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'Excellent, Alice', replied Julia, who believed in the bonds of holy matrimony more literally than others. Both were of her training, and Alice was as wont to birch her husband's buttocks as he her own more attractive ones. Many nights had passed in which Julie had had them bound naked together, face to face, before they were wed, with Tom's cock throbbing hot and hard between their bellies, neither able to move. While Marie and Amy were truly Julia's house pets, as she ofttimes privately called them, she was prouder by far of these two who served her well and faultlessly in all respects. Tom's prick was by far one of the doughtiest in the county. Julia herself had tasted its pleasures on many occasions, of which Alice had frequently been witness, sometimes bound to a post in the stable at others left free standing with but a thick leather collar about her neck and tethered to the selfsame upright.

Alice it was who frequently whipped or paddled Marie and Amy. She had no fears about Astrid, though she knew her by her dress and appearance to be of the upper class. 'It matters not to me so long as they have tight, furry cunts. I loves to see 'em squeal and watch 'em wriggle when Tom puts it to them. He has a rare old pumper', Alice would say proudly. She herself fell to the services of Julia when required, licking up along her fine stockinged legs before delving into her cunt. Sometimes Julia would have Alice fucked or buggered slowly while she was doing it, by one or another of the males who were brought for training.

'Did you not have a good creaming, Alice?', Julia would say to her afterwards.

'Oh, yes, Ma'am, and I loved it', the young woman would reply fondly. Sometimes if Julia were in lust she would caress and fondle her and then take her down upon the carpet in the drawing room, there to wreak her own desires upon her. They would coo and peck as sweetly as two sisters, though Alice never forgot her place and was subservient when all was done.

'We'll have her inside then, Tom', Alice spoke now, assisting him in carrying a frantically struggling Astrid within.

'Save me! Julia, save me!', shrieked Astrid, endeavouring to cast the wildest of glances back. Julia however had already begun to depart. It were best that Astrid were left to them. Her wilfulness might then be finally overcome. 'No! What are you going to do with me!', she could hear Astrid crying from within the stable. Without further ado the young woman found herself cast face down over a bale of straw, her legs kicking in a way that troubled the pair not a whit. While Tom held her down with the least effort, Alice raised her skirt and, going 'round to the farther side of the bale, swiftly cupped Astrid's chin in both hands and brought her head firmly between her bared thighs. As Alice's legs were strong, Astrid found herself trapped as certainly as any rabbit in a snare while Tom, roughing up her skirt and petticoat, exposed her drawers to view.

'Let's see her bottom, Tom-get 'em down. My, ain't she got a lovely one, so white and round', Alice uttered to the wailing despair of Astrid, whose drawers were swiftly removed and cast to one side. 'I got her Tom-tickle her up with the strap first', chuckled his wife, who could already see his big penis straining up under his breeches at the sight of Astrid's cleft.

'No! Oh, my God, no!', screeched Astrid, her ears already burning in the masterful grip of Alice's thighs. No sooner had the cry left her throat then THWA-AAAACK! Across her yielded bottom seared a four-inch doughty strap that made her hips jerk madly. SPERLATT! THWACK! SMACK! To each one Astrid ripped out a wailing sob, tightening her defenceless cheeks as best she could while Tom sturdily wielded the strap from side to side, thumbing open the buttons of his breeches as he did so.

'Three more, Tom, and then you 'ave her!', cried Alice, who knew well enough herself the burning of that selfsame leather.


'Oh, yes, my sweet young miss, you ain't the first across the bale to put it to 'im. He's got balls as big as a bullock's, my Tom 'as, and a cock fair fit to bring all the cows out of the pasture'.

'YEEE-OUCH! Stop it! Oh, you filthy beasts, how dare you do this to me! OW!'.

Her bottom thoroughly hot and rosy now and ready for a tupping, Tom laid the strap aside across the neighbouring bale and with a mighty snort produced a veritable broom handle of a prick, which stood a full nine inches up his belly. Hand-made as the bale was just for this purpose, it brought a young lady's bottom up to the height he needed. Flexing his knees, and with his heavy balls hanging out, he gripped Astrid's hips as in a clasp of steel and pronged his knob up beneath her cuntlips, the very touch of it producing from her such a scream as echoed to the roof.

'I beg you, I beg you, I beg you… OOOOOH!'

'Now, me dear, I 'as you nice and slow as I bin taught to by the Lady Julia', Tom grunted, squeezing his swollen plum between the pouting lovelips while Alice leaned forward as far as she was able to observe the amorous event. Trapped between her legs, Astrid screeched, cried, sobbed, and pleaded while inch by inch the fleshy staff urged within the velvety sleekness of her grotto.

'Is she nice, Tom? She looks a rare 'un!'

'Luscious as a peach, me dear, though no ways a touch on yours', Tom said gallantly, though in all truth the spongy gripping of Astrid's cunt was prime and fair ready to draw him in despite her wild screechings. Half in, he held it there for a long moment just to let her feel the ticking and throbbing of it as Julia had taught him to do with young rebellious misses so that they might better get the feel of it.

'I don't want to! No!', came Astrid's cry, though the renewed insurgence of such a doughty tool was beginning to overwhelm her with the delicious sensations it brought. Her bottom waggled, causing Tom to breathe more heavily. Another couple of inches and he'd be right in, home and moist.

'Give us a kiss,- love', Alice laughed merrily, for she knew too well the ways of young women to fret about any of Astrid's pretended suffering. Come another half a minute and the girl would be panting for Tom to finish her off. Then like the little hypocrites they all were, she would dissolve into sobbing and pretend she had never had the pleasure of it.

'NAH-AH-AH!'. It was Astrid's final wail before the peg sank full within, bringing her rounded bottom-cheeks to nestle into his belly while above her came the sound of smacking kisses.

'Pump her up, Tom. Give it to her nice. Oh, she wriggles a lot, don't she! Bringing you on, is she?', Alice asked, working her tongue in and out of his mouth much as his cock was striving now in Astrid's quim.

'She's a tight 'un. Luscious, though. A fair peach, this one. Wait till I get it up her bottom-she'll wriggle proper then'.

'Oh, the beast you are! The Mistress didn't say as you could. Faster now-I'll hold her bottom!'.

Her cheeks seized by Alice, who could just manage to reach them, Astrid rocked and sobbed. With each plunge Tom seemed to be filling her up right into her belly, his big balls smacking under her bottom with every stroke and even brushing the outer lips of her cunt, which was fully stretched by his tool. Ceasing to hold her bottom, which in any event was by now unnecessary since Astrid seemed to have succumbed to the inevitable and was in the first throes of coming, Alice felt beneath the young woman's body.

'Lovely tits she's got, firm as melons. Tom. Oh, you devil, you're coming. I sees it in your face!'.

Tom indeed was. He had meant to last longer, but the luscious clinging of Astrid's cunt had overwhelmed his senses. He had never fucked a nicer one, though he wouldn't dare tell Alice that. A sporting girl she was, but liked to consider herself the best treat for him, and that was right and proper in Tom's eyes, since they were married. His neck muscles strained, his face became florid and pale by turns, his jaw sagged, and then with a rumbling groan he rammed his prick full in and gushed out his pleasure in long thick streams of sperm to the accompanying moans of Astrid who, gripping the thick root of flesh between heir lovelips, received every spurt and drop.