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"Well," said Sarah Talbott, at last breaking the heavy, pregnant silence. "Shall we bring our bags in?"

"I'll help you," Jan said cheerfully. She was genuinely pleased to see her parents, and the hot desire in her belly was quickly subsiding. Even now she felt as if she was regaining some of her sanity. For one brief moment she considered that she might even find the interlude with Rex just that and only that – an interlude. Maybe all this heated sensuality would pass and she would ignore the handsome dog in the future. Maybe she should blame her depravity on the whiskey she'd been drinking in quiet shots all morning. Certainly it was not like her at all to behave so obscenely. Now that she was getting her head back together, her ability to resist depravity was sure to strengthen.

So she helped her parents bring their things in. Her mother chattered on and on, though, about all the traveling they had been doing for the last few weeks – her father had taken a month's vacation from the plant he owned that made ball bearings and sheet metal. They had visited her brother in Alaska, and also contemplated a Caribbean cruise. In any case, now they were with her and they could relax and rest up before deciding what to do next.

After getting their bags into the guest room and doing a minimum of unpacking, Sarah Talbott brushed her hands over her voluminously formed breasts, down her hips, and generally shifted to straighten out the snug, voluptuously formed suit she was wearing. Then she went into the kitchen and sat down at the table as her daughter poured coffee. Her eyes studied the curvaceous young blonde and for the thousandth time she marveled at the adorable sexy way that her beautiful young daughter was put together. Since she and Arnold had become secret swingers nine months ago – after twenty years of marriage – she had developed a more heightened appreciation of such things. She had always known that her lovely blonde daughter was sexy and attractive, but now she appreciated as well how vitally important this was in life.

Which wasn't to say she hadn't always appreciated her own attractiveness. Indeed, she had wallowed delightfully in the knowledge of it. But previous to her and Arnold 'cutting out' with the marriage and departure of their last child, she had always regarded her voluptuous proportions as something that was used only to tease anyone else besides one's husband. Though there had been temptations, until their recent departure into the world of 'swinging', Sarah Talbott had been devotedly faithful to Arnold for a steadfast twenty-four years. And she had brought her children up to have similar highly structured view on the behavior of a woman within the marriage bond.

But now, as she watched her luscious, sleek golden-haired Jan moving about in the large and elegantly furnished kitchen, she wondered if she had been entirely right in the way she had brought her daughter up. Because swinging had taught her how pleasurable – and perfectly decent – swinging could be. There was scarcely anything that could fire her more now than to witness Arnold having his heavily hardened cock sucked on by some other woman, or to see him standing over her snapping pictures while she had her legs spread wide and some new man fucked heatedly into her eagerly absorbing pussy. She could only wonder that it had taken them so long in their married life to discover such delight.

Which wasn't to say, of course, that she had taken any unfeminine advances in the direction of doing it with other couples. Originally the idea had been entirely Arnold's and she had even been a little reluctant about it.

For some time after Jan was married and went off to live in Barrington Hills, Arnold had begun showing up with obscene pictures which he allowed to lay around casually here and there about their swank five bedroom Georgian house on the North Shore in Kenilworth. Incredible stuff, really, it seemed at first, with couples swapping, and lengthy daisy chain orgies where one simply could not tell what was going on, or who was doing what to whom. Women sucking on men's cocks, and having their vagina's reamed with hardened poles of male flesh, while other men sucked on their titties, and so on. Women getting their cunts licked, too, and so on. Sometimes the daisy chains seemed to be occupying twenty people at a time. There were blondes, redheads, brunettes, brownettes, of every size and shape. Some tall and slender with hard pomegranate tits. Others short and buxom and rosy so that men at the very sight of them would want to eat them up. And everyone cavorting and having an incredible obscene time in a fashion that set her heart to lurch violently.

She had tried complaining to him at first, but he had standard retorts: "Don't be silly, Sarah, there's nothing illegal about keeping that stuff around in your own house." And: "Maybe you ought to consider doing a little swapping yourself, ourselves. At your age there's no chance of getting pregnant, and we haven't got so long to go in this world that we can afford to pass up any side amusements. You can't tell, it might be fun, doll. Why don't you trust me and find out?"

She had steadfastly refused his obscene suggestions, however. Right up to the point where she felt that she was losing him. He would go out and stay out all hours after awhile, and not make any excuse. In the morning she would find his shorts covered with lipstick. Finally she couldn't take any more of his silent, withdrawn treatment. She consented tearfully to do whatever he wanted, if it would make him happy and he would stop being silent with her.

In short, she did it initially – started swapping – solely to please him.

But what a change there had been after their fist few sessions! Even the first one, as brief and unsatisfactory as it inherently was, had opened up an amazing world of fresh thrills and sensations that she had never even dreamed existed.

Being totally naked and getting fucked by a strange man with her husband watching turned out to be the most fearfully, heart-palpitating excitement any woman could possibly imagine! Before long she had become an even more devoted swinger than Arnold. Her entire personality changed and opened up like a flower that had been grown in the shadows for too long. Her eyes seemed to open miraculously. As thrill after thrill pounded and drummed through her tall, voluptuous body, she found herself screaming out and crying obscenities that she had never dreamed of uttering in twenty-four years of married life. Her cunt fairly throbbed with excitement; her orgasms were mind-blowing and explosive, ripping her apart from one nerve ending and through all the others. Before long she wanted nothing but sex, sex, sex of every possible and conceivable type. She couldn't seem to help herself. Her cunt pulsated continuously now as it considered the approach of the next tongue or the next cock plunging wildly within her burning cuntal crevice. She seemed to be in a constant state of excitement and anticipation for the next mind-blowing sexual scene of swapping with other couples. She had even learned to love watching Arnold licking another woman's pussy, or fucking some gorgeous young blonde from behind in the rectum or cunt. Nothing now seemed any longer obscene or repellent. They had both become supremely sexual creatures, living only for their wild hedonistic thrills. She wondered only how she had managed to survive so many decades existing in any other state. All the years that had been wasted! But now she was going to make up for them, that was for sure!

Indeed, it was even noticeable that very soon their roles had become almost reversed – so that now it was she who was the supreme hedonist who couldn't seem to get enough of sexual swapping, while occasionally it was Arnold who complained that he was a trifle bored with the whole thing and would like to stay home more!

So it was that she considered all this as she watched her lovely, fulsomely developed young blonde daughter putter around her kitchen, her shining yellow pony tail swinging in the breeze. Jan had never had her hair cut, so that now the point of her pony tail seemed to be pointed right down into the crevice of her succulently shaped young buttock cheeks. The fulsome thrust of her impudently firm young bosom reminded Sarah somewhat of the gorgeous nineteen year old brunette they had swapped with the previous week in Anchorage during a brief trip away from Jan's brother's home. That had been a sensational session! The brunette's handsome young boy-friend had turned out to be a six-foot-five lumberjack hairy as a grizzly. His massive cock and balls had really set Sarah's loins spinning wildly, so that she had sucked him off slavishly and practically tried to almost completely swallow his delicious young balls. Arnold and the brunette had had to pull her off of him. What a gorgeous animal that young man had been! Indeed, it had been almost like being fucked by a grizzly bear when his massive rod sluiced into her cunt from the back, with that big boy riding her as if she were an animal bitch! Her orgasms had been truly shattering and mind-exploding! She had been totally mystified to find she could not get her head back together for fifteen minutes afterward, and even then she had come out of it gibbering like a mindless idiot from her fantastic climax.