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“Yes, she is very good at that,” I assented eagerly.

Passing my arm around my cousin's waist, I hugged her as if in compliment upon her deliberately coy attitude. “Remember all you told me,” I whispered to her.

“Oh, I do not know what to say. I am all of a dither now-it has all come about so unexpectedly,” said Elaine, though not looking at all displeased at the thought of our new venture.

“Say naught, Elaine. Just extend your tongue, wriggle your bottom and feel for a hard prick,” laughed Pearl who made no bones about anything and was truly as Elaine really wished to be.

“Very well, I shall-but if I am very naughty then it is you who will have made me so,” replied Elaine without any malice whatever. Seeing no retreat, she obviously wished to make the best of the situation and I could tell indeed by the changing expressions in her eyes as she brushed her hair that she was as prepared to accept the greater openness of our acts as I, and with as much amused mischief. “Who else shall be of this party?” she asked then with such self-possession as made her previous behaviour about it seem but a game.

“None but the most civilised-and none that you will otherwise know, which will make it all the more intriguing, will it not? Arabella, what say you that I ask your parents while you yet remain here?”

To this I eagerly assented, though even in so doing I questioned how Pearl was to manage it, being unknown to them.

“I am acquainted a little with your father,” replied she to my surprise. “I met him by way of business several times in the sale of some land and a few other matters that you would not have concerned yourself with. He, I believe, can be perfectly persuasive with your Mama, so I anticipate no problems about it. I have a mind to venture that way and so will call upon them. For the nonce then I will leave you two angels-for such you really are-to pass the time together and will return on the morrow.”

At this an interruption came as a maid knocked and Elaine went to answer.

“The Master says as are you coming down, Miss?”

“We shall ALL be down,” called Pearl, at which the maid disappeared and we all gave a final touch to our attire. “He is anxious for news, you see, for we must reserve our cabins upon a steamer,” Elaine and I were told, which caused me quite a tingling feeling of excitement.

Descending, we found my uncle awaiting us in the morning room while Pearl made immediately ready to depart, affording each of us a swift kiss upon the cheek before doing so, much as any maiden aunt might. Seeing her departure made so soon, my uncle made bid to follow her, but she being accompanied as was proper by one of the servants, he evidently could not say what he wished to and so returned. I had no doubt then that he wished to know what she had told us-and indeed whether she had told us. Putting therefore a bold face upon it, I said without further ado that Elaine and I much looked forward to our forthcoming trip.

An expression of relief spread over his face. His eyes searched Elaine's which dropped. She appeared to busy herself with a loose thread in her dress. Offering such complicity as I thought was needful, I ran to close the door and then returned. The morning room gave out upon the conservatory, but there was no sign of my aunt about nor anyone else. The former was engaged in conversations with the gardener into which my uncle had inveigled her. Knowing her interest in all matters horticultural, I guessed that she would be some time about it.

“If Papa but agrees that I may go-oh, but I am sure he will for Pearl is very persuasive,” I said familiarly. Elaine standing uncertain, I approached him so that he stood between us. “How she flattered us, did she not, Elaine? Why, Uncle, she said that we were two perfect peaches and must be ready for a lot of mischief.”

The expression clearly startled my cousin who made as if to step away, but at that my uncle chortled and placed his arm about both our waists.

“So indeed it may be, Arabella, but what is life if it may not be lived without care. What say you, Elaine? Shall we sport a little there and enjoy ourselves?”

Releasing a giggle, Elaine glanced across him at me and bit her lip. “Oh, I know not, Papa,” she responded.

His grip about us tightened. He was clearly emboldened His eyes sought mine. The faintest smile came upon my lips. I appeared, I believe, to nod. At that, his right hand slipped down to caress my bottom while his left accommodated itself similarly under Elaine's warm bulge.

“Peaches indeed you are, and withal as firm as melons,” he averred, feeling all about our lightly-clad nether cheeks while Elaine blushed to her eyebrows and compressed her lips. Giving her no leeway to escape the moment, I sighed and leaned my head to his shoulder. The incident was one of the utmost wickedness and yet all so lightly done that his soothing hands seemed but to compliment our bottoms. Gathering up the material of my gown in his fingers a trifle, he cupped me tightly and patently did so also to Elaine who emitted a little gasp which was thankfully swallowed as quickly as it was uttered.

“A kiss upon it then-for we are as one,” he murmured.

I permitted him to attend to me first. Making no bones about it, I clasped my arms about his neck and returned lips to lips the while that he continued to caress my nether charms with one hand and Elaine's with the other. Sighing not a little I impressed my belly to his and felt the risen nature of his sturdy tool from which I had thrice now drawn his sperm. My tongue protruded a little. I allowed it to touch his own. Averting my lips from his, I murmured fondly against his cheek.

“We shall have a lovely time. Elaine, it is for you to kiss now,” I averred.

She would have stepped back, I do believe, if he had not turned and grasped her immediately. Twisting her face in some confusion, she allowed his lips to fall upon her neck, staring blindly the while through the glass-panelled doors that led into the conservatory. In releasing me, both his hands were free to seek her bottom, which they did fervently.

“Come, dear, be not shy-give me your mouth,” he husked.

The moment, I saw, was one of intense passion on his part. Elaine could not but help feel the considerable protrusion of his cock through his breeches. I saw her distinctly tremble. Her face dropped and was hidden to his shoulder. Very delicately then his hands played all about and beneath her bottom cheeks, causing her hands to press against his chest.

“Shall you be so coy in Paris?” he asked and therewith lifted her chin so that she was forced to return his gaze.

“I know not, Papa,” Elaine trembled. Giving her no respite, he then brought her mouth to his. She would have escaped it had he not cupped the back of her head much as he was doing with her bottom. I held my breath, for there seemed to me no more stirring a sight. Her lips moved petulantly but then was taken again. As subtly as one playing a violin, he fingered all about her bulging nether cheeks again, kissed her more deeply until her knees distinctly bent and then released her with as gay a laugh as might have been managed in such moving circumstances. The state of his erection being obvious, I wagged my finger playfully at him.

“Dear Uncle, you must not be naughty with us too soon,” I laughed and, taking Elaine by the wrist, guided her out.

“Oh, what have you done?” she asked, “really, Papa is too wicked!”

“'Twas but a kiss and a caress, you sillikins. We shall have enough of that soon. Come, we must look to our wardrobes for I am sure the ladies of Paris will try to outdo us in all respects and that we cannot allow!”

So cozening and teasing her, I finally overcame all her reluctances, for seeing that I treated the matter so lightly, Elaine thought to do the same, being reminded by me of her earlier remark about her Papa's tool.

“Oh, but I did not know. I was but jesting to make you think me the more daring, Arabella.”

“Well, whether that is so or whether it is not, the truth of the matter is not to be denied,” I declared, whereat she could not help but ask if I had done it with him.