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Пятигорский 1974 – Пятигорский А. Заметки о «метафизической ситуации» // Континент. 1974. № 1. С. 211–224.

Ревзин 1964 – Ревзин И. И. К семиотическому анализу детективов (на примере романов Агаты Кристи) // Программа и тезисы докладов в летней школе по вторичным моделирующим системам. Тарту, 1964. С. 38–40.

Семенова 1988 – Семенова С. Идея жизни у Андрея Платонова //Москва. 1988. № 32.

Федоров 1995 – Федоров Н. Ф. Собр. соч.: в 4 т. Т. 1. М.: Прогресс, 1995.

Фролов 1984 – Фролов А. Научно-фантастическое произведение и его читатель: Повесть А. и Б. Стругацких «За миллиард лет до конца света» // Проблемы жанра. Душанбе, 1984. С. 65–74.

Adorno 1985 – Adorno Т. Freudian Theory and the Pattern of Fascist Propaganda // The Essential Frankfurt School Reader I Ed. by A. Arato and E. Gebhardt. New York: Continuum, 1985. P. 118–137.

Anderson 1965 – Anderson G. The Legend of the Wandering Jew. Providence: Brown University Press, 1965.

Auerbach 1959 – Auerbach E. Figura in the Phenomenal Prophecy of the Church Fathers // Auerbach E. Scenes from the Drama of European Literature: Six Essays. New York: Meridian Books, 1959.

Bethea 1989 – Bethea D. The Shape of Apocalypse in Modern Russian Fiction. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989.

Csicsery-Ronay 1986 – Csicsery-Ronay I. Toward the Last Fairy Tale: The Fairy Tale Paradigm in the Strugatskys’ Science Fiction: 1963–1972 // Science Fiction Studies. 1986. Vol. 13. P. 1–41.

Dunham 1976 – Dunham V. In Stalin’s Time: Middleclass Values in Soviet Fiction. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1976.

Eickelman 1967 – Eickelman D. Musaylima: An Approach to the Social Anthropology of Seventh Century Arabia // Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. 1967. Vol. 10. No. 1. P. 17–52.

Greene 1986 – Greene D. Male and Female in “The Snale on the Slope” by the Strugatsky Brothers // Modern Fiction Studies. 1986. Vol. 32. No. 1. P. 97–108.

Heissenbuttel 1964 – Heissenbuttel H. Spielregeln des Kriminalromans // Trivialliteratur. Berlin: Schmidt-Henkel, 1964. S. 162–175.

Holquist 1985–1986 – Holquist M. The Philosophical Bases of Soviet Space Exploration // The Key Reporter. 1985–1986. Vol. 51. No. 2. P. 2–4.

Howell 1941 – Howell W. S. The Rhetoric of Alcuin and Charlemagne. Princeton: Princeton University Press; London: H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1941.

Lieu 1985 – Lieu S. N. C. Manichaeism in the Later Roman Empire and Medieval China: A Historical Survey. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1985.

McGuire 1982 – McGuire P. Future History, Soviet Style: The Work of the Strugatsky Brothers // Critical Encounters II: Writers and Themes in Science Fiction / Ed. by Tom Staicar. New York: Ungar, 1982. P. 104–124..

Mieder 1987 – Mieder W. Tradition and Innovation in Folk Literature. Hanover; London: University Press of New England, 1987.

Nakhimovsky 1982 – Nakhimovsky A. S. Laughter in the Void: An Introduction to the Writings of Daniil Kharms and Alexander Vvedenskii. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach. Vol. 5. Vienna: Institut fur Slawistik der Universitat Wien, 1982.

Pokorny 1986 – Pokorny P. Piseii о perle. Praha: Vysehrad, 1986 (на чешском языке).

Suvin 1972 – Suvin D. Criticism of the Strugatskii Brothers’ Work // Canadian-American Slavic Studies. 1972. Vol. 6. No. 2. P. 288–307.

Suvin 1979 – Suvin D. Metamorphoses of Science Fiction. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979.

Suvin 1980 – Suvin D. Introduction // Strugatsky A., Strugatsky B. The Snail on the Slope. New York: Bantam Books, 1980. P. 1–20.

Teskey 1982 – Teskey A. Platonov and Fyodorov: The Influence of Christian Philosophy on a Soviet Writer. Amersham: Avebury Publishing Company, 1982.

White 1971 – White J. J. Mythology in the Modern Noveclass="underline" A Study of Prefigurative Techniques. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971.

Wytrzens 1981 – Wytrzens G. Eine russische dichterische Gestaltung der Sage vom Hamelner Rattenfanger. Wien: Verlag der osterreichischen Akad-emie der Wissenschaften, 1981.

Yarmolinsky 1929 – Yarmolinsky A. The Wandering Jew // Studies in Jewish Bibliography and Related Subjects: In Memory of Abraham Solomon Freidus. New York: Alexander Kohut Memorial Foundation, 1929.

Young 1979 – Young G. Nikolai E Fedorov: An Introduction. Belmont: Nordland Publishing Company, 1979.

Ziolkowski 1972 – Ziolkowski T. Fictional Transfiguration of Jesus. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1972.