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‘Wow,’ Claire said as she finished. ‘Harold, this is such a brilliant idea, why didn’t you tell me?’

‘You really think so?’ he asked. ‘I thought perhaps people would think me silly. I know I’m a foolish old man but being in hospital was a real eye-opener.’

‘Goodness no, you’re right we don’t think enough about all the lonely people … Oh my goodness and you’ve even made a list of names.’

‘It’s the ones from the senior centre, they really do get very lonely and you know they don’t have anyone to bring them a hot meal. It made me realise how lucky I was when I started going there and then in hospital, I had the most visitors but some people didn’t have any which is why Georgebecame so important to them. I keep meaning to take him back in but of course I need help and I didn’t think any of you would approve.’

‘Firstly, I will help you take George to the hospital, as it’s Christmas we can take biscuits and chocolates for the patients, it’ll be a lovely thing to do and I only wish I’d thought of it.’ Claire took Harold’s hand and I saw that he had tears in his eyes. ‘And as for your genius idea of the Sunday Lunch Club, how about we make it our project. We’ll work together and get it off the ground straight away.’

‘You mean it?’

‘Yes, we’re going to have Christmas lunch at the restaurant again this year, it’s so much easier with all of us and we can easily fit in extra people, especially if they have nowhere to go. We can easily organise that. And then for the long term I will get a few people on the street together,with you as well and we’ll get families to take someone in. Perhaps not every week, because that might be a bit much, but say twice a month to start with? Jon and I will definitely open our house to someone, as will Polly and Matt, Frankie and Tomasz will too, I am sure, then there are others.’

‘You think we can make this work?’

‘Yes, we’ll start with your ten and who knows, we might get more people willing to help out as well.’

‘Oh Claire, I can’t tell you this means to me.’

‘Meow,’ George said.

‘And George. You know we both felt that we needed to do something about people being lonely. I was so lonely not that long back, you know when Marcus and I fell out and I was a bitter old man, but look at me now … It was George’s idea as much as mine though.’

George purred.

‘You should say that at our meeting, Harold, because it’s perfect and yes look at you now. You’ve got a son, a nearly-daughter-in-law, a granddaughter and a new grandbaby on the way, not to mention all of us.’

‘And Snowball, George and Alfie, and of course Hana too.’

‘Woof,’ Pickles said.

‘You’re a dog, Pickles,’ Claire said petting him. ‘I always include the animals when I say us,’ she laughed. ‘You know I was lonely too when I first met Alfie, a long time ago, sometimes it feels like another lifetime, but I do remember how it felt and I wouldn’t want anyone to feel that way.’

‘Me either, which is why I so desperately wanted to do this.’ Harold had tears falling from his eyes.

‘We’ll make a brilliant team.’ Claire hugged him.

‘Meow.’ I jumped on Claire’s lap. Yes we would, Harold, Claire, George, Snowball and I. We would be the best team ever. And Pickles, he was part of our team of course.

Chapter Thirty-One

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We all turned up at Sylvie’s house the usual chaotic mass of people. The kids were excited because it wasn’t quite Christmas but it was close, Pickles was excited because since the chocolate incident he was back to usual. Jonathan had bottles in his hands, as did Matt, and Tomasz and Franceska turned up with food. It was so familiar. When Marcus came in with Harold and Snowball in tow, I realised that it was all as it should be. Apart from the fact that George and Hana had disappeared. Maybe this was my chance to find out what was really going on.

As everyone settled down to eat, I turned to Snowball.

‘We need to go and find out if Hana and George are together, once and for all,’ I said, sounding every inch the parent.

‘How?’ she asked.

‘We need to spy on them and before you say it, I know it’s an invasion of privacy but I really want to know.’

‘Why don’t you just ask him, Alfie?’ Pickles said. I hadn’t realised he’d been listening but I should have, as we were near the food bowls.

‘I’ve tried, believe me I have. Follow me.’ I headed upstairs and crept along the corridor to Connie’s room. In there, curled up on the bed were George and Hana, looking very cosy.

‘Right, keep quiet,’ I commanded.

‘There they are,’ Pickles shouted, blowing our cover immediately. They sprung up as Pickles waddled over to them, his tail wagging.

‘What are you doing here?’ George asked.

‘I could ask you the same, young man,’ I replied.

‘We were just having some time alone, Alfie, we weren’t doing anything wrong,’ Hana said sweetly, her eyes wide with worry.

‘Of course you weren’t,’ Snowball said, shooting me a glance which meant I would be in trouble later.

‘They were spying on you because they want to know if you are boyfriend and girlfriend,’ Pickles explained. That dog was as subtle as a sledgehammer, as he spilt all my sleuthing beans.

‘Why didn’t you just ask?’ George said.

‘That’s what I said.’ Pickles sounded pleased with himself.

‘I did, I’ve been asking you ever since we came back from holiday. I even tried to see for myself but I fell in a bush …’ Oops, I shouldn’t have said that.

‘I am fed up of you invading my privacy,’ George stormed. But then Hana laughed and Snowball laughed.

‘Oh George, don’t be cross. Firstly it’s nearly Christmas, and secondly, at least you have a dad who loves you,’ Hana said. ‘Put him out of his misery.’

‘Yes, put me out of my misery,’ I reiterated. ‘Please.’

‘OK. I love Hana, but we’re young and we don’t want to rush anything. So yes, she is my girlfriend but we’re taking it slowly.’

‘We’re being sensible, like Aleksy and Connie,’ Hana explained. ‘We’re young and we have plenty of lives left in us.’

‘Oh boy, I couldn’t love the both of you anymore,’ I said, leaping on the bed and nuzzling them both.

‘Ahh, get off,’ George said, but he was grinning.

‘What about me?’ We all laughed as Pickles jumped up onto the bed with us and licked us all.

Downstairs everyone was chatty. Food was eaten, we were given a few treats. Sylvie was smiling but in that way when someone is putting on a brave face and I knew she was going to miss Connie.

‘So are you excited about Japan?’ Matt asked her. She shot a worried look at her mum who just smiled.

‘I am, I’m nervous about flying on my own. It’s a long flight.’

‘But they’re going to take good care of you, I’ve made sure of that,’ Sylvie reassured. ‘And think you can watch whatever films you want without me telling you they’re not appropriate.’ She laughed a little and I was so proud of her.

‘We’ll all miss you,’ Claire said. ‘But imagine it will be such an adventure. And you can tell us everything when you get back.’

‘I want to go to Japan,’ Summer shouted.

‘Do you know where Japan is?’ Jonathan asked.

‘No, but I want to go anyway.’

‘Room in your suitcase, Connie?’ Jonathan said, and everyone laughed.

‘I couldn’t be doing with it myself. All that flying in a big tin can, people everywhere and then all that funny food,’ Harold said.

‘Harold, I grew up there, the food is normal to me,’ Connie pointed out.

‘That might as well be, if I was you I’d pack some bread, and some tea, in case you need to be reminded of home. I’ll miss you, lass,’ he said, softly. Connie ran and threw her arms around him.