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"I guess even an idiotic, tiny tits whore like you must know what, to do now," she said before she sat on Jane's face. "The happier you make me the less you get hurt. Don't worry about making me so happy that I don't hurt you at all, because trust me, honey, that ain't going to happen."

The girl's weight on Jane's head pulled her hair even tighter and caused Jane to squirm in agony. The girl's cunt was a cesspool compared to Marcia's baby pink pussy. The girl was a lot heavier than Marcia too, her weight enough to make Jane's head throb with pain.

Jane gagged at her first taste of Margot's cunt. It tasted cheesy and foul. There was the stink of piss and an aftertaste of old jism. Margo laughed at the sound of Jane's gagging and pressed down even harder with her cunt. Her pussy was spread out over the center of Jane's face, trapping the bound beauty's lips and nose inside. Jane stared up into the dirty crack of the girl's ass. Margot's dark, hanging pussy-lips were spread out over Jane's cheeks.

"Not doing much for me yet, you sorry whore!" Margot gasped, and slammed her fist into the soft hollow of Jane's stomach, in the exact same spot she had kicked only moments before. "I'd just hate to fuck you up so bad that nobody else would want to touch you for a long time, but I get pretty cranky when I don't get what I want."

Jane heard the note of eager cruelty in the girl's voice. Margot's filthy pussy had started dripping when she smashed her fist into Jane's stomach. Now she raked her long, sharp fingernails up Jane's sleek, soft flanks, and her cuntlips fluttered against Jane's cheeks. Jane stabbed her tongue as deep into Margot's hot pussy as she could, trying desperately to get the girl to stop torturing her. She suspected, though, that whatever she did, Margot was going to want to hurt her badly.

"That's a little better," the big girl said, rocking her ass back and forth against Jane's pretty, trapped face. "I knew you weren't completely stupid."

Jane whipped her tongue deep inside the girl's cheesy cunt. She kissed and nibbled at her foul tasting pussy-flesh, trying to excite her to the point where she wouldn't think of dishing out more torture. Jane could barely breathe submerged in Margot's big, damp cunt, but she attacked the foul-tasting fuck-hole as though she had never been hungrier for anything in her life.

Margot grabbed a handful of Jane's cunt-hair and yanked it out by the roots. Jane screamed up into the big girl's cunt at the sudden, tearing agony, and a moment later her face was soaked with cunt-cream. Margot howled with ecstasy, sounding more like a bear than a girl, and snatched out another handful of Jane's pussy hair to make her scream again.

"That's it, you dumb cunt!" Margot bellowed, smacking her ass against Jane's face until she knocked the sultry brunette silly. "You're making me cum, you worthless piece of sewage! Scream again, pretty little whore!"

Margot clawed at Jane's pretty, upthrust tits. Jane shrieked in agony, trapped helplessly under the bucking, grinding teenager. It felt as though Margot was ripping her tits to shreds. The big girl caught Jane's nipples between her fingernails and sawed until Jane broke into a cold sweat from the awful agony she was suffering.

Margot's fetid pussy-slime was pouring onto Jane's beautiful face. It poured into her open mouth, making her choke and gag. It ran down her cheeks and chin in sticky, greasy waves. It filled her nose and ears and stung her eyes. Margot's cunt was the most awful thing Jane had ever tasted, and she was being immersed in it completely.

"Shit, Marcia, couldn't you have found a slut with bigger tits?" Margot asked as she hooked her hands into claws and jerked up on Jane's firm, proud tits. "This sorry slut doesn't even have two good, handfuls!"

"You've got big hands," Marcia said a little coldly. "And leave some for the others. It's only fair that everyone gets a turn with her before she's ruined."

"Fuck that!" Margot barked. With a quick shift of her hips she pulled her pussy off Jane's mouth and slid her asscrack over the tortured beauty's pussy-soaked face. "This cunt loves everything I'm doing to her. She's a little bitch, but she moves like a slut with stamina. I just want her to know what life's going to be like from now on."

Jane didn't have to be told what to do. She teased her tongue out over her lips, gagging repeatedly from the smell of Margot's asscrack and the thought that she was going to have to kiss and lick it. Her first taste made her stomach convulse, but there was nothing inside it to come up. She dry-heaved again and again, her svelte body twitching with the force of her sickness.

Margot raked her sharp fingernails up the center of Jane's flat stomach. She left ten bright red gashes behind her, and they took a long time to fade from Jane's tanned skin. Before they had, Margot added ten more alongside them.

Jane lashed her tongue over the big girl's asscrack. Her dazed mind exploded with horror at what she was doing, but the thought that her actions might stop Margot's torture kept her going. Margot's asscrack was damp and filthy. Jane's tongue dragged through sludge that was almost an eighth of an inch thick. What little self-respect Jane had left was ground to dust by the realization of what she was licking up, but she kept her tongue moving until Margot's asscrack was clean. By that time Jane's face was smeared with slit, her mouth was coated with shit, and her nose was buried in shit.

"Shit, I'm cumming again!" Margot screamed, rubbing her ass all over Jane's shit streaked face. "Marcia, your slut aunt is making me cum by just licking my asshole!"

Margot balled her hands into fists and pounded on Jane's captive, sexy body. She flattened Jane's pretty tits, slammed her fists into her flat stomach. Her cunt gushed fuck-cream into the hollow of Jane's delicate white throat. Jane felt the world spinning away from her as Margot beat her savagely. She wondered if Marcia was going to let the awful girl beat her to death. She almost wished she would.

A moment later she wished so even more.

"Here's a present for you," Margot said, trapping Jane's head tightly between her meaty thighs and lifting her ass a few inches off Jane's beautiful, fouled face. "You did real good for a piece of shit cocksucker, so I'm going to give you a piece of shit for a reward."

Jane screamed as she watched Margot's asshole flex and dilate. She tried to fight her way out from under the girl, even tied hand and foot by her hair as she was. She would have been willing to tear out every strand of her treasured hair to escape the ultimate desecration the big brunette was going to heap on her. But her struggles were hopeless. She was trapped. The first turd dropped wetly down right on the tip of Jane's nose.

Jane tried to clamp her mouth shut, but Margot caught her jaws in one powerful hand and forced them even wider open. She wiggled her ass into place over Jane's parted lips, grunting as she forced a second turd from her body.

"No!" Jane shrieked, her mind overloading like a computer that had been fed far too much information and received a power surge to boot. "No! Marcia, help me? You don't know what she's doing! Marcia! Please, oh, please, oh, please! Not this! Not this!"

"Yeah, this, scrawny tits!" Margot grunted, dropping a fat turd right between Jane's moist, parted lips. "Chew it up and swallow it, dream girl! Fuck, I really love making the pretty ones feel like animals!"

Margot dropped another turd on Jane's cheek, then swung off her face and looked down at her. Jane's beautiful, elegant face was a filthy mess. Her mouth was still open, the dirty brown turd Margot had dropped there visible between her lips. Every inch of her face was smeared with the shit that had lined Margot's asscrack. The other two turds were piled onto Jane's nose and cheeks like big brown slugs.

"Beautiful," Margot said, and she used her grip on Jane's jaw to make the bound, helpless beauty chew up the turd that filled her mouth. Then she crammed the second turd, between Jane's shit-plastered lips and made her eat it. And then she did the same with the third, pausing only to wipe it all over Jane's face before she pushed it into her mouth. "Such a pretty bitch. You loved eating my shit, didn't you?"