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'His mood changes. He becomes craven, Astrid, for as painful as her grip is, it is also pleasurable. He assents, believing perhaps that this unexpected turnabout will dissolve and that all will be as it was. Straddling his prone form and pushing her bottom a little into his face, she milks him quickly, by which of course I mean she draws forth his sperm. Being above him then and possessing more of her senses, she sees well how this weakens him to such extent that she is then able to rub her bottom all over his face while he can but splutter weakly. He is then her prize, rather than she his. All that follows from that night on may hence be at her bidding, for I need not tell you what wiles she will use to accomplish her ends'.

'AH!', shuddered Astrid, whose orgasmic bliss had been doubled by Julia's account. She quivered and lay still. The two continued pecking at each other's lips like doves. 'If all men should be at our command…', she began and then added pettishly, 'Oh, but I do not understand. Why have I then been used so and put so crudely to Tom?'.

'It is necessary for all females to pass through fire, my pet, particularly if they would have it that others must do so in turn. The male must rut in you-before you comprehend all. The act is, in any event, divine and should be enjoyed as such. Many a girl will pant and cry more than you when she is first shafted or corked, but she will soon enough learn the pleasure of it. As to males, while they should in last event be subservient to us-and some may be used solely to pleasure us, as Anthony is-there are no firm rules to this delightful game. Males and females may take turn and turn about-provided ever that the men know their final place. Tuition is all, Astrid, the dull and the unknowingly go their ways and know not whit of the delights of this. Every woman has a secret desire to be taken by force just as every male aspires to return to his mother's lap and there be spanked for his misdeeds'.

'And mayhap to have his cock handled the while?', sparkled Astrid.

'How quickly you learn! Thus truly are the associations of pain and pleasure made. Need I whip you again, my pet?'.

'Only at my pleasure, Julia! What of Tom, though, or indeed Alice? I know not how to face them now'.

'This very day, Astrid, you will approach them with calm and stately mien. Upbraid Tom for his wickedness and he will cringe. Order him to lick the toes of your boots and he will droolingly oblige. For whatever his lustful pleasure in making your pretty bottom buck to his will, he senses within you the power of Woman, that ultimate power which rules all. Observe the stupid grin upon his face when you tell him that he has been wicked. He will long for punishment'.

'As sometimes I shall?'. Astrid uttered a giggle and concealed her expression.

'Of course. You will enjoy the selfsame bonds into which you put others-though of occasion they have no need to know that. You must judge your attitudes carefully in respect of each individual'.

'Yet they have seen me humiliated-your servants, I mean'.

'As to that, my pet, 'tis all of a muchness. Marie and Amy knew well enough to what end you were being driven and that they themselves are as likely to come under the lash of your whip as any. I permit them many mischiefs, as I do Alice and Tom, yet all remain finally under my heel as now they shall under yours'.

'I am free?', asked Astrid in a timid voice.

'Free enough even to deny yourself freedom, if you will', Julia sighed. 'The child or young person who would free itself from its mother's will yet longs equally to be held in her firm embrace. Who then is free? Before I know it, you will be bringing the martinet to my bottom while holding me bound'.

'I would love to!', exclaimed Astrid excitedly. 'But I would also like you to do the same to me'.

'What else then can I teach you, save the many little tricks we indulge in? Let me rise, my sweet, for I am now about to show you something'. With that, Julia slid from the bed and took from an armoire the very letter she had received from Astrid's mother. Never before had she put such a privilege to a pupil, but with Astrid all was other than had ever been before. Unfolding the letter, she returned to the bed and laid it before her.

Astrid's hand trembled visibly as she clutched the pages and read them.

'Oh, what of THIS!', she exclaimed in wonderment.

'What indeed! I receive many such missives in advance of receiving a newcomer to the fold, but none has been permitted to indulge in their secrets as you. Judge well the situation now, as your dear mama intends you to, for it is clearly her intention that you should lead the household in all your ways and so establish your reign. Before you do, however, I must teach you all such little tricks as I have spoken of. You will come more quickly to them than others, for you have the spirit for the thing. I have this very day a gentleman coming for what are best termed "correctional exercises". In this you will assist'.

'I? But I will not know what to do!'.

'You will learn soon enough-by precept and by instinct. This one is surely easy for you, Astrid. He will cringe and fawn at the very sight of your bared thighs'.

'Julia, must I uncover myself to him?'

'As you will, my dear. Speak as little as is needful. Your moments of silence alone will fill him with awe. Should you wish him to kneel before you, indicate by gestures of your hand toward the floor. If he fails to abase himself sufficiently to your liking, place the heel of your shoe on the back of his neck and hold it there firmly. In doing so, admonish him quietly'.

Astrid's hands worked agitatedly together. 'I do not believe I could-not as yet. May I not commence with a female, for surely you have other subjects of your will such as I. Once I know that I can in some wise command another, then 'twill be easier for me'.

'Very well, my dear, it shall be so. Your wisdom pleases me. Had you failed with the gentleman concerned, I would have had perforce to punish you severely, and that I do not wish to do. Let me apprise you of his identity. He is the Hon. Wilberforce Markings, aged twenty-five, an orphan who has lived in fair comfort with his sister, Harriet, these last six years or more. Harriet is his senior by three years. She is minded to marry yet cannot bring herself to cast off her brother as easily as most would. He fawns upon her, having known little other feminine company, or having perhaps made sure that he did not. I am known to Harriet but vaguely by reputation. There has been correspondence between us-more guarded on her side than I would have wished. Her belief is that I might take Will, as she calls him, into my fold and treat him as a distressed relative who could in part act as servant'.

'Then she is not herself a subject?', Astrid asked with a twinge of disappointment.

'As yet? No. Not as yet', Julia responded, whereat a smile of complicity spread over both their faces. Bending over her companion, who lay still upon the bed, Julia kissed her. 'You see, I replace one difficult task for you with another', she purred.

'I think not, Julia. Would you deal, please, with Will while I take Harriet up to the Attendance Room? It would be as well for her to inspect the means of persuasion thoroughly, and perhaps even to taste them, if I can so persuade her. I may need the assistance of Marie and Amy, or I may not. They will be on call?'.