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If both men hadn't taken to gently sucking on her tits, she might not have gotten her head back at all, in fact. She had really been out of it.

Jan poured coffee for the both of them. Arnold was still getting organized in the guest room. Sarah continued to study her statuesquely-put-together young blonde daughter.

And she found herself wondering mildly if Jan had ever had any obscene thoughts.

But of course not. Until she herself had been introduced to swinging, she had brought her lovely voluptuous daughter up so carefully that she could never be really interested in sex in a 'dirty' way.

If only she had realized years back that she was probably doing more harm than good!

But now it was probably too late. Her lovely daughter was probably too prudish by far. She wondered how Steve managed. God forbid she should ever find out the path her distinguished, social-register parents had taken! If the Wilmette Woman's Club ever found out! And Jan could never possibly comprehend it!

She smiled softly to herself and sipped her coffee delicately. Her mind fluttered back to Steve, her handsome young son-in-law. Now, there was a charming boy. He had the most beautiful succulent lips, like those of a Greek God, coupled with a Roman nose, jet black wavy hair, deep, sexy blue eyes slightly lidded like Robert Mitchum's. His shoulders were impossibly square and broad, and the rest of him she remembered as trimly muscled, from his washboard tummy to his long, muscular swimmer's legs. Shoulders like his belonged to a boxer, but his trimness was that muscular slenderness of a gymnast. She wondered if he was still so magnificently proportioned, like a young God.

"Sugar, Mother?"

"Two, please, dear. You know how I like it."

Sarah Talbott lit her king-size cigarette and placed it delicately in the ivory cigarette holder she had bought in San Francisco. She stirred her coffee and wondered mildly if she would be able to get the handsome young son-in-law in bed with her. Just the memory of him set her heart to racing. But wouldn't he be shocked if he knew, the innocent lad! They would have to work on him cautiously. No use upsetting Jan by clumsy planning!

Then of course there was the fact that in this particular instance Arnold would not have anybody to swap with. He could scarcely swap with his own daughter!

Or could he?

No – no, that was just a bit much. She was a swinger, Sarah Talbott, but she was fundamentally a decent person. She knew that society had invented the taboos against incest with good reason, although she couldn't think offhand of just what they were.

Arnold would just have to be satisfied with her having a go at the handsome Steve. After all, she didn't kick up a fuss when she caught him working over their gorgeous redheaded daughter-in-law in Fairbanks, did she? No, she had merely closed the door again and let them continue without interruption.

So he owed her one.

Suddenly her eyes darted. A German shepherd lay curled up in the corner next to the refrigerator. Then it occurred to her – she had noticed the animal immediately upon entering, but she had been so absorbed in seeing Jan again that she had completely forgotten it.

What a handsome animal it was, too. What sleek, shining fur. Certainly very healthy looking.

Then her eyes widened. She was alarmed to see the animal suddenly begin stroking the slightly protruding pink tip of its penis with its very own tongue! How disgusting!

Sarah glanced hurriedly at Jan. Had she noticed? Apparently not. Well, she wasn't going, to say anything herself.

She looked back at the dog. Now it was licking its rapidly exposing penis repeatedly and with increasing heat. Sarah blanched. That devil! She studied its long, muscular mature body. Its haunches were magnificently proportioned, if she knew anything about dogs. I'll bet he drives all the bitches in the neighborhood wild, she thought with a secretive smile. Handsome devil.

Then she noticed that Jan had joined her gaze. She was quite surprised to see her daughter look sheepishly away, down at her coffee. The pretty blonde housewife's cheeks turned a bright crimson, but she said nothing at all.

How odd. Sarah decided that it was up to herself to break the ice in this curious situation.

"Well, that's a dog that certainly knows how to misbehave, isn't it?"

Jan's pretty blush seemed to deepen. "He's not an it," she said a little too hotly, feeling as if her loins were clutching a handful of squirming snakes. "He's a he…"

"Obviously," said Sarah, still watching the thoroughly engrossed dog, who paused occasionally in his self-ministration to cast a hot, amazingly human glance in her direction. She was quite taken aback with the force in that glance – or was she imagining overmuch?

"He's just a pet from next door. I promised Marge Levitt I'd look after him while they were on vacation," Jan said lamely, her cheeks flushed with embarrassed blood.

Sarah smiled and picked up her coffee cup. She averted her eyes from the misbehaving dog. "Certainly, dear. It's just that this isn't what one expects to find in one's kitchen."

Jan looked with sparkling eyes at Rex, hoping desperately that her tremulous voice did not give her away. "I suppose I could let him outside."

Sarah said nothing. She felt a vague curiosity about something she could not precisely define. Her daughter's air was altogether too urgent and tense. This was not like Jan at all.

She looked back at the handsome German shepherd. Watching the sleek, muscular animal play with its own genitals, she could not repress a tremor of excitement up between her own thighs as she abruptly found herself trying to imagine what a lengthy tongue like that might feel like worming up along her own vaginal crevice and then flicking wetly at her hot little puckered anus! The older woman found her nostrils flaring. She had become altogether too aroused sexually over the last few months not to feel something watching that magnificent animal. She looked over at Jan who had stood up and was taking tentative steps toward the handsome animal. Had she overplayed her puritan hand?

Yes, her performance had been altogether too convincing. "Come on, Rex," Jan said lightly, tugging at the German shepherd's collar, "it's outside for you."

Rex made a tiny whining noise, casting what Sarah saw as a breathtakingly flirtatious glance in her direction. Then she lifted a hand to her throat in hot, sensual astonishment. Surely this she must be imagining!

But no – the dog continued to glance back at her as his new blonde mistress led him out the kitchen door and onto the patio, its long, thick red tongue wet and glistening, lolling out lavishly as it plodded out. Sarah felt something clutch at her throat. What abnormal eyes this handsome dog had! Indeed, they were the eyes of a sexy, noble prince encased in an animal's body, smoldering with unconcealed desire.