. He looked a mess, but didn’t give a shit. He invited the two men to sit down with a wave of his hand.

‘ Pleased to meet you,’ he said, even though he didn’t like the look in their eyes. ‘What can I do for you?’

‘ A somewhat delicate matter,’ Runshaw admitted. ‘We’ve received a complaint from a member of your force, one of your officers, and we are investigating it following a decision by our Chief Constable in consultation with the PCA and CPS.’

‘ Oh? Sounds unusual.’

‘ It’s actually a very serious allegation that’s been made and it’s an allegation against you, sir. It’s one of rape.’

August nearly wet himself. ‘What? That’s preposterous.’

‘ A female Chief Inspector has alleged that you raped her in her home some months ago,’ Runshaw went on.

‘ That’s not true,’ said August shakily. Please, ground, he thought. Open up, swallow me…

‘ Well, sir, the allegation has been made and we’re satisfied that there’s enough evidence to make an arrest-’

‘ An arrest? Are you saying that you’re going to arrest me? I’m a Chief Constable, for God’s sake. You can’t do that, especially on some unsubstantiated allegation by a bitter woman.’

Runshaw held up his hands, palms towards August in a pacifying gesture.

‘ Firstly, sir, I know you’re a Chief Constable. Secondly, I or any other police officer could arrest you, so don’t make that mistake. You are not above the law. However, if you would be willing to accompany us voluntarily so that we can interview you about the matter, that would suit us. No unpleasantness. That said, I must caution you.’ And he recited it, word perfect.

August replied with a sneer in his voice. ‘Her word against mine. You’ll never prove anything.’

‘ Please, sir, don’t jump to that conclusion.’

‘ You mean you have evidence other than her say-so?’ He looked astounded as he watched the two men nod simultaneously. ‘Such as?’

‘ Suffice to say there is more than just her say-so, as you put it.’

‘ Bollocks! Anyway, I’m too busy to be bothered with this at the moment. On the way out, make an appointment with my secretary for some time next week and we’ll discuss it then. Goodbye, gentlemen.’

Cool, unflustered, DCS Runshaw said, ‘I’m arresting you on suspicion of raping Karen Wilde, and may I add that I don’t give a rat’s arse that you’re a Chief Constable. You could be the fucking Prime Minister for all I care. You’re coming with us — now. Understand?’