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She tossed the phone aside and went back to watching a young teenage couple run from a psychotic murderer at summer camp. All of their bunkmates had already been murdered, including the girl’s BFF who lost her virginity the first night at camp to the stereotypical jock. They were found the next day floating face down in the lake.

The movie ended with the young couple bravely trapping the killer in a tool shed and setting the building on fire. The brave, handsome young man embraced his girlfriend who sobbed in fear and relief and said softly, “It’s over Amy. It’s finally over.” His eyes glowed from the firelight and below them a sinister smile bloomed across his face which made the audience believe that maybe it wasn’t quite over after all.

Before the movie rolled the final credits, Kate paused the picture on the face of the boyfriend. “I can’t believe it,” she said with a mouthful of popcorn. Kate knew she had seen that face before, but just assumed she had seen him in other movies over the years. But with the screen paused and that sinister smile on his face, she realized she knew the actor much more intimately.

She dug into her purse and removed the business card that John had given her after that wild night at Pink. She dialed the number and listened to it ring a few times before a voice came on the phone over a pulsating beat. “Hello?” John said.

“Hi John. It’s Kate. We met last week at your club.”

“Oh of course. I was hoping you might call.”

“Hey, I have a weird question. Were you ever in a horror movie?”

John laughed excitably before answering, “Yes I was. Camp Carnage Two. I can’t believe you’ve seen it. It went straight to video.”

“How long were you an actor?”

“Only a year or so. I was in a few commercials, then I got the part in the movie because it was directed by a friend of mine in college. I didn’t get many offers after that, so I came to work for my dad at Pink.”

“That’s so funny. I picked it up out of the bargain bin at the video store yesterday. I have to say, you’re kind of cute in it.”

“I was also much younger. Hey what are you doing later? I’m leaving early. Do you want to go have a couple of drinks?”

Kate paused for a moment. She should have seen it coming. Why did she think she could just call and ask a question without being asked out? Then again, the night was still young, and she wouldn’t mind having a drink or two. “Okay. Give me an hour or so to get ready. You’ll pick me up right?”

“Sounds good. I have to go. We’ve had a lot of grabby customers today. It looks like I’m going to have to start kicking some people out.”

Kate gave John her address and quickly jumped in the shower. “I’m not going to have sex. I’m not going to have sex,” she repeated, trying to hypnotize herself into believing she wouldn’t have sex. But the more she repeated the word sex, the more she thought about it. And the more she thought about it, the hornier she got.

Maybe if she used crude language.

“I’m not going to let him fuck me. I’m not going to let him fuck me,” but soon her hands were caressing her breasts and her soapy fingers worked on her vagina and she knew she wouldn’t be able to control herself if he even hinted that he wanted to have sex.

“I’m not going to let him fuck me in the ass,” she said, but even that was questionable.

The doorbell rang an hour and a half later. The two exchanged pleasantries and a hug. Kate decided to wear a pair of jeans that hugged her ass nicely and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. It was cute, but a clear step down from the dress she wore last week and she wondered how John might respond to it.

He answered by giving her a firm pat on the butt as she stepped out the door. Kate knew they were going to fuck later on.

John drove a blue Trans Am that looked like it belonged in a car show, save for the worn out interior that clearly hadn’t been replaced since it was a new car. A pair of fuzzy dice hung from the rear view mirror and Kate batted it with her hand as they pulled out of the drive way. “I haven’t seen these things in years,” she said as the dice swung slowly back and forth.

“You like those? I found them at a yard sale. This was actually my first car when I was a teenager. I sold it before I went to college, but then last year I saw an ad for it in the newspaper. I just had a feeling it was the same car so I went to look at it and I was right. The guy sold it to me for five hundred dollars and I spent another three grand fixing the engine and body, but I’m glad to have it. I had a lot of great times in this car,” John said.

“How do you know it’s the same one?” Kate asked.

John leaned over and opened the glove box. On the inside of the door, the initials JM + PS were engraved into the plastic. “Who is PS?” Kate asked.

“Penny Sawyer. My old girlfriend. She made me a man in this car,” John said with a smile.

“That’s cute,” Kate said and started to shut the glove compartment door before a sloshing sound stopped her. She reached into a glove box and found a bottle of vodka waiting for her in the dark. She held it up in the dim light of the car cabin.

“I was wondering what I did with that,” John said.

“Do you always have liquor ready?”

“No. I was going to a party and I forgot to bring it in with me. I’ve been looking for that.”

Kate laughed as she examined the label. The plastic cap snapped as she twisted it open. It smelled acidic and cheap. “Whoa! This stuff is potent,” Kate said as she replaced the lid.

“That’s what we used to drink in high school. It’s awful, but I was feeling nostalgic.”

“Well how would you like to get lucky with girl number two in this car?” Kate said while running her hand up and down John’s leg.

“What do you have in mind?”

“Let’s go to the park, drink this vodka, and make out like in high school.”

The tires of the Trans Am squealed as John stopped the car and made a U turn toward the other direction. It was a short drive to the park, and before long, they were listening to the radio and passing the bottle back and forth as they sat parked in a dark field that they used to go to when they were teenagers.

“Oh god,” Kate moaned as John kissed at her neck and made his way down her chest. They were both shirtless and struggled to find a comfortable position in the small cabin of the car.

“I have to be honest,” John said after Kate removed her bra and tossed it to the floorboard, “You’ll actually be girl number three in this car.”

“Oh yeah. Tell me about them,” Kate said.

They had managed to squirm their way into the back seat which was still small, but at least Kate was able to lay down. John laid on top of her and fiddled with the zipper on his jeans. “Well there was Penny. She was my first. I laid on top of her here in the back much like this. It was clumsy and not my proudest moment, but she was gorgeous. A little blond with a slender body and perky tits that were perfect for her size. The second girl was a year later. A Mexican girl that I met at a party. She was a champ. She straddled my dick in the driver’s seat and rode me like she was competing in a rodeo. Her big brown boobs bounced in front of my face. I could barely get her to talk to me at the party. I thought she was shy, but once we started fucking, she wasn’t shy at all. She moaned and panted loudly, I thought we might get caught, but she didn’t care. She kept repeating something in Spanish. I didn’t understand it, but the way she looked at me as she grinded on my cock, god, she wanted it bad. She was a slut, big time.”

“Sounds like I have a lot to live up to, but don’t worry, I can be a slut too,” Kate said.

“I know you can baby.”

John’s dick slid inside of Kate and she tried to spread her legs apart, but was blocked by the front seats. She lifted one leg up until the bottom of her foot touched the roof of the car. “I can be a slut if I can figure out how to do this,” Kate said while giggling.