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27. Timothy Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius (Cambridge, Mass.; London, 1981), pp. 44ff.

28. Lactantius, Deaths of the Persecutors, 48.

29. Ibid., 46.

30. Eusebius, Church History, Book 10. 7.

31. Beard, North and Price, Religions of Rome, vol. 1, p. 369.

32. Ibid., pp. 368–9.

33. Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (CSEL), vol. 26, no. 206.

34. Beard, North and Price, Religions of Rome, vol. 1, p. 370.

35. Cameron, Later Roman Empire, p. 8.

36. Eusebius, Life of Constantine, Book 1. 49–50.

37. Zosimus, New History, Book 2. 18-20.

38. Eusebius, Life of Constantine, Book 4. 29; Cameron, Later Roman Empire, p. 57.

39. Eusebius, Life of Constantine, Book 4. 28.

40. Peter Heather, ‘Senators and Senates’ in Averil Cameron and Peter Garnsey (eds), Cambridge Ancient History (Cambridge, 1997), vol. 13, pp. 184–210.

41. Philostorgius, Ecclesiastical History, Book 5. 2.

42. Eusebius, Life of Constantine, Book 2. 2.

43. Lactantius, Divine Institutes, 1; Eusebius, Life of Constantine, Book 2. 3.

44. Eusebius, Life of Constantine, Book 2. 4.

45. Ibid., 5.

46. Ibid., 4; Zosimus, New History, Book 2. 22.

47. Eusebius, Life of Constantine, Book 2. 12.

48. Ibid., 16.

49. Ibid., 18.

50. Zosimus, New History, Book 2. 28.

51. Ibid.

52. Eusebius, Life of Constantine, Book 2. 24–42.

53. Beard, North and Price, Religions of Rome, vol. 1, pp. 372–5, 382; Naphtali Lewis and Meyer Reinhold (eds), Roman Civilization: Selected Readings (New York, 1990), vol 2, no. 180; Cameron, Later Roman Empire, p. 57.

54. Eusebius, Life of Constantine, Book 3. 10.

55. Beard, North and Price, Religions of Rome, vol. 1, p. 371.

56. Cameron, Later Roman Empire, pp. 63–4.


1. The case for this view has been made most recently and most persuasively by Peter Heather in The Fall of the Roman Empire (London, 2005).

2. The principal account of the Goths seeking refuge in Roman empire in AD 376 is in Ammianus Marcellinus, Book 31 – the most detailed and lively narrative of the period AD 354–376.

3. Ammianus Marcellinus, Book 31. 2.

4. Ibid., 4; Heather, Fall of the Roman Empire, p. 158.

5. Ammianus Marcellinus, Book 31. 4.

6. Ibid., 12.

7. Heather, Fall of the Roman Empire, pp. 72–3.

8. Claudian, Against Rufinus, 2. 4–6; Heather, Fall of the Roman Empire, p. 217.

9. Zosimus, New History, Book 5, 29; Heather, Fall of the Roman Empire, pp. 215–16.

10. Zosimus, New History, Book 5. 29. Zosimus was a sixth-century east Roman historian and Books 5 and 6 in his New History give, relatively speaking, the most comprehensive account of events leading up to the sack of Rome in AD 410; most importantly, he made use of the contemporary histories of Eunapius and Olympiodorus, which today are only fragmentary.

11. Ibid.

12. Ibid., 32.

13. Heather, Fall of the Roman Empire, pp. 67–72.

14. Zosimus, New History, Book 5. 14.

15. Ibid., 33.

16. Ibid., 34.

17. Ibid.

18. Ibid., 35.

19. Ibid., 34 (following Olympiodorus, Histories, fragment 17).

20. Ibid., 39.

21. Ibid., 40.

22. Ibid., 41.

23. Ibid., 45.

24. Ibid., 46.

25. Heather, Fall of the Roman Empire, p. 227.

26. Zosimus, New History, Book 6. 1.

27. Heather, Fall of the Roman Empire, p. 222.

28. Zosimus, New History, Book 5. 48.

29. Ibid., 48–9.

30. Ibid., 50.

31. Ibid., 51.

32. Heather, Fall of the Roman Empire, pp. 228–9.

33. Sozomen, Church History, Book 9. 9; an alternative story is told by Procopius in History of the Wars, Book 3. 2. 7–39.

34. Heather, Fall of the Roman Empire, p. 227.

35. The sources for Alaric’s sack of Rome are collated in Pierre Courcelle, Histoire littéraire des grandes invasions germaniques (Paris, 1964), pp. 45–55.

36. Jerome, Commentary on Ezekiel, Book 1, preface.

37. Augustine, City of God, Book 2. 29; Heather, Fall of the Roman Empire, pp. 229–32.

38. Heather, Fall of the Roman Empire, pp. 246–8.

39. Ibid., pp. 138–40.



Woolf, G. (ed), The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Roman World (Cambridge, 2003)

Cornell, T. J.,Beginnings of Rome: Italy and Rome from the Bronze Age to the Punic Wars (London, 1995)

Woolf, G., Et Tu Brute? The Murder of Caesar and Political Assassination (London, 2006)

Wyke, M., Projecting the Past: Ancient Rome, Cinema and History (New York; London, 1997)

Hopkins, Keith and Beard, Mary, The Colosseum (London, 2005)

Bowman, A. K., Life and Letters on the Roman Frontier: Vindolanda and its People (London, 2003)


Available in translation:

Cicero’s Letters to Atticus (London, 1978)

Cicero’s Letters to his Friends (London, 1978)

Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome (London, 1989)

Petronius and Seneca, The Satyricon, The Apocolocyntosis (The Pumpkinification of the Divine Claudius) (London, 1977)

Suetonius, Lives of the Caesars (Oxford, 2000)

Plutarch, Fall of the Roman Republic (London, 1972)