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"Freedom of movement is still one of our fundamental rights, Ted," Karen said, quickly throwing up her hands. "And before anyone gets on my case about the Declared Areas, can I just say, grow up. They're declared for good reason, and you know it. As to our expatriate community, what can I say? Every American is free to come and go as they please. This stuff I've been reading about foreign governments impeding their return, it's just hogwash. Obviously, we would prefer to have everyone back home again. We need all hands on deck to rebuild this country, but we are not in the business of forcing people to do anything."

Koppel was on his feet again, waving a pen at Milliner to beg her indulgence for a supplementary question.

"How can you say that, Ms. Milliner, when the administration indentures returnees for five years?"

Karen smiled.

"That's overstating the case, don't you think, Ted? People are free to return of their own volition, and if they do it at their own expense, they are free to live and work wherever and however they choose. But I don't think it's wrong to ask people to give something back if they rely on the taxpayer to get them here and support them when they arrive. There are no freebies anymore, Ted. Everyone works. Everyone pays. Everyone does their bit. The Congress and the president have made that clear, as have the American people, given their repeated endorsement of the mutual obligation policy at the ballot box. Was it not Captain John Smith at Jamestown who said, 'He who does not work, shall not eat'? We are not asking anything less than Smith did."

Culver almost rolled his eyes at Milliner's chutzpah, but he remained outwardly blank-faced. Very few people had the resources to get themselves home from overseas, which left most returning expatriates with only one option: to hitch a ride with Uncle Sam. And it most definitely was not a free ride. Koppel looked like he was gearing up for a head-butting session with Milliner, but she cut him off with a wave and a disingenuous smile as Kipper suddenly appeared from within the shadows behind her, where he'd been waiting, skimming the notes Culver had prepared for him, they hoped. The boss was notorious for refusing to stick to his talking points and for going off topic at the merest provocation. He did like talking to people, and even reporters were people, as he'd told Jed more than once. Kipper squinted briefly as he passed from shadow into the bright, warm light of high spring. He seemed to sniff the air and took the time to look around as he made his way to the podium.

Karen Milliner formally introduced him, and everyone stood for a moment, which was where the formalities pretty much ended. James Kipper did not enjoy the formal trappings of office and shook them off at every opportunity. He took his place behind a single microphone that was used to record audio for all the assembled media, his hands in the pockets of his jeans. He'd ditched the flak jacket before appearing in front of the press, some of whom were still in their own.

"Thanks for coming, everyone," he said chattily. "I know it's a hell of a trip getting out here, and I appreciate the effort involved. It's important."

Koppel waved his pen at the president, probably hoping to take up where he'd left off with Milliner, but all he got was a cheeky grin.

"I'm sorry, Ted. I'll be happy to talk your ears off about the Homesteading Act and the whole mutual obligation thing on the plane going back, but we're here to talk about one thing this morning, and I have promised Karen and Jed that's all I'm gonna talk about." Koppel did a good job of looking chagrined, but he settled back to listen.

"As you know from the precautions we had to take getting you all here today, this city is not the safest place. My security guys had what my granny would've called a fit of the vapors when I told them we were coming here."

Jed watched the audience closely. Only a few of them smiled.

"Right now," Kip continued, "while we're sitting here in this old fort, there are probably a minimum of eight thousand looters, scavengers, whatever you want to call them-a horde stripping this city of anything they can carry off. There are tens of thousands more up and down the East Coast and all the way around into Texas. Most of them are just small-time racketeers, crooks, and so on. But there are a couple of big organized criminal groups out of Europe and Africa, too. The navy and coast guard have been doing what they can to interdict them, but we just don't punch at the same weight we used to. A lot of them get through, and they are stripping the cities bare. Some of them are even pushing into the interior."

Jed resisted the urge to let his head drop into his hands. There was just no telling Kipper. As much as he tried to teach his boss the dark arts of spin and issue management, the guy was determined to speak his mind, no matter how damaging. Culver could see the headlines already. "President Admits the East Is Lost." "Raiders Pushing into the Heartland." Most of the reporters were already madly scribbling away on their notepads. He shared a quick, furtive, and despairing glance with Karen Milliner as the president pushed on.

"Now, while I agree that capturing and killing as many of these thugs as we can is important," Kip said, "it's not the only answer. I could order the army to kill every single pirate in New York today, and a month from now the city would be crawling with them again." More furious scribbling. "President Throws in the Towel." "President Admits Piracy Problem Is Beyond Him."

"There is only one way to reclaim the eastern seaboard, and for that matter the interior of our continent. And that is to actually reclaim it."

Kipper paused to let the moment sink in. Here it comes, Jed thought. The money shot.

"This morning I signed an executive order requiring the armed forces to seize and secure eighteen strategically important sites on the East Coast, including here in New York. We will spread out from those sites, which will become colonies, if you will, where any returnee who is willing to take on the risk can settle freely anytime six months after their repatriation. Those six months will be spent in full-time preparation for resettlement. Additionally, any immigrant willing to take the fast track to U.S. citizenship can settle freely after two years, including eighteen months of mandated service and six months of settlement training. Long story short, that's it. Any questions?"

It took all of half a second for the press corps to react, but when they did, it reminded Jed of the ringing of the bells at the old stock exchange. In one master stroke the president had outbid the foreign powers for U.S. human capital and most likely performed an end run around Blackstone down in Texas at the same time. The reporters all seemed to explode suddenly out of their seats, flinging questions at Kipper, who smiled and waited for the uproar to die down a little before pointing at Joel Connelly from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

"So, Mister President, you're rescinding the requirement for returnees to work in the National Reconstruction Corps for five years?"

Kip smiled and shook his head. "Only if they take on the risk of settling in one of the new colony sites."

"What about exemptions for veterans?" Novoselic asked. "Will they be obligated-"

"They've already given their pound of flesh," Kipper replied. "We won't be asking anything more of them."

More furious questions flew up at the podium, but Connelly won out again.

"Well, just how risky will it be?"

"Very," said Kip. "It's a frontier, Joel. And frontiers, as we know from our old history books, are dangerous places. Some of our efforts will fail. Some people will die-"