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'Oh, darling, fuck me nicely', murmured Belinda hazily, at which point Clara came to and espied the gentle heaving of their bodies. Belinda had her thighs spread wide and her knees drawn half up so that her shoes could take purchase on the carpet in a manner that allowed her to churn her big bottom about in a manner as lewd as it was exciting.

'You naughty things! Oh!', exclaimed Clara, who then with a little shriek found her own moist cunny explored by her brother's fingers-a caress which caused her to fall back again so that her bare shoulders touched those of her mama.

'Clara, you silly, let Papa do it', husked Belinda, remaining in the land of the past until she then opened her eyes and saw who was upon her. Alas, the dear lady was by then in such a pitch of fervour that naught save the entire assemblage of local society viewing the proceedings could have stopped her. Her arms fluttered wildly, her mouth wet and open under her son's.

'Oh! Oh! Oh! R… R… Ronald! You naughty boy-oh!', she blathered to the accompaniment of the slight squelching sound of his prick easing back and forth in her juicy cavern.

'Ma… ma… MA!', groaned Ronald, whose searching fingers were also deliciously moist from foraging all about in Clara's slit.

'OOOH! AAAAAH!', they groaned together, neither ceasing to wriggle their bottoms in the hazy lust of the moment as the tempestuous peak of their pleasure waves approached. Couching himself more fully upon her bumpy curves, Ronald flashed his buttocks faster, causing his balls to slap resoundingly under her bottom. Unable to resist, Belinda wound her arms tightly about his slim but manly form and responded with equal jerks of her hips the while that their tongues ran greedily together. In a trice nothing could prevent the throbbing outpourings of Ronald's gushing tribute, nor that of Belinda's, who soaked his cock and balls as well in the frenzy of the moment.

After much heaving and kissing, all then was still, and a pleasurable silence reigned. Clara herself joined in, having attained to orgasmic bliss herself in the excited melee. Their eyes then confronting each other's more fully than had been possible in the mists of passion, all were a little more subdued and Belinda was forced to urge Ronald from off her so that she could sit up.

'What is afoot? Oh, I do not understand!', she cried while Ronald boldly passed one arm about her waist and with his other hand caressed her swollen titties.

'Hush, Mama, for no one has seen', he murmured, which appeared to mollify both mother and daughter, who rose up and gazed all about at their abandoned clothes.

'What of Mr. Cane then-and his daughters-OH! did they SEE?', Clara wailed, only to receive a slap from her mama, who found her ample bottom pressed warmly against her son's cock as he stood behind her. The touch of it to her groove being not unpleasant, she pretended not to notice its presence.

'Of course they did not, you fool. They are long gone. We must all have partaken of far too much wine, though how we came to be in this condition I know not', Belinda uttered. Giving then a simpering laugh, she endeavoured all too feebly to escape the clasping of her son's arms about her waist for she could feel already the renewed stirring of his prick which, by most blatantly her bulging bottom invited. Putting one finger in her mouth-a posture she had always found to be delicately inviting-Clara giggled.

'Mama, you are both very naughty. Why, Ronald's cock is sticking up again at your bottom'.

'Indeed, darling Clara, and it will stick up against yours soon enough', her brother laughed, thrusting out one arm to draw her to them. His mama's evident acquiescence increased his boldness while his cock, now fully risen, urged its tempestuous desires against her out-thrust cheeks. With those words also, Belinda deemed with many inward quivers that he sounded not unlike his Papa, which revelation she found as astonishing as Clara.

'Oh, Mama, Ronald must not do it to us, must he?', simpered Clara, her bare tummy now being pressed to her mother's hip as her brother held them both. That her question was really an invitation was easy enough for all to divine, and hence Ronald hesitated not to forage with one hand under his mania's plump cunt while fondling Clara's pert bottom.

'No, really, Ronald, we should not let you. Oh, pray, let us dress', Belinda murmured weakly while her belly urged the titillation of her fingers, which found her mount sticky still with his sperm.

'In a moment, Mama, but, come, let us sport a little first, I beg you', demanded Ronald hoarsely, for being young and vigorous his balls were ready yet for a second and third bout, and his excitement at the glorious turn of events was such that he began urging them step by step towards a sofa.

'No, no, no, Ronald! Oh, Clara, do stop him!'.

'I cannot, Mama, he has hold of me, too. OH!', exclaimed Clara, who then found herself tumbling down onto the silk-covered seat with her mother's weight de-sending upon her.

'Ah, Ronald, NO! Oh, you dare not!', cried Belinda, whose bottom, being lifted as it was to straddle her daughter, became prey to her randy son's intentions.

He, scarcely knowing what he was at, saw only the bulging invitation of her hemispheres and worked the flaming crest of his weapon eagerly between them, bringing a moaning cry from his mama.

'Wh… wh… what is he at? Oh!', cried Clara, who was now half-smothered by the agitated pair, her mother's knee being pressed up between her legs.

'He is in my b… b… bottom-OOOH! Stop it, Ronald, what a naughty thing to do! T… t… take it out! WHOOOO!'.

'Oh, Mama, let me get it right in', groaned Ronald, who found his stiff penis most invitingly half-buried in a tighter orifice than her cunny had presented. Gripping her weaving hips, he rammed manfully forward and with a quivering sigh found himself so fully sheathed that Belinda could only moan her pleasure while. Her pins having all fallen out, her hair clouded all over Clara's face, tickling her mouth and nose so that she sneezed. Taking the opportunity of the moment, and having no need to hold his mama, who was fully corked on his prick, Ronald held himself full in her hot, clenching bottomhole and raised his sister's legs about his mother's waist so that Clara hung beneath, her cunny teased by his fingers. At that, he began to pump his charger back and forth to the perfect delight of Belinda, who found it an even more comfortable fit than her husband's, had been.

So, panting and gasping, they ran their second course, uttering at the last the most abandoned cries while the sofa creaked and shuddered and Ronald's flaming rod injected Belinda deeply with his bubbling sperm. Her features hot and perspiring, Belinda then allowed him to withdraw his cock slowly to the sound of a faint PLOP! as the gleaming knob emerged and all sank down, Clara squeaking her protests until she was allowed to wriggle out from under them.-

Naught sounded then but the ticking of the drawing room clock while all three finally disposed themselves and stretched their tired limbs not without a certain satisfaction.

'Indeed, Mama, you are the naughtiest of all', exclaimed Clara pertly, for she was rather a little put out that Ronald had not fancied her charms the more, though her eyes noted well enough that his cock would evidently soon be ready for a third entry. Seeing her sly glance resting upon Ronald's cock and balls, Belinda laughed indulgently. The cares of the world seemed to have melted from her for the moment and memories of all her past pleasures had been wickedly revived by what had occurred.

'Perhaps I am and perhaps I am not, Clara. It was ever my pleasure to watch you being well fucked, dear, and I am quite sure that dear Ronald will sport between your thighs ere another half-hour has passed. Come, you silly, put your lips to his cock as you were wont to do with dear Papa and bring him well up again!'.