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‘But he’s not here,’ I pointed out.

‘Don’t say I didn’t warn you,’ Humphrey replied before climbing a tree to watch. I thought about joining him but then I’m not exactly a fan of trees, having been stuck up one in the past, so I stayed on land.

The children were having a lovely time and Viola started to smile at last. But then I heard, ‘peep, peep, peep’. The whistle was loud and a bit too close for comfort.

Jack, who had been standing on the swing, fell off. Emily and Viola rushed to him; he’d landed on his bottom.

Peep, peep, peep. Just what do you think you are doing?’ Mr Green shouted.

‘Um, Uncle, we were just having a race,’ Nathan explained.

‘Nathan, you should know better. When we invited you to stay we expected you to obey the rules.’ He pulled his book out. ‘You have broken rules 77, 89, 111 and many more. I’ll take that—’ He snatched the football out of Stanley’s arms. ‘Balls can only be played with in the designated ball area, rule 199.’

‘Wow, he likes his rules,’ Stanley said after he’d gone. I miaowed in agreement.

‘Boy does he.’ Nathan looked downcast. ‘It’s not like I even asked to come to stay. I was hoping to spend the summer back home in the US, playing with my friends, but no, because my parents were busy with work, I end up miles from home, in a caravan with Aunt and Uncle Green!’

‘Sorry to hear that, mate.’ Stanley squeezed Nathan’s shoulder sympathetically.

‘What shall we do now?’ Jack asked. Viola looked at Emily but stayed silent.

‘I know a real good trick,’ Nathan said, suddenly grinning.

‘What?’ The others crowded round him.

‘Follow me to the shower block and I’ll show you.’

They all walked off and I made to follow them. I felt Humphrey come up beside me.

‘Hiss,’ he said.

‘What?’ I asked.

‘This is not a good idea. Nathan’s unhappy and I think he’s looking for trouble.’

‘What’s the matter with him?’ I asked, interested. I was a cat who always helped humans in trouble, after all.

‘He’s homesick. Poor kid got sent over here because his parents are working away and he misses home.’

‘That’s something I have some experience of.’ I explained about Stanley and Viola and how I’d accidentally ended up in the van.

‘We’d better go and keep an eye on them; this isn’t going to end well.’ He bounded off and I followed him.

Nathan led them to the back of the shower block. He giggled as the others watched him turn a big tap. Four people, wrapped in towels, heads covered in shampoo, ran out screaming.

‘It’s freezing,’ someone cried.

‘The water’s gone cold,’ someone else shouted. Lots of voices shrieked all at once.

‘You did that?’ Viola asked. She looked cross. Nathan fell about laughing.

‘But we’ll get into trouble,’ Emily said. Jack looked as if he might cry.

‘Run,’ Stanley said; they all ran. I heard the whistle and Mr Green rounded the corner, blowing it furiously. Angry people crowded round him as he tried to pacify them, with Humphrey at his feet.

I found the children sitting outside our van. None of them looked happy.

‘What did you do that for?’ Stanley demanded. ‘We could have got into big trouble.’

‘I don’t know; sometimes I just can’t help myself,’ Nathan admitted. ‘I guess I did it because I miss home.’

‘But getting us into trouble isn’t going to help you,’ Stanley pointed out.

‘Sorry,’ he mumbled.

‘Look, we need to have fun but not get into too much trouble. I know, I have a lot of experience of trouble,’ Stanley said. He did.

‘What can we do now?’ Jack asked.

‘We can play table tennis – there’s a table in a room by the clubhouse. We’re allowed,’ Nathan said.

‘Yay!’ Jack was excited again. As they stood up, Mrs Clover appeared.

‘Viola, it’s time for piano practice – come along.’

Viola looked sadly at the other children as they all ran off.

‘But—’ she started.

‘Chop chop, Viola,’ her mother said.

‘I’ll never make friends at this rate,’ I heard her mumble.

‘What, dear?’ Mrs Clover asked.

‘Nothing, Mum,’ Viola sighed. 

Chapter 3

Viola was still unhappy the following morning. And no one but me seemed to notice. Mr Clover was loving the fresh air; Mrs Clover was drawing – something she said she never normally had time for. Stanley was happy – all the children were going on a campsite treasure hunt, and he enjoyed being with his new friends. I needed to do something for Viola – it seemed I was her only chance.

The children waited by the clubhouse. Jack was bouncing around, Emily hung back, a bit like Viola – they were so alike they could have been friends, if only one of them would speak! I felt my fur tingle as an idea started coming to me.

‘Guys, listen up. This treasure hunt sucks,’ Nathan said.

‘What does sucks mean?’ Jack asked.

‘It means it’s rubbish,’ Stanley explained – being an adventurer in training meant he was good at international languages.

‘Yeah, it’s rubbish. The prize is some dumb candy.’

‘What’s candy?’ Jack asked.

‘Sweets,’ Stanley said.

‘So, anyway, here’s my plan. How about we all pretend not to understand the clues? It’ll be so funny,’ Nathan suggested.

‘That does sound funny,’ Stanley said.

‘Will we get into trouble?’ Viola asked.

‘Nah, Uncle Green will just think we’re stupid,’ Nathan said.

‘But I really like sweets.’ Jack sounded upset.

‘You can get candy anytime but this will be more fun, trust me,’ Nathan said.

I miaowed – it sounded strange to me – like it could get them into BIG trouble. They really shouldn’t trust him.

‘But, but—’ Jack looked as if he might cry. Emily put her hand on his shoulder.

‘Great, so we’re all agreed. This will be so cool.’ Nathan gave all the children a high-five.

Mr Green approached with a girl I hadn’t seen before. She was about Stanley’s age, with dark hair in bunches and wearing dungarees.

‘Ah, you are all here,’ Mr Green said, blowing his whistle. ‘I do like punctuality. Come on, line up, line up.’

‘I’m Poppy,’ the new girl said. Stanley and Nathan looked at each other, about to tell her what they were up to, but Nathan put his finger to his lip.

‘Yes, sorry, this is Poppy. Her family just arrived so luckily she is just in time for the treasure hunt.’ He blew his whistle again. ‘Not only do we get some fresh air but also we get to exercise the grey matter.’

‘What?’ Jack looked terrified. I thought he probably wouldn’t have to pretend not to get the clues.

‘Your brain,’ Emily explained as Mr Green set off.

I followed them, trying to keep myself hidden from Mr Green. I wasn’t sure if cats were allowed on the treasure hunt. I was pretty sure I wasn’t.

‘Right, first clue. What has leaves but isn’t a tree?’ Mr Green asked.

‘A table?’ Nathan asked. Stanley giggled behind his hand.

‘No, try again,’ Mr Green said. They were standing by the bush which I was hiding under, and as I saw a piece of paper, I realised the answer. I tried to hide myself further as I saw Poppy’s hand reach in and retrieve the clue.

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