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There are libertines who will tell you that a lover gets a secret pleasure in watching his wife or his mistress in the arms of another woman. If it were a man, he would fly into a rage, reaching either for his pistol or for a writ of criminal conversation. Yet to see a woman maul and masturbate her is a mere jest to him, according to such stories. A woman is no threat to his supremacy over his beloved.

Indeed she shall be made to submit to him as well in a manner which requires no pistols or lawyers' writs. Do not believe it, my dear cousin. These are the jibes of worn-out old roues with no power left to please any woman. To see Sian and Julie toiling at one another was the keenest punishment of desire which I could ever have imagined.

They lay head to tail on the bed, closely inspecting and fondling the spread of each other's thighs and buttocks. The most intense spasms of their mutual desire seemed to be past. Now they were content to stroke and fondle more gently. Despite the wedding-ring on her finger, Sian has trim young thighs and firmly agile bottom-cheeks.

Julie licked her fingers and began to draw wet patterns on the white skin of Sian's trim young buttocks and down her thighs. Now the redhead returned the service to the slim young blonde. They wetted and drooled over each other in the lewdest possible manner until their unwholesome conduct excited stronger passions and they began to pry and insert their fingers, each watching what she was doing to the other at a few inches distance in order to inflame her own lewdness.

I cannot envisage what means may be used to drive these two girls apart and to speed Julie into my arms. I do assure you, Maude, they now began to play upon the bed like the most lascivious little kittens. There was not one nook or cranny of either girl's body which was not lingeringly probed and caressed by the tongue of the other little slut! You see where despair born of jealousy had brought me? I now began to think of Julie as a slut! I will leave you to imagine what I wished for Sian when I knew how deeply she had undermined the purity of my passion! Were it in my power, I would order a display behind the plate glass of the shop which should have the crowds a-gape! Sian with her mop of red hair, her white-skinned lasciviousness and blue eyes, a rope round her neck and her feet dancing on air a full hour! A steel bodkin-tip tickling her bare belly-button and beginning to demand entrance! Have no fear, Maude. It is not yet within my power- but it shall one day be! I shall not be called to account for it. Our friend, the Lord Chief Justice, will be my security! Dr. Raspail shall plead my neurasthenia. Have I not been provoked beyond the endurance of a man in perfect health, let alone one in my questionable condition? Despair overcame my curiosity and I turned from the window. Presently I knew that it would be impressible for me to endure another moment in the rooms I had hired to keep my observation upon the pair. Taking up my hat, I went down the stairs and shut the door. Above the little street, I now saw the light shining from the uncurtained window of the room in which the two girls lay, naked and writhing in each other's arms. Upon my arrival home, I threw myself down in a chair and brooded upon my tragedy. Why it was, I cannot say, yet I thought suddenly of those reformatory institutions where young women and girls are taught discipline by methods familiar to us all. I had once browsed through some pages of the House of Correction memoirs and was tolerably well-informed as to the scenes enacted in such places. In my mind I saw a girl of twenty with a firm and round young figure. She was pale-skinned and her mop of red hair fell this way and that. It was Sian. She was hoisted astride the padded vaulting-horse and stretched forward so that she lay along it while she straddled. They strapped her down and made her secure. A brute of a fellow, the very one for such a task, took up the cord whip. He lashed the bare cheeks of Sian's bottom until they were a mass of weals and the blood ran down to the backs of her knees. Thus I imagined, and thus I wished the future should be for our lewd young redhead. And then, Maude, a curious thing happened. Without exercising the least direction over my imagination, I found that the girl whom I pictured over the flogging-horse, screaming and writhing under the whip, was not Sian any longer. It was Julie whom my subconscious mind now presented on the stage of my imagination. The significance of this is more than I dare ponder. I know it is not a subject to be raised with the good Dr.

Raspail. What am I to deduce from it? I thought only a little longer and saw that, of course, I should lose my reason unless I took measures in good time. I have neither the means nor the leisure to have a shopgirl like Sian thrown into a reformatory for three or four years. I must act at once, or at the first propitious moment. I know there are rough fellows of a kind who may be bribed to assist one in these affairs. Two might hold her while I tightened the cord. Surely Julie would not refuse me after that? I paced up and down laying my plan. Then, past two in the morning, I could endure the uncertainty no more, for I was distracted at the thought of what Sian might be doing to Julie. I went back at dead of night to my hired room. Until daybreak I stared from the window into the brightly lit bedroom opposite. The two girls were sleeping, naked and head to tail.

Presently they stirred and it was now Julie who first began to open the redhead's thighs with her fingers and to part Sian's bottom-cheeks. I will not tolerate it, Maude. I will be denied no longer. At the first opportunity I shall be avenged upon the young whore Sian! Augustus Anonymous Augustus and Lady Maude VII. Lady Maude to Mr. Bowler Garda, 17 June, p.m. Hotel Rialto, Venezia, per corriere espresso My dear Friend, I send this brief message by the most expeditious route and beg your assistance or advice. Matters concerning my cousin, Lord A, with which I lately acquainted you, have now assumed a much graver complexion. There is a girl by the name of Sian, employed in a menial capacity by one of your enterprises. Lord A believes she is a rival for the blond slut in whom he has so unwisely interested himself. With his nerves in their tender state, he vows to kill the other creature-the redhead Sian-by dramatic methods. Sensible people do not care, of course, if it pleases a nobleman to put to death a young bitch of her sort. But Lord A's neurasthenia has made his actions unpredictable. I do not think he would do the thing at all discreetly. In feet, I am almost sure he would make a public example of her. The police have always obliged in other matters but I do not think family influence and money could quieten the scandal if Lord A were to pinion Sian and hang her with a rope round her neck and keep her dancing on air half an hour. Too many gentlemen would want to “spectate” to hush it up. Now, my dear friend-I beg you-do think what may be done. The affair between the girls is certainly sapphic on the part of the wretched little Julie as well. You know how such girls may be quietly removed to other places- done away with, in the sense of being spirited away to some establishment where they will remain permanently. Can you not help us now? I will promise you a certain reward, in the gift of my father, that you have long coveted. There is a contract to be put out in the matter of equipping two mounted regiments who are ordered for viceregal duty in Calcutta. No man could furnish their horses so well as yourself. I am sure you take my meaning. I send this message by express, in the hands of a fellow whom I have trusted before.