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"Put your arms behind your head and push your chest out more." the man ordered. Amy complied as he began to talk to the crowd again. His hand came down on her left breast and began to squeeze it roughly as he tallied. A number of the men laughed or grinned in -esponse. Several shouted out something in their strange language.

"Turn around and bend forward." the man told her. Amy gulped and did as ordered, feeling less self conscious and slightly excited by all the men watching her nude body.

The man's hand slid over her buttocks, squeezing them, then down onto her pubic mound. His hand squeezed her briefly as he talked, then two fingers slid up into her vagina.

Amy gasped, as a hot burst of sexual excitement surged through her loins. The man's fingers pumped in and out cf her cunt for a minute, making her legs go rubbery. The man pulled his fingers out and held them up to the lights, so the crowd of men could see the girl juices glistening on them.

There were more shouts from the crowd. "Hands and knees." he ordered. Amy immediately dropped to her knees pushing her ass out at the crowd who yelled even more loudly. "On your back and hold your legs apart." he said, and Amy rolled on to her back, her groin toward the crowd, and pulled her feet far apart on the stage. The crowd yelled in response.

A sharp tug on her leash rolled Amy over onto her belly. "On your hands and knees!" the man ordered. She complied instantly, and he began leading her across the stage towards a small raised platform.

On it was a rounded sort of seat, like a saddle. This saddle though, had a long, fat dildo fixed to the center, pointing boldy upward. He jerked her up by the leash and pushed her towards the thing, and Amy fingerly got on, lowering herself with a little squeal of happiness onto the rigid rubber cock. "Fuck the cock!" the man ordered.

She needed little encouragement, placing her small hands in front of her and her feet flat on the floor only inches beneath, she began raising and lowering herself onto the big fuckstick.

The crowd was screaming and yelling with hapiness nad excitement as they watched the exquisite blonde woman ramming her crotch up and down onto the dildo.

The little platform turned slowly around, letting the crowd see her from all angles, from her parted ass cheeks to her gasping, deleriously happy face. The bids increased as they saw how hot and shameless she was on the instrument.

Amy didn't care who watched. Her eyes were fixed on her hands in front of her as she humped up and down, up and down, feeling the fucking tool thrust up into her guts with a mixture of ecstasy and fulfillment.

After a minute the shouting ended, and Amy was taken off the dildo to the back of the stage and brought down a different stairwell.

A tag written in Arabic was tied around her neck and she was placed in a cage. She sat around there for a while before a man came and gave her a needle.

She woke up to find her body lying nude on a table. Her skin felt damp and freshly scrubbed, and her hair was very wet. There was an Arab woman standing nearby fiddling with what looked like a hair dryer.


"Well, awake l see." she noted. The woman was very beautiful. She had long dark hair that came down to her waist, and was wearing a blue jumpsuit, with a white apron around it. Amy guessed she was around thirty.

"Since you're awake you can sit up and make this easier for me." she said, motioning at the girl. Amy fought weakly to raise herself, and the woman moved forward to help her, until she was sitting on the edge of the table.

"Why am I all wet?" she asked timidly.

"1 just gave you a bath." the woman answered, as she turned on the hair dryer. She worked it on Amy's hair until it hung in sleek waves around her shoulders and fell in cute bangs to just above her eyes. Amy sat quietly, swaying slightly, as the effects of the drug wore off. The woman finished and stepped back.

"Okay. You're done." she said. She helped Amy stand and walk out of the room into another. There were a number of gold chains and bracelets laying on a table there. The woman picked up the bracelets and began fastening them on Amy's wrists and ankles.

Amy gazed at them interestedly. They were all simple bands, about three inches wide, without decoration except for a round loop protruding from one side. She tugged at one experimentally. It wouldn't come off. It was locked tightly somehow she couldn't figure.

The explanation for bands came quickly enough. A thin, but strong gold chain was pushed through the holes. It ran from her collar, down to her right wrist, down to a thinner metal band that was placed about her waist, to her right ankle.

Another chain was looped between her ankles, and ran up the side of her left leg to fasten to the waistband, and then up to the collar again.

Amy stared down at the chains in dismay. She could only move her hands out together a foot or so. She could move one out further so long as she kept the other against her waist.

Another person came into the room, and inspected her. She was a huge ugly fat woman, and wore weird looking purple robes. "Goot." she said. "Come."

Amy obediently trailed behind her as she walked out of the room and down several narrow corridors. The chain between her ankles made her shuffle rather than walk. All her chains tinkled slightly as she moved.

Every few yards stood a soldier in full dress uniform. They stood unmoving as Amy shuffled by, but their eyes never left her. The woman led her to a wide pair of doors guarded by two more soldiers and knocked. Amy squirmed a little under the studious glare of the two soldiers. Somehow it seemed different than the eyes of the men she was used to. The sounds of laughter and music began to appear as the door opened.

She stopped next to the doors and turned to her. "You listen carefully girl." she said in a strangely accented voice. "I take you inside where people are and show you to Prince. You do what he tell you. Understand?" Amy nodded dumbly.

The woman grabbed her arms in her thick hands and squeezed until Amy yelped in pain, then she shook the blonde. "You obey him! You die otherwise! He order you kill!"

Amy cowered back, as the woman opened the door further and pulled her through.

Amy was led into an enormous room, that she at first thought was a ballroom. There were hundreds of people, all Arabs, wandering about or simply standing still talking. The woman led her up a wide aisle.

Amy's bare feet felt cold on the stone floor, and made little slapping noises as she walked slowly along. Every eye in the place turned to stare at her as she moved down the aisle.

Her old easiness at nudity began to evaporate quickly as the people watched her every move. Some stared hungrily, while others glared, or scowled. Some of them, such as the women simply sniffed, and turned away.

Everyone seemed decorously clothed except her. The men and women covered from head to toe in long robes of assorted colours. The women wore veils to cover their faces as well.

Amy felt her skin redden under their intense and often hostile scrutiny. She was bewildered by all of this. Nothing in her training had prepared her for a situation like it and the confused and embarrassed girl didn't know how to react.

As they reached the front of the room they climbed three steps onto a raised section where a man sat on a huge chair, like a throne she thought. Amy burned in embarrassment as everyone turned to watch her slow approach. "That is Prince Abdul, your master." the woman hissed to her.

She felt hundreds of eyes behind her as she shambled slowly forward, her chains clinking. She lowered her eyes, embarrassed at facing the splendidly dressed group of people gathered around Abdul.

The woman brought her to a halt a few feet in front of where he sprawled indolently on his throne, and stepped back to stand stolid and impassive a few feet away.

The room was oppressively hot, and Amy found herself sweating, not just from the heat, but from nervousness and apprehension.