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 Although the wind had fallen, it was still bitterly cold. Not a star glimmered in the black vault overhead. Not a sound, save the rapid crunching of the snow beneath our feet, disturbed the heavy stillness of the night. Jacob, not too well pleased with his mission, shambled on before in sullen silence, his lantern in his hand, and his shadow at his feet. I followed, with my gun over my shoulder, as little inclined for conversation as himself. My thoughts were full of my late host. His voice yet rang in my ears. His eloquence yet held my imagination captive. I remember to this day, with surprise, how my over-excited brain retained whole sentences and parts of sentences, troops of brilliant images, and fragments of splendid reasoning, in the very words in which he had uttered them. Musing thus over what I had heard, and striving to recall a lost link here and there, I strode on at the heels of my guide, absorbed and unobservant. Presently – at the end, as it seemed to me, of only a few minutes – he came to a sudden halt, and said:

‘Yon’s your road (вон там ваша дорога; yon = yonder – /уст./ вон там; в ту сторону, туда). Keep the stone fence to your right hand, and you can’t fail of the way (смотрите, чтобы каменная изгородь была по правую руку от вас: «держите каменную изгородь…», и вы не сможете заблудиться; to fail – терпеть неудачу; испытывать недостаток; way – путь, дорога).’

‘This, then, is the old coach-road (это, значит, и есть старый почтовый тракт)?’

‘Ay, ’tis the old coach-road (да, это старый почтовый тракт; ’tis = it is).’

‘And how far do I go, before I reach the cross-roads (и как далеко мне идти, прежде чем я выйду на перекресток; to reach – достигать; добираться)?’

‘Nigh upon three mile (почти три мили; nigh – /нареч., уст./ близко; возле, около, рядом).’

I pulled out my purse, and he became more communicative (я вытащил кошелек, и он стал более разговорчивым).

‘The road’s a fair road enough (дорога достаточно хороша),’ said he, ‘for foot passengers (для пешеходов); but ’twas over steep and narrow for the northern traffic (но она была излишне крутой и узкой для движения в северном направлении; ’twas = it was; traffic – движение; транспорт). You’ll mind where the parapet’s broken away, close again’ the sign-post (осторожнее там, где парапет сломан, недалеко от указателя; to mind – заботиться; смотреть, присматривать; следить, обращать внимание; again’ = against). It’s never been mended since the accident (его так и не починили после несчастного случая; accident – несчастный случай; катастрофа; авария).’

‘What accident (какого несчастного случая)?’

‘Eh, the night mail pitched right over into the valley below (да как же, ночная почтовая карета свалилась прямо в долину внизу; to pitch – наклонять, наклоняться; накрениться и упасть, свалиться) – a gude fifty feet an’ more (добрых пятьдесят футов с лишним; gude = good; an’ = and) – just at the worst bit o’ road in the whole county (как раз на самом плохом участке дороги во всем графстве; bit – кусочек; частица; o’ = of).’

 ‘Yon’s your road. Keep the stone fence to your right hand, and you can’t fail of the way.’

‘This, then, is the old coach-road?’

‘Ay, ’tis the old coach-road.’

‘And how far do I go, before I reach the cross-roads?’

‘Nigh upon three mile.’

I pulled out my purse, and he became more communicative.

‘The road’s a fair road enough,’ said he, ‘for foot passengers; but ’twas over steep and narrow for the northern traffic. You’ll mind where the parapet’s broken away, close again’ the sign-post. It’s never been mended since the accident.’

‘What accident?’

‘Eh, the night mail pitched right over into the valley below – a gude fifty feet an’ more – just at the worst bit o’ road in the whole county.’

‘Horrible (ужасно)! Were many lives lost (много людей погибло; life – жизнь; to lose – терять)?’

‘All (все). Four were found dead (четверых обнаружили мертвыми), and t’other two died next morning (другие двое умерли на следующее утро; t’other = the other).’

‘How long is it since this happened (и как давно это случилось; since – с тех пор как)?’

‘Just nine year (как раз девять лет назад).’

‘Near the sign-post, you say (недалеко от указателя, говорите)? I will bear it in mind (буду иметь в виду: «нести это в уме»). Good night (доброй ночи).’

‘Gude night, sir, and thankee (доброй ночи, сэр, и спасибо; gude = good; thankee = thank you).’ Jacob pocketed his half-crown (Джейкоб припрятал свою полукрону; pocket – карман; to pocket – класть в карман), made a faint pretence of touching his hat (изобразил слабое подобие приветственного жеста: «прикосновения к шляпе»; pretence – притворство; to touch – трогать, прикасаться), and trudged back by the way he had come (и побрел обратно по дороге, по которой он пришел; to trudge – идти с трудом).