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And officer Ю. Ф. Лисянский not of the highest military grade (at that moment) was a so significant figure, that had an opportunity to meet and to talk to the president of USA.

Let's assume, that the presidents of USA communicate (communicated) with the people of a different social status.

Let's return to the descriptions of the first Russian round-the-world expedition(dispatch). Пристрастность of the authors, ambiguity of the stated information: it is "'bad" or "'well"? It is more, probably, "'well", than "'poorly": it means, that to a theme the interest is kept, that the theme continues to excite new generations, that the theme is urgent, is interesting.

Reading the various books about Ю. Ф. Лисянском and And. Ф. Крузенштерне, comparing read, the author has decided(solved) to state some reflections, conclusions, generalization in the given sketch.

The author did not put a task to realize some kind of "'равноудаленность" in relation to two great round-the-world seafarers. Though such "'равноудаленность" - in an ideal - would be desirable. And. Ф. Крузенштерн and Ю. Ф. Лисянский the outstanding people have come in a history as. And. Ф. Крузенштерн has made a lot of useful both for Russia, and for all world, and for a world(global) science during round-the-world navigation 1803-1806 years and after his(its) end. At the same time, if in the given sketch also will be shown certain "'несбалансированность" in relation to the participants of round-the-world expedition(dispatch), such "'несбалансированность" will be, nevertheless, naturaclass="underline" on pharmaceutical weights the information and estimations will not weigh.

2. ' They project to go round around of light ', ' to make more, than Лаперуз '

Whether ' Can imagine, that not were able and not having means to build of court, they project to go round around of light. At them lack of alclass="underline" can not find for travel neither astronomer, nor scientist, натуралиста, decent doctor. With similar equipment, even if the sailors and the officers were good, with what sense from all it can turn out?.. By one word, they undertake to make more, than Лаперуз, which has encountered considerable difficulties, in spite of the fact that it(he) and his(its) employees had considerably large opportunities. I do not hope, that it should be well terminated, and I shall be rather dissatisfied, if we shall lose dozen rather good officers, which we not so that have a lot of ' (From the letter of the minister военно of sea forces to the Russian ambassador of England. Цит. On: [Фирсов And. И.]).

First in the world the project of round-the-world navigation, probably, has formulated and has presented for consideration Фернан Магеллан on a boundary 1400 х - 1500 х of years (organized Магелланом round-the-world expedition(dispatch) - first in a world(global) history - was held in 1519-1522 years).

Russia was not separated from западно of the European countries by an insuperable wall. By and large, the information on the plans round-the-world плаваний and about realization of these plans reached the inhabitants of Russia.

October 20, 1696 Петр I has lead(carried out) through Боярскую Duma the offer ' to Sea courts to be ... ". This date is nowadays celebrated, as Day of the basis Russian regular военно of a marine sea fleet [Авадяева Е. Н.].

The people having seaworthy knowledge of a high level have appeared, the professional fleet has appeared.

From that time the idea of round-the-world navigation is obvious or латентно was present at minds(wits) of the inhabitants of Empire.

Under the version Both. And. Фирсова the first distinct(clear) project of organization of round-the-world navigation with call on Kamchatka has arisen at вице of the admiral the column Николая Головина in connection with organization of expedition(dispatch) Беринга (1732) [Фирсов And. И.]. In that time the project Н. Головина has not found support.

The round-the-world navigation became real in a reign Екатерины II. Idea has supported Александр Андреевич Безбородко (1747 1799), secretary императрицы. Вице the president of Admiralties of board of the columns Иван Григорьевич Чернышев ' in 1781 began at own expense equipment of round-the-world expedition(dispatch). Командовать by the ship the aide-de-camp лейтенант Григорий Иванович Муловский owed it(him) генеральс. In September, 1787 the ships of expedition(dispatch) ' were in complete readiness for a campaign '. However ' on September 7, 1787 there was a Manifest with the announcement of war of Turkey '. October 4, 1787 the captain 1 го of a rank of. And. Муловский has asked the sanctions to an output(exit) in the sea for the beginning expeditions(dispatch). The answer has not followed. October 28, 1787 there was a decree императрицы about a cancellation of expedition(dispatch). In 1789 during sea battles with the Swedish fleet of. And. Муловский was lost [Фирсов And. И.].

In a number(line) of the references the authors is art домысливают of reflection and experience And. Ф. Крузенштерна, Ю. In. Лисянского, other seamen in connection with (ready to realization, but not holding) expedition(dispatch) of. And. Муловского. If to go on a way of art modeling, it is possible to assume, in first, that has arisen ' синдром Муловского ' (' that that can be broken at last moment '), and, in second, that ' синдром Муловского ' became one of the reasons independent (separately from And. Ф. Крузенштерна) unceasing navigation Ю. Ф. Лисянского from Кантона (China), in Portsmouth (England).

In 1796 the reign Екатерины II was finished. After failure of expedition(dispatch) of. And. Муловского real attempts to organize round-the-world navigation at императрице did not renew.

Екатерину II has replaced at a rudder of the state Павел I. His(its) reign was short enough and inconsistent. The attitudes(relation) with England have become aggravated. Serious attempts to organize round-the-world navigation at it(him) was not undertaken.

March 12, 1801 on Russian престол has entered Александр I.

' Александр I has put the end to the conflict in the attitudes(relations) with England and Spain which has inflamed per last years of a reign Павла I, having signed the simultaneously confidential convention with France. This peace pause, свидетельствовавшая about intention of Russia to be discharged of participation in англо the French rivalry in Europe and to engage in the decision of tasks of the economic life, was used for preparation and realization of measures on strengthening positions of Russia in north of Silent ocean and including for organization of the First Russian round-the-world expedition(dispatch) ' [Пасецкий In. М.].

' In 1793. Крузенштерн, Беринг, Лисянский and some other officers of Russian fleet have received business trip in England, длившуюся 6 years ' [Пасецкий In. М.].

Years of life Ивана Фёдоровича Крузенштерна: 1770 - 1846, Юрия Фёдоровича Лисянского: 1773 - 1837. (We shall inform also years of life Николая Петровича Резанова: 1764 - 1807).

In the period "of 'business trip" after various events And. Ф. Крузенштерн has appeared in India, where has met one @. With. Лебедевым, recognized now by one of основоположников востоковедения in Russia.

' Having named Герасимом Степановичем Лебедевым, it(he) began to tell a history of the extraordinary life. (...) Лебедев asked Воронцова to ask a permission to equip three three-mast vessels under Russian flag from Calcutta in St. Petersburg. (...) Крузенштерн long reflected concerning heard. His(its) plan, at first not clear and blurred, accepted more and more distinct(clear) outlines ' [Штейнберг Е. Л.].