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‘My friend Pete,’ Jo-Jo said. ‘That’s how you found me.’

‘Your sister told me,’ I said. ‘She cares about you.’

‘Who asked her?’

‘They beat up Pete and killed old Schmidt,’ I said.

‘Pete? Schmidt?’ The automatic wavered. ‘Old Schmidt?’

‘They killed him trying to find you.’

The automatic steadied. ‘How do I know that, Fortune?’

‘Schmidt’s dead. Can you think of a reason? Pete’s in the hospital. Look at my face.’

‘A lot of guys’re dead. How do I know who killed Schmidt, or beat you and Pete?’

‘I know who beat me,’ I said, ‘I know Jake Roth when I see him. I’ve got a hunch we’ll both be seeing him pretty soon.’

‘You’re a liar. You’re working for the cops.’

The way he said, ‘You’re working for the cops.’ It was not the sound of the Jo-Jo Olsen I had come to know. Maybe, under pressure, we all revert to what is easy, to what we have rejected in our lives. The way a gentle man will often become the most violent when violence is forced on him. As if the thing rejected has been lurking all the time and waiting for its chance to burst out when our painfully constructed rational defences are down. Jo-Jo was being a hard boy. Tough and cold and bitter. I didn’t blame him much, but I had to reach him.

‘Maybe I’ve got the wrong Jo-Jo Olsen,’ I said. ‘My Olsen had ambitions, plans. Look at you. Hiding out like any punk. Working for Jake Roth. Sure, that’s what it adds up to, kid. Unless you’re trying to save your own skin.’

‘You want me to cry now or later?’

‘Maybe you killed Nancy Driscoll after all,’ I said, pushed. ‘Was that the first step on the way down? No, the second step. The first step was doing a rabbit to help Jake Roth.’


It had hit him. The automatic wavered again. I pressed him.

‘Tell me you didn’t know?’

He blinked those bright blue eyes. ‘Nancy? Dead?’

‘Okay,’ I said. ‘Maybe they killed her, too. Roth and his boys killed her trying to find you. How many more do you want?’

The automatic shook this time. ‘Nancy? What could she know about me? I didn’t see her for a hell of a time. She wanted to get married.’

‘When did you leave New York?’ I snapped.


‘Can you prove it?’

‘Sure I can prove it! Friday early, right after I talked to Pete. He must have told you!’

‘Pete didn’t see you leave the city,’ I said.

‘I left! Friday morn…’ he stopped. The automatic steadied. ‘You’re making it up. Trying to shake me.’

‘Shake you?’ I said. ‘You’re damned right I’m trying to shake you. I’ve got Jake Roth after me, too. A man who was dumb enough to play with Andy Pappas’ girl friend and animal enough to kill her. Who knows why? She probably knew something about him, something he didn’t want Pappas to know. Sure, what else? He makes a play for a girl, makes love to her, and maybe along the way she finds out something about him he doesn’t want her to tell Pappas. He gets scared. When Roth is scared he kills to shut you up. He’s scared of you, kid.’

Jo-Jo said nothing. He sat on the bed and watched me. I guess he was thinking about what to do about me. Maybe if he saw I knew the whole story he’d break down. At least I hoped that was what he would do. Hope was about all I had.

‘He needs that ticket, kid,’ I said. ‘You and me and maybe ninety-nine per cent of everyone else would have let it ride. The chances of it getting to Pappas were pretty slim. But Roth takes no chances, not when he can be safe with a little violence. I figure he killed Tani Jones just to be safe. He killed Schmidt and probably Nancy Driscoll just to find you. He mugged a cop for the other part of the ticket. You think he’s going to let you live now, no matter what your father says?’

I lighted a cigarette. I had led him to where I wanted him. I wanted him to think about Swede. I wanted him to think about why he was in this mess. I smoked and waited and listened for the sounds from outside I knew had to come. It was probably a few seconds, the wait, but it seemed like an hour to me.

Then he started. ‘He said Roth would feel safe, but I better take a trip anyhow. I remember the way he said it.’ In that hot motel room he was seeing the scene in his home that sudden morning. Swede scared and sweating. Roth was their cousin, their way of life, and would find out anyway. ‘It would be okay when I gave Mr Roth the ticket, but I better beat it anyway until it all blew over. Sure. He was on the phone telling Roth when I left.’

‘He knew Roth wouldn’t trust you. Not even if you gave up the ticket,’ I said. ‘Swede made excuses, but he knew.’

‘No, he didn’t know. He trusts Roth.’

‘He knows now Roth has killed to find you,’ I said.

‘All I got to do is stay away,’ Jo-Jo said.

‘Roth would kill his mother to be safe,’ I said. ‘He killed Tani Jones to be safe.’

‘I won’t talk,’ Jo-Jo said. ‘He knows that.’

‘No,’ I said. ‘Roth doesn’t know that, kid.’

Like Swede, he was talking to himself. Only in Jo-Jo’s case there was a difference. He wasn’t really trying to convince himself that Roth would let him go. He was telling himself that it did not matter, that he had no choice, that this was the way it had to be. He was not thinking of himself.

‘Why not talk?’ I said. ‘Then you’d really be safe. The police would protect you. Pappas would protect you. Talk and Roth is through.’

I’m safe anyway,’ Jo-Jo said.

‘Maybe,’ I said, ‘but why risk it? To protect Jake Roth?’

‘I don’t rat,’ Jo-Jo said.

On his lips it sounded dirty. The sordid code of bandits and killers. There is nothing good in that dirty code of the criminal. A mean code designed to protect only sharks and parasites.

‘Silence. Never talk,’ I said. ‘But not for Roth. It’s not for Jake Roth, is it? No, silence for your family, right? That’s it, and it’s no good, boy. In the long run, it’s no good.’

Jo-Jo looked at me. ‘I owe them that.’

‘You owe them,’ I said, ‘but not that.’

‘The old man can’t go back on the docks.’

‘What do you owe yourself?’ I said.

‘I’ll make out.’

‘You don’t really believe that they didn’t know what Roth would do,’ I said.

‘They trust him. They believe him.’

‘They don’t trust him, and you don’t. You’re on your own against a killer, boy, and you know it.’

‘No,’ he said.

But his voice was down to a whisper now. I had pushed him hard. Now I played my trump.

‘Why did you keep the ticket then, kid?’

Those blue eyes blinked at me. ‘What?’

‘You never gave Roth the ticket, did you?’ I said. ‘You left while Swede was on the telephone to Roth. You knew that Swede knew you had to run. When he told you it would be okay, but you better leave town anyway. You knew Roth would kill you even if you gave up the ticket. So you kept it for insurance.’

I watched him. It had figured all along that Roth did not have the ticket. Jo-Jo sat there and stared at me.

‘All right,’ he said. ‘I never trusted him. So what?’

‘They tossed you to the wolves, boy, and they did it for themselves. You know that, or you wouldn’t have run with the ticket.’

‘I owe them,’ he said. ‘They got to live. The family.’

He was really a good kid. A kid with big dreams. And he was caught. It’s always harder for the good ones. He wanted no part of Swede’s world. He knew what his family was, and he hated them; but he loved them, too. Whatever they were, they were his family, and he had a code of his own he was strong enough to try to stick to no matter what the risk. He might have been able to keep his code and also stay alive if I had not come along muddying the waters. I think Roth would have tried to silence him all the way anyway, but I had made it certain. It was up to me to try to save him.

‘How much do you owe them, Jo-Jo?’ I said. ‘How much do you owe yourself?’

‘I’ll keep ahead,’ Jo-Jo said.

‘All right,’ I said, ‘let’s say you can keep ahead of them. Let’s say no one rats on you. What then, kid? What about all that you want to do? What about those big plans?’