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He slowly withdrew and thrust several times. The power of his body, his voice, his stare overwhelmed her, crushing through every barrier she had built around her heart.

Tonight he seemed intent on a mission to force her to slow down and open up, to let go of all her fear, to meet him on his emotional plane.

Panic collided with pleasure and desire. Grey was everything she’d ever wanted in a man. Could she let go with him without losing herself?

His mouth crushed against her neck as he quickened his pace, driving into her possessively yet tenderly. As he moved inside her, she felt the coil of tension, the wave rising within her body, the craving for release. His breath, hot and wet against her skin, set off ripples of goose bumps.

“Faster,” she pleaded, and he complied. Within seconds his muscles tightened beneath her hands and, just as her own orgasm seized her, he shouted, spending himself inside her, his ragged breath falling against her hair.

“I love you,” he whispered once their bodies quieted.

Her breath caught. When she didn’t immediately respond, he rolled onto his side and stared at her. A lopsided grin graced his face. Sweat plastered his bangs against his forehead, so she brushed them away.

“I think I just freaked you out a little,” he said, not looking the least bit anxious or uncomfortable. How she envied him and his ability to embrace his emotions.

“No. I . . . no.” The three words he wanted to hear sat on the tip of her tongue. He deserved them, but she couldn’t spit them out.

“I don’t want to scare you or force you to say anything, but I want you to know how I feel, Avery. I’m in love with you. Everything about you makes me smile. The neon wardrobe, the way your left eyelid droops whenever you’re mad, these deep dimples,” he said, gently placing his finger against her cheek. “Your smarts, your wisecracks. The way you push back when cornered even though you’re actually a little afraid. I’ll take all of it. So whatever does or doesn’t happen in the future, always remember that much.”

Her nose tingled. “I—”

“Don’t.” He pressed three fingers against her lips. “Don’t say it just because I did. If you love me, you’ll tell me in your own way and your own time. It’ll mean more to me that way, too. Okay?”

Once she nodded, he removed his hand and kissed her again. Her heart soared. Grey understood her. Her flaws—her resistance to vulnerability—didn’t intimidate him or put him off. He didn’t want to control or manipulate her, and that freed her in a way she couldn’t explain.

She wrapped her body around his, snuggling into his arms. Perhaps the words wouldn’t come today, but in every other way, she would show him how she felt until she could admit aloud what was in her heart. For the first time in her life, she drifted off to sleep believing she’d finally found true love.

Chapter Twenty

Grey slid into the booth at Drafts Pub to meet Trip for lunch. He’d arrived a few minutes ahead of schedule, so he used the free moment to call Avery. Her parents were due to arrive today in advance of Friday’s hearing, so he wanted to make sure she wasn’t being driven over the edge by all the pressure.

When she didn’t answer, he hung up. Just as well, because Trip showed up on time.

Before they could even say hello, the waitress arrived tableside with water and menus. Trip cast Grey a quick look. “Pizza?”

Grey nodded. His stomach chimed in, too.

Trip tipped his hat to the waitress, whose rapt attention almost made Grey chuckle aloud. “Extra large sausage, onion, and green pepper. Well done, please. And two drafts.”

“What kind?” she asked.

“Surprise us.” Trip smiled at her and Grey could practically hear her hormones raging in response. Once she turned away, Trip’s smile vanished. “Listen, Grey, I think you’ve got big trouble.”

Grey edged forward on the bench seat, not sure how much more trouble he could handle. “How so?”

“Did you realize Kessler’s big project includes a tract of public land we’ve been using to access portions of the national forest covered by your permit? Without that entry point, we can’t reach some of the most challenging terrain. If we can’t find safe alternatives, it’ll become a lot harder to attract repeat skiers.”

“That can’t be right.” Grey scratched his neck. “My permit must grant some kind of right-of-way over that land. Otherwise private developers could come in and basically void permits.”

“Maybe that lawyer of yours can do a little investigating?” Trip acknowledged the waitress with a grin when she delivered their drinks.

“I’ll ask Warren, but I don’t think he’s that kind of lawyer.” Grey chugged half his beer, his mood darkening. “Am I crazy, or does it seem like the universe has it out for me? What the hell have I done to deserve so much bad luck?”

“I’m just glad you didn’t settle with Randall yet. If that development cuts us off, you’ll need to regroup and submit for a new permit for other land, or, well, I don’t even know what else. But I know this—you’ll need time and money.”

“Dammit. I don’t want to sue Andy. And it’s the last thing I want to tell Avery this week, when she’s so concerned about her brother’s hearing.” Grey pinched the bridge of his nose. “I don’t know how much more her family can handle. Are you positive we can’t access that land anymore, or find another access point nearby?”

“There’s no other road access within a couple of miles of that ridgeline, and the forested parts aren’t passable in the snowcat. I’m pretty sure I’m right, but I’ll double-check. Maybe Kelsey can confirm it.” Trip’s brows drew together as he drummed his fingers on the table.

“Maybe my dad was right. Being an expert skier doesn’t make me an expert in the business of skiing. I should’ve just invested that money for retirement and kept working as a guide.” Grey stopped talking while the waitress delivered the pizza and two plates. “What the hell will I do if I lose everything?”

“Okay, enough of the pity party. We’re two smart, tough guys. We can figure this out. Maybe you can get a permit for ’copters. I promise, you won’t lose everything.” Trip lifted a steaming hot slice of pizza onto his plate. “But we need more info, more time, and more money.”

Trip’s eyes looked distant when he made that final remark, causing Grey to wonder about that sugar mama they’d joked about recently. Had Trip tried that avenue and been refused? Grey wouldn’t impose on his friend. He’d accept Trip’s help if offered again, but he wouldn’t pressure him. Besides, a heli-ski permit was still a pipe dream at this stage.

Grey took a bite of the pizza, though his appetite had dulled thanks to the topic du jour. He glanced at his watch, but realized he couldn’t interrupt Avery at work. He forced himself to eat another slice and finish his beer. After they paid the bill, they left the pub and stepped into the bright sunlight.

“Let’s not panic. I’ll go pump Kelsey for info. You call your lawyer and find out what you can. We’ll regroup tonight and plan your next steps.”

“I really don’t know what to say to Avery. It sucks that I might not be able to keep my promise.”

Trip tilted his head and studied Grey. “Like I said before, if she’s as invested in you as you seem to be in her, she’ll support you.” Trip batted a fist against Grey’s bicep. “Buck up. I’m going to hunt down Kelsey. See you at home later.” He turned on his heel and began walking toward Kelsey’s office.