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He fucked her so hard and fast that it was almost impossible to maintain the degrading position, which meant she almost had to force her ass back towards his vicious pounding in order to stay balanced. It only made it worse- like she was fucking him back, his cock spearing so deep into her each time that she felt it in her belly, in every burning muscle of her body. Her toes curled, spasms of delicious warmth surged through her.

“Don’t you dare come, slut.” His voice was desperately strained from holding back. She realised that the whole time he’d been teasing her asshole open he’d wanted to just ram his cock straight into it.

Oh god, I will come though. She realised in horror. How was that possible? The fullness was just so intense. It was erasing all humanity from her, she just needed to breed. Her skin prickled with sweat, the fever heat of his hips smashing into her ass-cheeks felt like the most glorious thing in the world. She could hardly think about anything except the pain, but even that was slowly boiling away into a hot bath of liquid ecstasy. Pleasure was welling up in her hot and thick, a burbling fountain that she couldn’t control.

“Please Master,” she gasped, only barely able to speak.

“Don’t. Come.” He snarled, digging his nails hard into her hips. For a second the pain snapped her out of it, but then it dropped down into the well of her orgasm like a rock into the ocean, and she was swept away.

A strangled scream rushed out of her as her whole body clamped down, her pussy empty and untouched but her ass filled with hard cock. Her tortured ass clenched so hard around him that he snarled, almost in pain, riding her as she came. Furiously he smashed her slender body down onto the bench, nailing her ass so hard that she was screaming in mingled agony and pleasure. Everything burned and her cunt ached so badly she would have done anything to touch it. In a hot burst she felt him come inside her — spurting a liquid flood deep into her ass. The heat of his cum filling her was so delicious it almost washed out the pain. She couldn’t breathe; the world seemed to spin around her in a darkening cyclone.

After a while she found herself lying on her belly with Knight slumped hot over her back. His cock was still pulsing wetly in her ravaged asshole, which felt like it had been fucked by a hundred men and not just one. So much of his seed was bursting into her tight little hole that it was seeping out the sides, trickling hot down her thighs. The sticky trail of liquid from her cunt went all the way down to her knees in thin tendrils. Everything was soft and warm, even Knight’s crushing weight on her back.

He groaned, one hand weaving softly through her hair. While his cock shuddered into stillness he stroked her absently.

“You slut, I told you not to come,” He rasped, suddenly shoving himself off her. For once he seemed a little hazy himself, but he bared his fangs in a snarl.


Alice mewled pitifully, trying and failing to make her wobbly legs work. Eventually he bent to snatch a handful of hair, dragging her yelping to her feet. She stood there, woozy but in growing terror as he grabbed up the crop and something off a small table. Reaching down he fiddled with her ankles, quickly unlinking the chain between them.

“I, I didn’t mean to-“

“Quiet. Spread your legs, bend over, grab your ankles, don’t move.”

Whimpering in anticipation, Alice did as she was told. She couldn’t see him now but she but felt him moving behind her, could almost hear the whisper of the crop through the air. His eyes seemed to burn into her back.

“Fifteen. Count the strokes,” He said, with black fury in his voice.

Fifteen? She thought in horror. The first lash cracked hard over her ravaged ass, right where the stripe of a previous blow already was. Alice yelped helplessly as the pain shot through her, blending with the warmth of her afterglow.

“You didn’t count. I suppose I’ll have to repeat that one.”

“No please — “

The next bit into her ass before she had time to finish, dragging a ragged gasp out of her.

“One,” she gasped, clutching her ankles desperately, trying not to cry.

By the time the rest had been done tears spattered on the silk carpet in front of her, and her whole body was shaking. Pain had blended so deeply into pleasure that she no longer knew which was which. She just desperately wanted to escape this whipping and curl up in the corner of her cell where Knight couldn’t see her.

“Fifteen,” She finally sobbed, as the last stroke cracked across her ass.

Knight grunted, flinging his crop away.

“I don’t like having to do that,” he murmured, reaching down to stroke the reddened skin of her ass. At first she whined at the pain of him touching the welts, but his warm touch gradually smoothed away some of the sting. He hadn’t told her to stand, though, so she stayed bent with her ass in the air, shaking with the strain and woozy from the intensity of the last few hours.

“You come when I tell you to, and not before.” He said it chidingly, like she was a child who’d run out onto the road.

“Yes Master,” Alice squeaked out. She was so exhausted that this new fact about her reality seemed completely normal, and she suddenly felt awful for having allowed herself to come. That was something for her owner to give to her as a reward, and she’d been selfish to just let it happen.

“I’m sorry Master,” she added tentatively, staring down at the floor.

Knight seemed a little surprised, stroking her ass affectionately. “You are, aren’t you? Stay.”

Alice strained uncomfortably while he moved around behind her, desperately wanting to look. Every tiny draft felt like the breeze of a descending whip, but nothing touched her. Still her tender skin prickled in anticipation, her green-broken asshole flinched, completely exposed by the position.

When something cold and metal nudged up against her swollen pussy she actually yelped, almost staggering forward. Knight caught her shoulder and steadied her, mercifully ignoring the fact that she’d moved. She didn’t think she could have taken another whipping today. The cold steel circled her still-wet cunt, feeling completely alien and unnatural. All she could think about was the steel-bound prod that had shocked he used to shock her cunt a few days before, and soon she was trembling. The memory of the pain was so intense she could almost feel the current running through her now.

Knight grunted, ran a comforting hand over her exposed back. “It’s not that,” he murmured, seeming to understand.

However much of a monster he was, Knight had never lied to her. She relaxed a little, though the cold steel gliding over her slit was almost unbearable. Her still-sensitive clit rose to its icy touch, sending a strange flutter through her. Without warning he plunged it into her. It was thick, whatever it was, and cold enough that she shrieked, squeezing her eyes shut. The prod grew much wider down the shaft, and then suddenly and dramatically narrowed. The outer lips of her cunt swallowed it in. Knight stirred it inside her, rubbing the heat and damp of her sopping slit into the smooth, chilly surface. Soon she was moaning again, feeling the volcanic heat of arousal rising in her belly.

He laughed, yanking it suddenly out. The cold stayed behind, deep in her silken tunnel, and the flush stayed on her cheeks.

“Oh… oh no…” She murmured quietly, suddenly understanding. Her ravaged asshole flinched, barely able to close, dripping with his cum.

“You’re not done yet. Quiet before you whip you again.” His voice was all dark amusement, even as he fondled her trembling body.