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Heinrich looked around at his men. “You all heard the man. Now put these two where they can’t get into any more trouble.”

The men grabbed them and threw them into the back of the utility. Two crawled into the bed with them and, once the others got into the cab, rapped on the roof. The vehicle lurched off over uneven ground throwing Cassidy and N’go about like unsecured crates.

After an eternity of painful buffeting and slamming against the metal sides, the vehicle stopped. Riordan and N’go were slid out and pulled upright. The heavy log building boasted welded steel bars at the three windows Riordan could see.

“Move out,” Heinrich ordered.

“How long will we be here?” Riordan asked, biting off each word.

“Until your trial. And after that until they hang you.”

He felt like weeping.


Tanana, Provisional Capital of Alaska Republik

“Mr. First Speaker, we captured Riordan and N’go. They are the first prisoners in the new jail.” Cassidy grinned. “So how do you feel, Pelagian?”

“Euphoric and hopeful. I know this is going to be a tumultuous four years. But since we’re all brand new at it, I think we can pull it off.”

About the Author

Stoney Compton has had novelettes and short stories published in Universe 1, Tomorrow, Speculative Fiction, Writers of the Future Vol. IX and Jim Baen’s Universe. His novel, Russian Amerika (Baen Books), was published in 2007, and Alaska Republik is the sequel.

He is a native of Grand Island, Nebraska. He served an enlistment in the U.S. Navy where he had the honor of being a crew member on USS Yorktown, CVS-10, as well as in VR-24 Det in Naples, Italy.

During his thirty-one years in Alaska he worked as a produce apprentice; shipping & receiving clerk; gandy dancer for the USAF/Alaska Railroad; emergency firefighter for BLM; school bus driver; cameraman and film editor for KTVF-TV in Fairbanks; media specialist for Tanana Chiefs Health Authority; art director for Tundra Times, an Alaska Native weekly newspaper; freelance artist in Fairbanks and Juneau; and art director for KTOO-FM&TV public broadcasting for Juneau. He operated Ptarmigan Ptransport & Ptours in Juneau, was a Motorcoach Commander for Princess Tours, and worked for the Alaska Departments of Fish & Game, and Health & Social Services. For a year and a half he worked for the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center in Seattle. His fine art has been in juried shows from New York to Hawai’i, and Alaska to California.

He now lives in the Las Vegas, Nevada, metro area with his wife Colette, their ever-changing number of cats, and Pullo, their energetic Australian Blue Heeler. He is an avid hiker and velocipede enthusiast. He is a Visual Information Specialist at the 6th Combat Training Squadron, Nellis AFB, Nevada.




Russian Amerika

Alaska Republik


Alaska Republik

This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

Copyright © 2011 by Stoney Compton

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.

A Baen Books Original

Baen Publishing Enterprises

P.O. Box 1403

Riverdale, NY 10471


ISBN: 978-1-4391-3417-7

Cover art by Kurt Miller

First printing, March 2011

Distributed by Simon & Schuster

1230 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY 10020

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data


Pages by Joy Freeman (www.pagesbyjoy.com)

Printed in the United States of America