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"I think you're going to like your new father," she said in a low throaty voice. "He seems to understand this kind of thing."

"Do you think he will, Mother," answered David. He too was feeling the pressure of not knowing what to say. One just did not fuck his mother every day.

"Do you have any regrets about what we did?" she asked, hoping that he didn't.

"No," he answered. "Do you?"

"No. At first I thought I did, but as soon as you started massaging my legs, I knew what I wanted, and I'm glad I did it."

"So am I." He held back from saying that he had wanted to fuck her ever since yesterday, figuring that it might make matters a little more uncomfortable.

"Maybe we can do it again some time," she whispered into his ear. "That is, if Larry won't mind."

"I think he'll understand perfectly, darling. And as long as we all have each other," answered David, "things can only get better for us."


As Larry climbed the stairs toward his bedroom, he thought he could hear voices. One was Ann's, but the other was a male voice, almost familiar. It couldn't be Roy. He had already left. There was no chance that he would come back without telling him. Larry strained his ears, trying to place the voice, and as there was a little more conversation, he recognized who it belonged to. It was David's. Now what was that little fucker doing in his mother's room? God, maybe he had gotten some of her hot little cunt too! Wouldn't that be beautiful. Well, he thought, better to wait until the kid was gone. He wanted to talk to Ann alone anyway and see how she liked his boss. But… God… it made his cock lurch tight in his pants at the thought that maybe she had let her own son fuck her too! If he went in and fucked her now, he would be the third guy to cum in her tonight!!!


Inside the bedroom, David was getting dressed.

"I think I'm going out for a walk or something," he told his mother. "I need a little time to be alone."

"I understand," she answered, smiling as she watched him pull up his pants. He was every inch a man, and she was glad that she had raised him properly, to respect his elders. He could tell that she wanted to be alone as well. They both had quite a bit to think about.

Buttoning his shirt, he turned to his mother, gave her a quick wink and opened the door, leaving the room as silently as he could so that he would not disturb her secret thoughts.


Larry ducked into another room as he heard the bedroom door opening, and he stuck his head into the hall to see David going down the stairs. Now he could have that little talk with his wife. Walking quickly down the hall, he placed his hand on the door knob and opened the door, walking into the bedroom in a single bound. His mouth curved into a smile as he saw his wife naked on the bed, her mouth still contorted with the lascivious delight of her recent orgasm.

"Didn't I see David just come from here?" he asked, hardly able to believe what he was thinking.

"Yes, he is my son, you know," she said turning her face to her husband and making her voice as sultry as she could. She loved him more than anything she could think of at the moment, and she wanted him to know it.

"What was he doing in here?" asked Larry, leading up to what he hoped to hear.

"He was just talking to me, why?" she teased, keeping her voice as low and sexy as she could. She knew he was fishing to see if David had fucked her and she was going to play the game to the fullest.

"Do you always talk to your son in the nude?" he asked, moving closer to the bed. His voice putting on a mock anger.

"I talk to my son any way I feel like it. Just like I talked to your boss, Roy."

"You better watch what you say to me, woman," hissed Larry. His eyes were glowing with an intense desire to fuck her with her cunt still filled with the cum of her fourteen year old son. They burned deeply into Ann, and it was all she could do to keep from showing him that she too, was ready to be fucked again but she wanted to tease him into a wild, angry fuck that they both would remember a long time. "Roy was a little disappointed with your performance tonight, and I think we ought to have a little talk about it," he said to put her on the defensive.

"I have nothing to say about it," she grinned wickedly back. "But he came beautiful in my mouth and watched me go to the bathroom." She said it, knowing it would drive him wild enough to really rape-fuck her.

"Well, baby, I'm gonna be the third one to fuck you tonight, and you're gonna be fucked by a real man."

His words hit her like a cold blast of water, and she reeled back from his attack. Larry smiled. He had had his suspicions ever since he had noticed that she was in the nude that David had fucked her too, but now they were confirmed.

"Do you deny that you let your son fuck you crazy," he teased, realizing now that she was trying to make him angry and fuck her that way. Well, by God, if that was what she wanted!!! Larry was on top of her in an instant. He slapped her so hard that she was thrown back onto the bed, her face stinging from the force of his blow.

"Listen, you little bitch," he hissed. "I'll fuck who I want and you'll fuck who I tell you. It's a good thing you sucked my boss' cock good tonight. You could have cost me my job at the plant."

"And I could give a shit about your stupid job at the factory. For all I care, both you and Roy…" she goaded him on.

She never got to finish her sentence. Larry had removed his belt and lashed out with the leather strap, catching her across both breasts and leaving a bright red welt on her creamy smooth skin. She had hardly recovered from the first blow when she felt another, stinging along her flat belly. She curled up into a little ball on the bed, trying to protect her sensitive organs from the brutal beating. Ooooh God, his anger was making her wetter and wetter again up inside her cunt!

"Now maybe you'll listen to what I have to say," he said, lowering his hand. "When I tell you to fuck someone, you better do it. And I don't want you fucking David anymore unless I can watch," he continued, taking off his pants. "Now it's my turn for a piece of that well-fucked little cunt of yours. Let's spread those long, beautiful legs wide and see what their cum looks like up inside your cheatin' little pussy."

"Why don't you go fuck yourself," she whispered to goad him wilder, and refusing to unfold herself. She was hardly surprised with the sting of his lashing, but she never thought she could get him to whip her a fourth time. Or a fifth. Again and again he lashed out with his belt, whipping across her soft, supple skin and leaving red welts where ever the searing edge of his belt fell onto her flesh. She thrashed her body, trying to get away from the endless blows of his belt, but there was no place for her to go. She fought desperately, trying to hold back the lust for awhile that was welling in her belly. She tried hard, but it was no use as his razor sharp blows lashed across her buttocks, across her belly, along her breasts, her cunt flamed wilder and there was nothing, she could do to stop it. Finally Larry ended the beating and smiled at the whimpering form of his welt covered wife.

"Now, let's see you do exactly what I want," he snapped.

Seeing that there was no way she could refuse him any longer without driving him crazy she turned over on her back and spread her legs, her eyes closed and her head turned to one side. Her arms were resting along her side, and she was determined that she was going to make her husband enjoy his rape-fuck. She would put on the best show in the world for him so that he would really think it was for real.