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Miriam Bancroft looked at me for a moment, eyes widening, and then, convulsively, she threw her drink in my face.

“You arrogant little man,” she hissed. “How dare you? How dare you?”

I wiped drink out of my eyes and stared at her. I’d expected a reaction but it wasn’t this. I raked surplus cocktail from my hair.

“Excuse me?”

“How dare you walk in here, telling me this is difficult for you? Do you have any idea what my husband is going through at this moment?”

“Well, let’s see.” I wiped my hands clean on my shirt, frowning. “Right now he’s the five-star guest of a UN Special Inquiry in New York. What do you reckon, the marital separation’s getting to him? Can’t be that hard to find a whorehouse in New York.”

Miriam Bancroft’s jaw clenched.

“You are cruel,” she whispered.

“And you’re dangerous.” I felt a little steam wisping off the surface of my own control. “I’m not the one who kicked an unborn child to death in San Diego. I’m not the one who dosed her own husband’s clone with synamorphesterone while he was away in Osaka, knowing full well what he’d do to the first woman he fucked in that state. Knowing that woman wouldn’t be you, of course. It’s no wonder Sheryl Bostock’s terrified. Just looking at you, I’m wondering whether I’ll live past the front gates.”

“Stop it.” She drew a deep, shuddering breath. “Stop it. Please.”

I stopped. We both sat in silence, she with her head bowed.

“Tell me what happened,” I said finally. “I got most of it from Kawahara. I know why Laurens torched himself—”

“Do you?” Her voice was quiet now, but there were still traces of her previous venom in the question. “Tell me, what do you know? That he killed himself to escape blackmail. That’s what they’re saying in New York, isn’t it?”

“It’s a reasonable assumption, Miriam,” I said quietly. “Kawahara had him in a lock. Vote down Resolution 653 or face exposure as a murderer. Killing himself before the needlecast went through to PsychaSec was the only way out of it. If he hadn’t been so bloody-minded about the suicide verdict, he might have got away with it.”

“Yes. If you hadn’t come.”

I made a gesture that felt unfairly defensive. “It wasn’t my idea.”

“And what about guilt?” she said into the quiet. “Did you stop to consider that? Did you stop to think how Laurens must have felt when he realised what he’d done, when they told him that girl Rentang was a Catholic, a girl who could never have her life back, even if Resolution 653 did force her back into temporary existence to testify against him? Don’t you think when he put the gun against his own throat and pulled the trigger, that he was punishing himself for what he’d done? Did you ever consider that maybe he was not trying to get away with it, as you put it?”

I thought about Bancroft, turning the idea over in my mind, and it wasn’t entirely difficult to say what Miriam Bancroft wanted to hear.

“It’s a possibility,” I said.

She choked a laugh. “It’s more than a possibility, Mr Kovacs. You forget, I was here that night. I watched him from the stairs when he came in. I saw his face. I saw the pain on his face. He paid for what he’d done. He judged and executed himself for it. He paid, he destroyed the man who committed the crime, and now a man who has no memory of that crime, a man who did not commit that crime, is living with the guilt again. Are you satisfied, Mr Kovacs?”

The bitter echoes of her voice were leached out of the room by the martyrweed. The silence thickened.

“Why’d you do it?” I asked, when she showed no sign of speaking again. “Why did Marla Rentang have to pay for your husband’s infidelities?”

She looked at me as if I had asked her for some major spiritual truth and shook her head helplessly.

“It was the only way I could think of to hurt him,” she murmured.

No different to Kawahara in the end, I thought with carefully manufactured savagery. Just another Meth, moving the little people around like pieces in a puzzle.

“Did you know Curtis was working for Kawahara?” I asked tonelessly.

“I guessed. Afterwards.” She lifted a hand. “But I had no way of proving it. How did you work it out?”

“Retrospectively. He took me to the Hendrix, recommended it to me. Kadmin turned up five minutes after I went in, on Kawahara’s orders. That’s too close for a coincidence.”

“Yes,” she said distantly. “It fits.”

“Curtis got the synamorphesterone for you?”

She nodded.

“Through Kawahara, I imagine. A liberal supply as well. He was dosed to the eyes the night you sent him to see me. Did he suggest spiking the clone before the Osaka trip?”

“No. That was Kawahara.” Miriam Bancroft cleared her throat. “We had an unusually candid conversation a few days before. Looking back, she must have been engineering the whole thing around Osaka.”

“Yeah, Reileen’s pretty thorough. Was pretty thorough. She would have known there was an even chance Laurens would refuse to back her. So you bribed Sheryl Bostock with a visit to the island funhouse, just like me. Only instead of getting to play with the glorious Miriam Bancroft body like me, she got to wear it. A handful of cash, and the promise she could come back and play again some day. Poor cow, she was in paradise for thirty-six hours and now she’s like a junkie in withdrawal. Were you ever going to take her back there?”

“I am a woman of my word.”

“Yeah? Well, as a favour to me, do it soon.”

“And the rest? You have evidence? You intend to tell Laurens about my part in this?”

I reached into my pocket and produced a matt black disc. “Footage of the injection,” I said, holding it up. “Composite footage of Sheryl Bostock leaving PsychaSec and flying to a meeting with your limousine, which subsequently heads out to sea. Without this, there’s nothing to say your husband didn’t kill Marla Rentang chemically unassisted, but they’re probably going to assume Kawahara dosed him aboard Head in the Clouds. There’s no evidence, but it’s expedient.”

“How did you know?” She was looking into a corner of the conservatory, voice small and distant. “How did you get to Bostock?”

“Intuition, mostly. You saw me looking through the telescope?”

She nodded and cleared her throat. “I thought you were playing with me. I thought you’d told him.”

“No.” I felt a faint stab of anger. “Kawahara was still holding my friend in virtual. And threatening to torture her into insanity.”

She looked sideways at me, then looked away. “I didn’t know that,” she said quietly.

“Yeah, well.” I shrugged. “The telescope gave me half of it. Your husband aboard Head in the Clouds just before he killed himself. So then I started thinking about all the unpleasant stuff Kawahara had to play with up there, and I wondered if your husband could have been induced to kill himself. Chemically, or through some kind of virtual programme. I’ve seen it done before.”

“Yes. I’m sure you have.” She sounded tired now, drifting away. “So why look for it at PsychaSec and not Head in the Clouds?”

“I’m not sure. Intuition, like I said. Maybe because chemical mugging aboard an aerial whorehouse just didn’t seem like Kawahara’s style. Too headlong, too crude. She’s a chess player, not a brawler. Was. Or maybe just because I had no way to get into the Head in the Clouds surveillance stack the way I could with PsychaSec, and I wanted to do something immediate. In any case, I told the Hendrix to go in and survey standard medical procedures for the clones, then backtrack for any irregularities. That gave me Sheryl Bostock.”