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   - Let's find. At Hymenoptera art of hairless primacies is in great demand. Arts of animals, only animals appreciate!

   And two villains began to neigh idiotic laughter. Hermes cut to the-legged lemon jellyfish hurrying on the affairs (a hybrid organism of fruit of a lemon and an overland jellyfish!), and having watched her flight satisfied leave, provyclass="underline"

   - Of defective individuals it is full, they are capable to drink wine only! And which of them is capable not success? Such deal only causes laughter!

   The workmate threw and passed the cake which jumped out in a mouth, from a street synthesizer - automatic equipment worked on a telepathic request.

   Then the computer bracelet on a hand at Urlik issued the three-dimensional hologram - the sharp-toothed winged monster showed something expressive gesture. The fat person of a stelzan was suddenly extended and, having developed, richly dressed fat man silently left.

   Hermes gesture called up the half-naked brawny maiden, judging by a headdress (to the heart pierced with a sword with long number on a naked shoulder), it served in anti-troops - something like a shtrafbat in Stelzanat's army. The maiden flew up before it, having exposed, a naked magnificent breast, with scarlet, brilliant as luster nipples. With a foot of her bare feet blisters, from traditional painful influence, run on the metal path made white-hot did not manage to descend yet that is accepted in anti-troops of Purple constellation. Humility was hammered capitally and, externally young little girl (though tired poisonous-green eyes gave much more solid age) looked about devotion of an old dog.

   - I will execute everything that you will tell the master. Half an hour ten kulaman. - Her long, pink uvula, invitingly licked on full, satin lips.

   - If you want that to you mowed, observe term this. - Hermes transferred about a computer bracelet (the plasma computer with numerous functions: including capable to kill with the mini-laser and keeping in contact between star systems) a short impulse the message. To a hyper plasma clot form, it went, to similarity of a manual watch that the put warrior whore carried athletically.

   - Here time of night of love you will carry it to pentagony Begder race of a hoffa! - On the sparkled hologram mix of a bear and rhinoceros with ears of an elephant flashed. - It is its ugly face!

   - It will be executed! - The maiden shook massive hips and flew up in air, operating flight, delaying socks and placing fingers of hands.


   At this time the paralyzed young man was brought to the medical center. Despite all damages, it was in full consciousness. Thoughts of the izmochalenny boy were turned to native Earth...

   ... Its enslaved planet groaned under kverlilovy (of which main metal is done by starprobe vehicles of aggressors one hundred times stronger than the titan) a heel. Shortly before the flying away to boundless distances of space, he witnessed barbarous cleaning as a result of which tens of thousands of people including his girlfriend Elena died. At government of the governor Fagiram Sham of people of Earth began to pursue unprecedentedly rigidly, more than ever earlier. Any of natives who tried to approach without admission at least on five miles to highways, was ruthlessly killed. And it is good if quickly: the majority crucified on crosses in the form of a swastika, six-pointed stars or put on a stake. Irrespective of age and a floor ripped skin off living slaves, or hung up for hair, dissolved in acid, put at the mercy to ants mutants. There were also more sophisticated tortures by means of nanotechnologies and various a virtualok. People were settled on barracks, operating as stupid animals. Practically all large cities and industrial centers were destroyed at a planet gain. After processing no uniform military facility and any plant remained "pure" annihilation charges on Earth. Under the pretext of the fact that all representatives of mankind have to have work them completely deprived of mechanization, forcing almost everything to do manually. The part of slaves was used for construction of enormous decorative constructions. Rare educational institutions of people taught only elementary knowledge, at the level of elementary school. Dullness is closer to humility, and lively wit as a free bird, is torn to freedom. Not without reason reaction always was against that to educate the simple people. Cultural treasures of people of Earth unscrupulously plundered, masterpieces dissipated on other star systems. Talented masters at the same time remained in the provision of the concluded concentration camps, and to them it was even worse, than that whom the nature did not allocate with talent. Why? Because the work at full stretch became a damnation, other not so capable could sometimes and shirk as superfluous. Therefore representatives of mankind preferred to hide the talents. But they were all the same found by means of intelligent scanners and detectors. The planet turned into one continuous barracks, into a colony of the extensive space empire. With mankind did everything that wanted. Factories of death where flesh of the killed or that even more terribly than living people went for secondary processing were the most awful.

   Dreadful reminiscence; painted with a physiognomy as to forty, in a black suit with yellow stupid thorns a stelzanka, from all scope beats him then still absolutely little boy with gloves the person. Rassechenny air whistles, burns cheeks, hollow from malnutrition, with fire, there is a wish to answer, but the body is held down by the invisible, pressing a vice field. Only not to begin to cry, not to cry, not to show that to you it is terrible... The most terrible here not pain to which you get used about infancy, even not humiliation because what pride the slave can have, and the fact that gloves are made of genuine human leather. That skin that was torn off alive from your companions!

   ... The lion regained consciousness and moaned, hardly turned, robots tried to calm him, holding with the prickly, mnogosustavochny extremities. At the same time as though derisively to the covered with wounds gladiator as if to the little boy, started singing wafer-thin, mechanical voices a lullaby. The boy felt offense, he already managed to visit for the short life such scrapes that he psychologically felt as the aksakal. Eraskander whispered the napukhshy, injured lips:

   - Tests are chains that do not allow to disappear to too easy thoughts. Freight of responsibility is heavy, but levity leads to heavier consequences!

   This minute the door by itself opened - the plant, predatory with thorny feelers, crept to the room. Medical cyborgs as if having received team, parted. Terrible generation of inogalaktichesky flora hung an ominous cloud, from its half-meter needles dug burning poison.

   Overcoming pain, Eraskander jumped in time: the lilac paw of a huge cactus with unexpected quickness tried to stitch the crippled young man. Despite wounds, Lev became angry; for it was obvious that the plant killer carries out the put program. The surgical tool was started turning the ominous propeller in a robot hand. The car rushed to attack, expecting to finish the hated person. Eraskander fell on a back and, using as the lever not broken leg, and shuddering from intolerable pain, threw through himself a medical cyborg. The mobile cactus got to the rotating blades of the ruthless car. The scattered pieces of a carnivorous plant writhed, expiring yellowish liquid. The best way to neutralize a cyborg - to throw in it other robot. Let stupid cars will break each other.