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Blushing and suppressing giggles as she surveyed their two voluptuous forms, Patricia was then urged to assist Astrid in making Ronald ready. Lighter of form than his mother, his laced-up boots proved more troublesome than anything, but finally all was done and three naked figures lay inert.

'Now, my pet, to the main purpose of the exercise. He is to be put half upon his mama, with his left leg well entangled in her drawers. Come, help me push his foot down between her drawers and her legs-so!', declared Astrid triumphantly, lifting and rolling and pushing Ronald until he was positioned as she wished him. His face lay upon his mother's large, pale breasts, his mouth so placed to one of her thick, brown nipples that the merest movement would suffice to bring it between his lips. His cock, a limp worm, nestled its knob close to the mouth of her cunny while his balls rested on her right thigh, a sight which caused Astrid's eyes to gleam and Patricia to titter.

'Oh, it is small!', Patricia uttered.

'It will grow bigger', Astrid replied confidently. 'Bring now Clara closer to them both, indeed right beside them. Lift her right leg and lay it over theirs. Good. What a fine tangle! Come, Patricia, we must not linger. The effects of the potion do not last long. Ten minutes more and they will be stirring. Go and see to it that Papa is not restless and I will follow'.

'Yes, Astrid. Oh, what unimaginable things are happening!'.

'Nothing is beyond imagination and few things beyond attainment, Patricia. Go, dear'. Pausing then for a few moments, Astrid bent far over and,, inserting her hand between Belinda's lush thighs, gently stroked Ronald's cock. To her perfect delight, it stirred faintly and within seconds showed the first signs of both thickening and extending itself. Gently, then, the movements of her slim, tapered fingers continued, much as one might caress a kitten. As she had suspected, Ronald's penis, although small in repose, had much to commend it when stimulated. A hollow groan escaped him as the pink-purplish knob of his weapon emerged gleaming from the tautening skin that surrounded it and poked blindly against the rolled lips of his mama's slit.

Telling herself that she had done far more than her duty demanded, and that the stronger powers of Nature would now take their course, Astrid wiped her fingers delicately on a napkin and made her way out, closing both doors of the drawing room so that the three were truly immured in their temporary stillness.

Striding out to the waiting carriage, her footsteps seemed to her lighter than ever before. On one seat sat a rather bemused Ralph, while, facing him, but not daring to give him many glances, was Patricia, whom Astrid settled beside.

'There are matters, Papa, we must discuss', Astrid declared as the coach then rumbled forward. 'Lady Smithers is, I fear, given to somewhat unseemly behaviour'. So saying, Astrid laid one hand, in the lap of Patricia's dress and by devious but slight movements of her fingers caused the hem of her dress to begin to rise. Feeling Patricia stiffen in surprise, Astrid gave her a little warning pinch that first made her jerk and then sit still again, her cheeks flushed.

'Ah!', exclaimed Ralph, for whom the world was once again turning topsy-turvy.

'Particularly unseemly', averred Astrid. 'I would not deem it-proper were you to visit here again. Such behaviour cannot be countenanced. You will not, I am sure, wish to arouse my displeasure'.

'Eh? What? No!', gurgled her papa, who from his vantage point opposite was endeavouring not to fix his eyes too obviously upon the deliciously rounded knees of Patricia as they now slowly emerged while Astrid most casually continued gathering up Patricia's skirt.

Her lips wobbling as if she wished to speak but could not do so, Patricia dimly heard the voice of her sister coming to her as first her stocking tops were revealed, then the creamy pallor of her thighs, and finally the crotch of her drawers.

'A quite wanton woman-totally unsuited, Papa.

Gulping, Patricia felt her thighs being urged wider apart, and she closed her eyes tightly.


For the entire journey, Patricia could not bring herself to disobey Astrid by moving or covering her modesty. In equal plight was Ralph Cane, for his elder daughter, having spoken briefly, maintained a silence that remained unbroken. Thus his gaze flitted constantly from the view beyond the carriage window to that between Patricia's open legs. In consequence, his condition did not abate, as was plain to both the girls. Upon descending at last on their arrival, his gait was seen to be somewhat awkward.

'I would speak with you, Astrid', he declared hoarsely as they entered the house.

'You may have audience with me, Papa, yes. I need time to change. Attend my room in our hour', she responded grandly, and without a further word swept upstairs to Jemima's room, whence plaintive squeals and the steady slapping of a palm were to be heard for quite five minutes.

Some miles away, meanwhile, Ronald had been the first to stir. Something tingled and throbbed on his person and this he found, to his unutterable amazement, was his cock, whose knob was lodged at a slight angle between the lips of his mama's slit. Gaping all about him in a bleary fashion, he then naturally espied all-his mama's bewitching nudity and that also of Clara, who lay doubled up beside them, her shapely leg having slipped lazily down from over his own. Naturally, deeming himself to be experiencing a most vivid dream, Ronald groped tentatively about Belinda's superb thighs and found the feeling much to his liking. Awkwardly thrust as it was between her drawers, his leg ached a little and he most slowly and wonderingly freed it by pushing her most intimate garment down farther until it had been worked off over her shoes.

At that, Belinda stirred and moaned, much to the frozen horror of Ronald, who remained breathlessly poised over her, the crest of his penis moist from the warm exudations that had oozed from her cunny during their unconscious state. To his vast relief, however, she opened not her eyes but in fact opened her legs the more, as though to seek a cooling draught of air between them. This, the exposure of her entire dark bush to perfection, merely made her son's stiff cock twitch the more. Moving by stealth and quite fearful of the consequences, he laid himself full upon the sumptuous resplendence of her nudity and with increasing wonder and excitement began to lick around her nipples. Passing his left hand out tentatively at the same time, he sought also to caress his sister's warm, round bottom, which was well poised for such an exploration.

As for Belinda, her mind was bubbling with dreams, most of which were of an extremely erotic nature. Emerging a little into consciousness and feeling the weight of a naked male body upon her, she deemed it vaguely to be that of her late husband and sought to caress it. Foraging with her hand blindly between their bodies, she found Ronald's stalk and moved her be-ringed fingers about invitingly. This alluring touch naturally being quite explosive to Ronald, he moved his cock lewdly in the loose clasp of her fingers, which by instinct then nudged it down against the rolled lips of her slit.

Not unnaturally, Ronald now deemed the invitation to be complete and without thought or caring as to how the three of them had got into such an exciting situation, he urged his cock within the delicious furrow while by teasing movements of her fingers his Mama blatantly encouraged him to do so. In a trice, his pego well inserted in the hot, moist haven, Ronald passed both hands under the glorious globe of her bottom and began fervently caressing it while meshing his lips into his mother's own ripe ones.

At this, Belinda became more fully awake. Her eyelashes fluttered and her own two hands in turn sought his muscular buttocks and drew him into her more fully. Her nipples, erect and tingling, brushed beneath his chest. Inserting his tongue in her mouth, Ronald began to pant loudly while moving his penis back and forth in the heavenly clutch of her well-furred nest.