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‘Good plan, Alfie. Although the vet was nice, she was very kind, but still. Where’s George?’

‘Off playing somewhere. To be honest, I wanted him to go off so I could talk to you. You know, in case anything was wrong. Hopefully he’ll be back soon.’

‘Oh Alfie, what will we do with you? Come on, I’ll come with you, let’s go find our boy.’

We set off, the wind in our fur, the cold air whipping around our legs as we set off. We walked in companionable silence and I couldn’t help but think how lucky I was to have so many cats around me that I’d known for years, and that I cared so deeply about, and that cared about me. It made me return my thoughts to Hana, I really had to figure out a way to see her and make sure that she wasn’t too lonely. Loneliness was the worst thing and although it had been so long since I had experienced it, I had never forgotten.

George and I walked Tiger home and then went back to our place, where we bumped into Aleksy who was with Connie.

‘Hey guys,’ Aleksy said, petting us.

‘Meow?’ Aleksy didn’t normally come to our house on his own.

‘I just walked Connie home, but I better go, Mum will worry if I don’t get back soon. Not to mention that we have a mountain of homework, right Con?’ he grinned. I was startled, Aleksy hadn’t been this chatty for quite a while, or looked so animated. He wasn’t even staring at a screen. Was being a teenager over now? I certainly hoped so. I wanted my sweet Aleksy back.

‘Yes, and it’s only my first day,’ Connie giggled. I stared at them both, raising my whiskers. It looked as if they had become friends already which made me very happy. So, as I took George home for tea, all seemed right once again.

Chapter Six

‘So, I got a job,’ Sylvie said as she arrived at our house a few nights later, a bottle in her hands. ‘I know you might be busy, but I wondered if you fancied a drink to celebrate with me?’ She shrugged. She looked so attractive, with her eyes, which were a bit like Connie’s, sparkling.

‘What, already? The job, I mean.’ Claire said.

‘It’s nothing fancy but I got it through a friend of my sister’s, so total nepotism. But, you know, I haven’t worked for years, I’ve been an expat wife, so I was lucky to get anything, I think.’

‘Congratulations, come in, of course we can celebrate. The kids are in bed, Jon’s at the gym, so you’ve picked the perfect time.’ Claire ushered her in and I followed. Claire led her to the kitchen, pulling some glasses out of the cupboard and opening the bottle which was fizzy.

‘I really hope you don’t mind.’ Sylvie chewed her lip nervously. ‘I don’t normally go anywhere without arranging it …’

‘Don’t be silly. Honestly, I would rather you felt like you could pop round whenever you want, if we’re busy I’ll say, and you won’t take offence. That’s how it is with us, you know Polly and Frankie,’ Claire said.

‘That’s so kind, I can’t believe how lucky I was moving in next door to you!’ Sylvie said.

‘I moved to London years ago without knowing anyone so I understand how daunting it is. And, Sylvie, I moved here after my first marriage broke down in a horrible way. I made a friend from work, Tasha, she basically saved me from loneliness,’ Claire explained.

‘I’ve been away so long that I’ve pretty much lost touch with my friends from the UK. My sister lives in Bristol with her husband, but I gave my life up for my ex-husband, basically. Moving back here, well, it made me realise how much my life was tied up with his and that’s so sad. Thank goodness I got Connie out of it.’

‘What happened, exactly?’ Claire asked, putting two full glasses in front of them.

‘Total clichéUm, that’s nice,’ Sylvie replied, taking a sip of her drink. ‘My husband met a younger woman through work, and I now know they were having an affair, but then he declared himself in love with her and asked for a divorce.’

‘Wow, that’s awful. Is she Japanese?’

‘No, actually American, beautiful of course and young. Only in her twenties.’

‘Oh God, that’s so horrible. I am so sorry Sylvie.’ Claire’s eyes glistened with concern.

‘I’m sorry.’ Sylvie wiped a tear away. ‘I’m not good at celebrating yet. I felt as if my life was over, does that make sense? I’d devoted it to him. I gave up my career to follow his, I brought up his daughter for him, I didn’t really have anything but my family. Looking back that was very stupid of me but …’

‘Hey, no one knows what’s going to happen. He’s, well, I won’t say what he is, but I am so sorry.’

‘Then he gave me the option of staying to watch him with his new woman, so he could see Connie, and I just couldn’t. I was too humiliated, so I moved Connie back here, but I know she misses her dad and I feel so guilty about pulling her away. But Japan was about my marriage, I couldn’t stay there without it. There was nothing there for me but humiliation and I had to get away.’

‘You did what you had to do, honey,’ Claire said. ‘Look, don’t for one minute ever think it’s easy. I moved here after splitting from my ex-husband, as I said, but I only moved within this country, not from a million miles away. You must miss your friends.’

‘I do, and I Skype them, but it’s not the same. Anyway, sorry I’m being so maudlin – but I have to admit worrying about Connie settling in here is giving me sleepless nights.’ She lifted her glass.

‘And that’s understandable. But, cheers to your job – oh, what is it?’ Claire laughed. ‘I almost forgot to ask.’

‘It’s in a clothes shop, a gorgeous boutique in Clapham. Lovely clothes actually, quite expensive, but I did work in fashion in my old life, and I have a bit of a passion for it. I know I’m just a shop girl but it’s not too far away and it’ll just give us a bit of income.’

‘Well, I think it’s great. I’ll come and have a look but of course don’t tell Jonathan if it’s really expensive.’

‘Promise I won’t. Anyway, my sister’s friend, Jessica, she said if it works out, she’ll let me help with buying and display down the line, and so it will be quite fun. It’ll get me out of the house while Connie’s at school and it’s a good, positive move, I think.’

‘It’ll just do you good to have routine.’

‘Yes, I need to feel that I have a purpose. For so long now I’ve just been a wife and a mother.’

‘You’re never just a mother. But I do understand. I used to work long hours but I’ve been part-time since Summer and Toby, but to be honest I don’t miss it as much as I thought I would.’

‘I can’t pretend I don’t miss my old life although I wasn’t exactly a modern woman. I organised the house, my husband’s social life, took care of Connie and spent a lot of time with friends. But now being homewell, it’s different and the older Connie gets the less she’ll need me. I think it was the whole expat thing. I didn’t work, most of us wives didn’t. I made sure that Philip, my ex, that his life ran like clockwork. If he was home I cooked for him, made sure his laundry was done, packed for his business trips, arranged holidays, basically ensured his life was relaxing, and I kept most of the stress away from him. I dealt with any problems with Connie, he got the fun bits, but he had a pressured job so I thought it was important and in return I got to lunch with my friends, travel, buy pretty much what I wanted, and for so long I thought it was enough for me, I thought it was enough for us.’

‘But it wasn’t?’

‘Not for him. And of course I worry about Connie. He’s still her father and she loves him.’

‘Oh God.’ Claire and I both shuddered. ‘I couldn’t cope with that, poor Connie.’

‘Anyway, time to rebuild. I might have been married for sixteen years but it’s time for me to look to the future. And to ensure that my little girl, who isn’t so little, isn’t too badly damaged by all this.’ She spoke with purpose.