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"You are saying that you are merely another living creature-admittedly on a different plane of existence- and that you created a universe where there was, previously, nothing."

"Not just void," He corrected me. "Chaos. The basic forces were there. I had but to enlarge upon them and order them."

"I'll accept that much," I said. "I had already accepted the fact that you were God. This is only a variation."

I sat down on the bottom cellar step, a little less apprehensive, but still not happy. "But why did you come to us? You've been content, you say, to let life develop by itself. You said you weren't interested in the evolution of life, but only in the artistic value of ordering and setting the universe into motion."

"I didn't say I wasn't interested. I just said that the evolution of life is secondary to the larger and more beautiful work of the universe in toto. Believe me, Jacob, there is much more of beauty in the singing of the galaxies, in the patterns of multi-galactic revolution and rotation, than there can ever be in the life of a single creature, even a creature with the intelligence of your species. But your species, after all, is a part of my creation. To ignore it would be tantamount to not caring about the exactness of my creation. For example, a painter may do a hundred-foot mural, a thing of grand scale. But that does not mean that he will not be exasperated if only one square inch of the canvas is ineptly done. He will, instead, be more concerned with that single badly done square inch than with the entire hundreds of square feet that are done well."

I thought a moment. "You are saying, then, that man, my species, is that flaw on your great canvas, that one square inch that somehow did not turn out right."

"No," He said. "You are not even equal to one- square inch in this universe. There are many races that have evolved into flawed species. When I am finished here, I will go to other places. Indeed, other facets of me are working on other races at this very moment. Remember, what you see before you is only a small fragment of me, less than one millionth of my sum personality and power."

He was not leading me on. What He was saying should have struck a false note, should have seemed unreal, but it was delivered with such assurance and in such a level tone that I knew what He said was perfectly true. "But why enter our world in the form of the android? That seems so roundabout."

"Try to picture me, Jacob. I am not just big, not just huge, but vast. Only part of my intellect, part of my life power, can be introduced into your world at once. Otherwise, the balance of this arm of the universe would be upset. And even this minor part of me is not easily insinuated into your world. It must assume a living presence, yet it would not be possible to contain it in a human child. The nerves, the brain cells, would burn out if I tried to house my life power in human flesh."

"But the android is suitable?"

"Because I can shape it," He said. "I can restructure it like putty. The android's flesh is quite different, as you know, from real flesh. I can adapt its nervous system to contain my life energy. It was the only door into your world that I could find."

"And so you came to us through the android. Why?"

"As I have said before, to help you. You have not evolved along standard lines. Most species, at your race's age, would be able to control its body, its aging. Most species would be immortal and nearly invulnerable. I have come to see that you develop as you should have."

"And when you have finished that?"

"I will leave. Your section of the creation will be finished. There will be no reason to remain. The painter, after having perfected his mural, does not spend the rest of his life returning to it each day to check how well the paints are weathering. I do not insinuate that this analogy of me to a painter is fully accurate, but it is the closest explanation I can give you."

"One more thing, then," I said.

"The Devil we spoke of earlier, the android that has come to harm you."


"I have explained to you," He said, "that I am not actually a God as you would think of one, but a living creature, as yourself, who is much, much more complex than you will ever be, and who lives on a higher plane of existence than you can ever reach. As with any living creature, my personality is compounded of various strains, from good and kindness to what you would term wickedness and evil. Any given part of my personality is composed of equal parts of all these various characteristics. The day following your arrest, the "evil" part of this tiny facet of me, enclosed in this android mother body, split from the good part, and entered the second android self I made. Before I realized what had happened, he was gone and out of my reach."

"Jekyll and Hyde," I said.

"Yes. I read that back at the laboratory. It is much like the infamous Hyde, this other android that is now out of my control."

"What could I do?" I asked. I could not quite see how I, a mere mortal, could assist a creature of His dimensions. It was like a man asking a polywog for help against a stampeding herd of cattle.

"The android that attempted to kill you," He said, "was most likely manufactured by the Hyde android that I created and which escaped from here three days ago. I believe the Hyde android found a place, perhaps nearby, where it could hide and develop into a mother body capable of creating more Hyde androids. The first one, it sent to kill you-or at least to harass you into making an attempt to return here and destroy me. That last is likely." '

"Wait a minute," I interrupted. I was thinking about the pseudopods that had come out of the earth and had engulfed that white-tailed deer. I explained what I had seen, and He waited for me to finish, though He must have read my mind ahead of me and must have known what I would say.

"I have a similar method of trapping game," He said. "But it does not extend nearly as far as a mile. I believe you have found our Hyde."

"Now what?"

"I can send this other self I have created to destroy the Hyde mother body. Unfortunately, I have taken time to extend my game-catching network and have not created more than this single android. And the Hyde android, of course, which we are seeking."

"I'll accompany it," I said. "I might not be much help, but at least there will be two of us."

"Thank you, Jacob."

"Do we start now?" I asked.

"Now," the mother body said.

The android walked up the stairs with me to where I had dropped the guns. I picked them up now. "How will we kill it?" I asked.

"I have better ways than any weapons you could find, Jacob," He said. "Let's go."

We went out into the cold and the whipping snow…


I should have felt some tremendous elation, I suppose. I had found out that He was, after all, everything that He claimed to be, that He did want to help mankind, that He was going to be a great benefit to us. I was standing on the threshold of a revolution, the likes of which the world had never before seen, and I could not summon up enough excitement to make a dog wag its tail. Perhaps it was because, in showing me what wonders lay ahead for Man, He had also shown me that Man was, in essence, a very small portion of things, a piece of a painting by a being so far superior, so much his intellectual master, that he could never hope to understand the real basis upon which the universe turned. One day, Man would reach the end of his explorations, and there would be nowhere else to go. This alone would not be so bad, but he would also have to cope with the understanding that there was more beyond what he knew, more than he could ever hope to grasp. The quitting would not be what hurt Man. It would be the knowing that he had quit before absolutely everything had been conquered.