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“I knew someone was following me, so I kept ducking in and out of shops and businesses, trying to shake him, but I never could. I was beginning to think you weren’t coming. You must have had something better to do.”

That was patently unfair. Stone had made excellent time, and if Trinity had wanted immediate help, she should have called the police. But, before he could protest, squealing tires and blaring horns caught his attention. He stole a glance behind him and saw a taxicab bearing down on him.

“It’s them!” Trinity shouted.

“I’d like to see them catch us.” Accelerating, Stone passed a slow-moving vehicle and then shot across the street. Trinity screamed as they just missed the grill of an oncoming truck, and bounced up onto the sidewalk.

“What’s the point of getting away from them if you kill us?” she cried.

Stone ignored her. With lightning-fast reflexes and years of experience, he deftly swerved past a cluster of surprised men and shot back across the road. He took the turn at 15th Street, Trinity leaning into the turn like an old hat, and zipped toward the Mall.

Behind them, the cab came up on two tires as it rounded the corner. Biting back a curse, Stone turned his eyes to the front. It was going to take more than a little fancy riding to escape their pursuers.

That thought had just crossed his mind when a bullet zipped past his shoulder, the hollow report of a pistol scarcely audible over the roar of the engine.

“Now what?” Trinity was surprisingly unfazed by this new development.

Stone began weaving the Indian back and forth. Shooting at someone from a moving vehicle was difficult enough. If your target was moving, it was a nigh-impossible task for all but the finest marksman. Another bullet pinged off the pavement, and then they were crossing B Street, not even slowing for traffic.

“Hold on tight!” He felt Trinity’s arms squeeze his waist, and then the Indian flew over the sidewalk and up onto the lawn surrounding the Washington Monument.

“Are they still following us?” he shouted.

“They stayed on 15th. Look out!”

The taxi was running parallel to their course, and the passenger was now braced on the window, taking careful aim. Stone steered the bike up a sharp incline below a sidewalk and the Indian went airborne as shots rang out again. They hit the ground smoothly and he opened the engine up.

“It’s no good!” Trinity called. “They’ll circle around and head us off.”

“I’ve got a plan.” As they closed the remaining gap up to the famed monument, Stone eased up on the accelerator. Surprised pedestrians leapt out of the way, crying out in anger or surprise as the motorcycle zipped past. Bullets still flying all around, Stone circled the monument and made a sharp left. The surprised cab driver stepped on the brakes, the gunman nearly falling from the window as the motorcycle shot across 15th and onto the National Mall.

The Indian fishtailed on the slick grass, but Stone maintained control. As the lush carpet of green flew past, Stone allowed himself to relax, but the moment was short-lived.

“They’re behind us again!”

The cab was now barreling down the lawn in hot pursuit. The passenger leaned out the window again and began firing. The shots came at a rapid clip, now, but Stone continued to evade. Soon, the gun fell silent.

“I think he’s out of ammunition,” Stone said.

“Now we just need to keep them from running us over.” Trinity still sounded calm, despite what she’d been through. “Think you can manage it?”

“I’ve got it covered.” Stone eased off the gas, allowing the cab to close the gap between them.

“Shouldn’t you be speeding up?”

“Give it a second.”

The cab drew close enough for Stone to get a good look at his pursuers. Both were thickset men in suits. The passenger was a greasy-looking character with receding brown hair, while the driver had a square chin, a reddish-blond flat-top haircut, and a scar on his cheek. He gritted his straight, white teeth as he bore down on Stone and Trinity.

When the cab had almost caught up with them, Stone sped the motorcycle up again. He led the taxi on a winding chase along the mall, keeping just ahead of them. Time after time, they crossed over streets that intersected the grassy lawn, but the cab kept pace. Finally, his destination was in sight.

“Trinity!” he shouted. “Whatever you do, don’t let go.”

“Why would I let go?”

There was no time to answer. Stone cut to the left, slowed a little, and with a jolt they bounded up the steps of the Capitol Building. The cab driver, so focused on running down his quarry that he hadn’t realized where they were, hit the brakes hard.

Too late. The screeching cab smashed into the marble steps.

While onlookers rushed to the scene of the accident, Stone skirted the building, coming out on B Street. In front of the Library of Congress, two men in a familiar vehicle flagged them down: Alex and Moses.

“Are you all right?” Alex asked.

“So far, so good. You two take Trinity back to the house. If anyone else is following, I’ll lead them away.”

Trinity slid down off the motorcycle and gave him a long, searching look. For a moment, he thought she would argue. Instead, she put her hands on his cheeks and kissed him hard.

“Take care of yourself,” she whispered.

“Sure thing, dollface.”

Stone watched his friends drive away before revving his engine and peeling out. He made several unnecessary turns, all the while checking behind him, but no one followed. The ride gave him an opportunity to clear his head and consider his situation.

Today’s events had convinced him that, even if he wanted to forsake his grandfather’s bequest, he wouldn’t have that choice. Whatever lay on this mysterious island, men would kill to find it, and neither Stone nor those he cared about would be free from danger.

He had to solve the mystery.

9- The Office

“I can’t believe you talked me into this,” Alex whispered. He and Stone sat in a greasy spoon just around the corner from the Bermuda Cab Company. The aroma of fried bacon and stale smoke hung heavy in the air.

“I told you, you don’t have to come with me.” Stone took another sip of weak coffee and pushed his eggs around on his plate.

“And miss out on the fun? Not a chance.” Alex consulted his watch. “Midnight. Late enough for you?”

Stone nodded, tossed a few bills on the table, and stood.

“Leaving already, sugar?” The waitress, a curvy blonde in a too-tight uniform, stuck out her lower lip.

“We’ll have to drop in again sometime.” Alex gave the girl a wink.

Stone thought it unlikely. The food was lousy and, even if he was looking, the waitress wasn’t his type. He thanked her and waved to the cook, who nodded to him through a tiny window from the kitchen area, and stepped outside.

“You are something else.” Alex shrugged his coat up around his neck and fell into step with Stone.

“What are you talking about?”

“She got one look at you and suddenly her top button stopped working. You can’t tell me you didn’t notice.”

Stone shrugged. He had noticed but wasn’t interested. Besides, his attention had been focused on what they were about to do.

“It’s Trinity, isn’t it? One day back and you’re already dizzy with that dame.”

“Don’t be a twit,” Stone said.

Alex only chuckled.

They approached the cab company from an alley. When they reached the back entrance, Stone put a hand on Alex’s shoulder.

“Don’t bother with the back door.” With that, he clambered up the fire escape ladder to the second-floor window. Peering inside, he saw that he had made the right call. It was an office. He scanned the window facing and spotted a metal box in the corner. “It’s alarmed.”