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Not that it escaped Rex that there was something not quite right about his new mistress. He sensed a certain indefinable dissatisfaction. Dogs are so sensitive to human psychology that Rex could not help but notice the indecision and general restlessness that seemed to characterize Jan's most inner thoughts, even when she appeared to be working at her greatest efficiency.

To Rex this usually meant only one thing: that his mistress would want to do it later. He often caught the same wave-lengths and sensual odor from Marge Levitt his older mistress, before they did things together, and previous to that he had sensed similar feelings in women around the neighborhood – before they had become too friendly and his absent mistress had tied him up and refused any longer to let him roam. Consequently the handsome dog knew what to expect, roughly.

And now he sensed certain familiar feelings emanating from this pretty blonde young woman, feelings that set his own heart to beating faster. His former mistress had been so busy this morning, and in such a peculiar state of upset emotion, that they hadn't done anything, which gave Rex a vague feeling of slighted uneasiness. But now there was this new pretty woman. He watched her with unflinching, devoted eyes, instinctively knowing that she had a problem that he could help solve…

But Jan had managed to calm down somewhat, and her state was not near as frenetic as it had been. Now, as she wiped off the kitchen sink, it occurred to her that she really had been too hard on Steve. He was a good husband, after all, and it really wasn't necessary for decent girls to have orgasms the way men did. She couldn't very well blame him. He was probably normal for all that.

Not that she had any standards to judge by, as her husband had been the first and only man for her to experience sexual intercourse with…

A soft whine from Rex behind her interrupted the pony tailed blonde from pursuing this stream of thought. She turned, smiling now, and looked down at the big handsome animal Marge Levitt had parked with her. He was such a lovely beast that her former disgruntlement at being saddled with him abruptly evaporated, and she got down on her haunches and took his warm, soft muzzle into her hands, looking deeply into the animal's big eyes.

"What is it, Rex? Getting hungry? Or thirsty?"

That was it, she thought. Had to set some food out for him. And she needed another small drink of whiskey to calm her down some more, as well. She wanted to be cheery when her folks arrived.

Rex made a little sound and panted, his long, slavering tongue stroking her knees, one forepaw coming up to rest on her bared thigh.

For just a moment Jan was startled. The look in the dog's eyes was so sexually warm… for a moment she imagined that – but no, that was impossible. She must be imagining it.

But did she imagine the sharp tremor of excitement as his hot, wet tongue licked teasingly at her skin?

Silly girl, she thought.

"What's the matter, precious?" she softly cooed, scratching his ears in the back. "Hungry? Thirsty? Jan will fix it for you." She affectionately stroked the mighty dog's big, sleek-furred head. He had such a lovely gloss on his fur she could almost see her face in it. "Goodness, you have a wicked gleam in those big brown, lovable eyes. You ought to behave yourself. One would think you were a young man instead of a young dog," Jan laughed to herself.

Jan's soft, crooning voice was so silkily pleasant that, coupled with the gentle pressure of her slender, stroking hand, Rex was filled with a warm-hearted relish that was pleasantly musical. Instinctively he raised his head, licking at the smooth back of her hand, to show her that he liked her. Whatever had troubled her was of relative unimportance, he knew, because her soft hand moved on his furry neck, and then she hugged him against her cream-white outer thigh.

"It's easy to see how Marge gets attached to you," Jan smiled, tugging at his collar. "By God, you are a lovable beast," the doting, voluptuous young blonde wife teased. She got up abruptly and smoothed her skirt. "Well, let's look in the refrigerator and see if we can find something for you, handsome. There might even be a nice big bone in there for you."

Rex made a liquid sound, almost as if he understood what she was saying. Jan embraced him against her leg once more and stroked his soft, sleek head. She lightly laughed. There was something about Rex that made one feel funny, but she couldn't put her finger on just what it was. She hoped she was doing right by letting him go untied. She knew that Marge never did that.

But Rex seemed to be friendly. Indeed, she couldn't even remember him barking. So he had to be safe. Generally he was quiet even when the postman came by. This was probably what led the wives in Barrington Hills to make such a fuss over him; he had a very sweet nature.

"No, I'm not going to be strict with you, Rex," she said in a sweet, sad voice, giving the handsome dog one last affectionate pat. "You've had too much of being tied up all the time. You're going to have a vacation with Aunt Jan."

Rex basked in the warm, melodious gentility of her voice. It was so full of kindness and love, he thought. His new mistress was wonderful. And beyond her voice, he sensed in his closeness against her a poignant scent not unfamiliar to him, a musky aroma which immediately inspired the trained responses inside his large, muscular body. It was the human mating odor… he had been so skillfully educated to recognize it, first in his early training, and then later on with his mistress it had come naturally. His tongue slavered wetly and he waited for the proper moment, especially eager to lavish his attention on his beloved new mistress who had his doggy heart beat so rapidly when she petted him, and his animal penis throb and tingle so sensuously in its furry sheath between his legs.

Jan's head was still a mixture of confused thoughts, partly sexual frustration, partly hausfraus-wifery that was all efficiency. She opened the refrigerator, saw the big lamb bone she was looking for – it was only left over from the roast anyway – and bent down to pick it up from its place in the dish…

Only to suddenly feel something cold and wet behind her insinuating itself up under her miniskirt and between her young tanned legs!

"Rex!" she gasped.

Though it gave her a terrific jolt, the gorgeous young blonde felt as if she had been turned to stone! She stayed bent over but frozen and immobile at the unconscionable cool moisture of Rex's nose pressed high up into the soft insides of her nakedly exposed thighs. She had no idea why she didn't jerk upright in shock, fear, or at least for a smattering of decorum. But suddenly it seemed as if the prurient excitement that had been so stringently banked was raging out of control beneath that cool, moist pressure of Rex's nose.

She felt frozen and unable to speak. For one terrible, heart-stopping moment she wondered if she had lost her mind. But try as she might, she couldn't seem to break from her insidious position of bending over. She continued to stoop there, waiting for something she knew not what, unable to breathe, feeling the big dog's head shifting farther up inside her miniskirt – where the soft nylon crotch band of her panties ran between her thighs – and then, then – the hot pressured lap of Rex's wetly working tongue snaking up under the nylon leg band of her panties and stroking along the blonde curling pussy hair all the way back and up into her anal crevice!