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“You’re home. You’re home.” She kissed his mouth, his cheeks, his jaw, any part of him she could reach. “I missed you so.”

It undid Galen, the depth of joy in the brown eyes awash with tears that met his gaze. Crushing Jessamy to him, he took her mouth, took her words, took her. “I don’t care,” he whispered, hoarse, rough, demanding, “who courted you while I was gone. I’ll be the only one courting you now.” He’d thought to give her a choice, but found he didn’t have that in him. “I’ll love you until my dying breath, give you anything and everything you want.”

“Poetry again. It’s not fair.” A trembling laugh, slender hands petting his chest as she was wont to do. “I have not flown since you left.” Tender words spoken with an intimate smile. “Will you court me in the skies?”

Stricken, he said, “I would never ground you.” Regardless of his jealousy.

“I know. Oh, I know.” Rubbing her wet cheek against his chest, she said, “I couldn’t bear to be in anyone’s arms but yours.”


It wasn’t until much, much later, with the night soft and warm around them that Jessamy rose from the tangled sheets of the bed, and walked to the dresser in the corner. “What are you doing?” he asked, lying on his front watching the woman who was his own with possessive eyes. Her moon-shadow was as slender as a reed, her skin shimmering pearl bright, her feathers lush, strokable, exquisite.

Unashamed of her nakedness, she gave him a sweet, shy smile as she returned to the bed. “I have something for you.”

When he went to get up, she shook her head. “Stay. I like looking at you.”

“Good.” He bared his teeth. “I would keep you naked if I could.”

“Primitive!” Laughing, she slid something under his bicep and brought it around to click it shut. “Too tight?”

Looking down at the thin metal band that circled his upper arm, he shook his head. “I’m already tied to you, my demanding Lady Jessamy.” By bonds nothing would ever break. “Now you use manacles on me?” It was a tease, because he’d discovered he enjoyed teasing his historian.

“Hush.” She petted the metal. “There’s amber in the amulet.”

Wrenching her down below him, he covered her body with his own. “Are you claiming me, then?” Amber was for the entangled, a warning to others to keep their hands off.

Huge brown eyes met his. “Yes.”

He’d never been more delighted in his life. “Does the amulet have any other meaning?”

She blushed. “It’s silly… a mortal thing. A wish to keep you safe.”

Stroking her hair off her face, he nuzzled at her, and knew he’d never again wander forsaken, looking for a home. “Will you wear my amber, Jess?”

A smile that told him he was loved, was hers. “Always.”