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"Don't cum!" the aroused brunette cried. "Not yet! I'm almost there! I'm almost cummmminnnnggg!" Eyes wide with the torture she was undergoing, she looked up at his straining, handsome face, and saw the frustration there as she cried out in desperation, "Keep fucking! Keep fucking meeeee!"

"Shit, it's gone," Lee Ashley moaned. "Damn thing just quit!"

"Oooooh, nooooo…" Candy groaned in frustration. Bitter tears filled her passion-glazed eyes, and when she could focus on his grimacing face, she said, "You didn't cum!"


It was not a question. It was a statement of fact. Although her sexual experience was extremely limited, she knew what it felt like when a man shot her full of his sperm. Her pussy was flooded with thick, hot, whitish cum. His cock got bigger and harder and twitched and she could actually feel the jets of his semen inside her. And this time there had been none of that! One instant he had been long and throbbing and fucking inside her-and then nothing!

"It happens sometimes," Lee said miserably. "I fuck great just so long, and then my prick quits. I can get it up again in a few minutes, maybe… if you help."

"Ooooooh, how?" the torturously-aroused girl moaned. She could still feel her vitals churning, on the very edge of giving her a real orgasm for the first time. She would do anything, if only he would get hard and go back into her just a few minutes should do it. No matter what the price, she was now so aroused she would do anything! She mumbled, "What do you want me to do?" "Suck it a little," Lee said.

"Not that… I never have!" the shocked girl protested.

"Candy, it's the only way." He rose above her, fingering the shortening, wet softness of himself. "Just take it in your mouth for a minute and we'll finish. Once it gets up again, it'll be a lot better than before."

"No," Candy Mullender protested weakly. She could see the obscene, shrunken mass of his cock, and it seemed incredible that just minutes before, it had been so hard and hot and thick and vital in her urgently-pulsing pussy… her love-starved pussy that needed it for just a little longer. It glistened wetly now with her own sweet-scented womanhood. "I never have."

"Candy, there's no other way," the lewdly-grinning actor said as he rose over her, peeling the loose, wet foreskin back. "Just seeing your lips tight around it will get me so horny that it'll be like a baseball bat!" Then, a compassionate tone coming into his voice, he said, "I feel like a shit, leaving you hung up this way-but you don't cum easy. Look, if you really don't want to, I'll go down, give you some head, get you off with my tongue. It won't be the same, but that's the best I can do."

"Ooooooh, my God…" the aroused girl moaned. She didn't want his tongue, even though she'd never had one. She wanted his cock, big and hard and thick and long, buried deep inside her hotly excited pussy, ripping her apart. She knew he was as upset as she was. She reached out to cup his balls and felt them heavy with his cum, sperm that he wanted to shoot into her as urgently as she wanted it. Her violet eyes managed to focus on the shrunken cock, and she found herself wondering what it would taste like. Every girl she knew sucked, so it couldn't be too bad… and she'd read several books written by marriage counselors and doctors who said it was performing normally when you indulged in oral sex. She felt her natural defenses crumbling, and whispered, "I'll try."

"And you'll dig it, Candy," he said confidently as he moved up the sofa until his cock was poised less than two inches above her partly-open lips. "Use the tip of your tongue and lick around a little… then open your mouth wide. Don't suck too hard."

"You won't cum in my mouth," she pleaded. "No… just get me hard again. Keep your lips over your teeth and play with it with your tongue."

Abjectly, unable to control herself, Candy Mullender took his soft cock into her fingers and stroked it teasingly, trying to urge an erection upon Lee before she actually had to suck, but nothing happened. He was crouched above her lust-tortured face, and she trembled as she brought the glistening tip to her lips. The heady man-scent filled her nostrils, causing them to flare. She steeled herself for what was to come. This was totally repulsive to her, yet if she was going to put out the raging fires in her loins, it was something she would have to do. She was willing to make the sacrifice. Her eyes could only see the curly-haired thatch of his pelvis and the still-swollen balls as he moved sinuously and the wet, slick head of his cock slid across her lips that were still open only a fraction of an inch. Candy had the thought that if he was hard and urgent, it might be easier for her to accept him into her mouth. But this wet softness was not at all arousing to her. Yet she had to do it. She tried and then shook her head and said, "I can't… You'll have to… to put it in my mouth."

"Okay… lick," he ordered.

Obediently, she extended her tongue, tasting a man's cock for the first time. Strangely, it wasn't unpleasant, and she had the vagrant thought, wondering how much of what she was tasting was him and how much was from her own hotly aroused pussy. She felt the soft, velvety cock-head slide across her wetly parted lips and steeled herself for the moment it would actually penetrate her mouth. She let her eyes close and surrendered herself to the teasing of his cock. She sensed that he needed every bit of sensuality in order to regain his erection. Relaxing, allowing him to do whatever he wanted with her trembling lips, she began to caress his naked ass-cheeks and his muscular legs and arms. She felt his cock twitch as he rubbed it over her cheeks, and she knew he had told the truth-if she helped him with her mouth, he would be able to finish what he started, give her what she so desperately needed between her legs.

"Ummmmm… " Candy whispered, sending her tongue on a new exploration down the length of his penis, licking the fragrant juices from it. Unconsciously, her hands began to trail over him, feeling his young, hard muscle structure. He was sweating, and the odor of him was acrid in her flaring nostrils. She opened her passion-blurred eyes to look at him as her fingers kneaded his biceps. Right now-kneeling above her-he could do anything he wanted with her. And then her horrified gaze fixed on the long line of scars on the inside of his elbows, and without consciously thinking of what she was doing, she violently thrust the naked actor away, clawing at him, slapping as she screamed, "Get away from me!"

"What in hell?" Lee Ashley blurted, trying to figure out what had suddenly come over this black-haired actress he had been trying to fuck for so long. Damn, she was hot for it-and now she'd freaked! "How come you flip?"

"You rotten son of a bitch!" she hissed, her full lips curling in distaste as her sharp nails clawed her arms. "I know why you lost it… went soft! You're shooting dope! What is it? Horse? Coke? Meth? Oh, you dirty, lousy rat!"

"Candy, it's not all that bad," he countered, rising above her, trying to get away from her savagely slashing nails. "I'm not hooked, or like that. Just enough to get a lift!"

"Get out!" she screamed wildly, flailing at him. "Smoking pot is bad enough! But you're on HARD STUFF! How long? How many fixes do you need every day? How much does the habit cost, Lee? No-don't tell me-I don't want to know! Just get out! Out! Out you idiot!" Her voice fell as she began to sob. She turned away from him, curling into a ball on the sofa and the tears streamed while he awkwardly dressed. As he was going out the door, she raised her head, and said, "I feel sorry for you… really! Try to kick it. If I can help… I will. But don't come near me again until your body is clean. And I mean clean! Hit the street, junkie!"