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My feasts, my frolics, are already gone,

And now, it seems, my verses must go too."

This Is Conington's translation, but it seems to me to be a little


"Years as they roll cut all our pleasures short;

Our pleasant mirth, our loves, our wine, our sport,

And then they stretch their power, and crush at last

Even the power of singing of the past."

I think that I may say with truth that I rode hard to my end.

"Vixi puellis nuper idoneus,

Et militavi non sine gloria;

Nunc arma defunctumque bello

Barbiton hic paries habebit."

"I've lived about the covert side,

I've ridden straight, and ridden fast;

Now breeches, boots, and scarlet pride

Are but mementoes of the past."


In what I have said at the end of the last chapter about my hunting,

I have been carried a little in advance of the date at which I

had arrived. We returned from Australia in the winter of 1872, and

early in 1873 I took a house in Montagu Square,--in which I hope

to live and hope to die. Our first work in settling there was to

place upon new shelves the books which I had collected round myself

at Waltham. And this work, which was in itself great, entailed

also the labour of a new catalogue. As all who use libraries know,

a catalogue is nothing unless it show the spot on which every

book is to be found,--information which every volume also ought to

give as to itself. Only those who have done it know how great is

the labour of moving and arranging a few thousand volumes. At the

present moment I own about 5000 volumes, and they are dearer to

me even than the horses which are going, or than the wine in the

cellar, which is very apt to go, and upon which I also pride myself.

When this was done, and the new furniture had got into its place,

and my little book-room was settled sufficiently for work, I

began a novel, to the writing of which I was instigated by what I

conceived to be the commercial profligacy of the age. Whether the

world does or does not become more wicked as years go on, is a

question which probably has disturbed the minds of thinkers since

the world began to think. That men have become less cruel, less

violent, less selfish, less brutal, there can be no doubt;--but

have they become less honest? If so, can a world, retrograding from

day to day in honesty, be considered to be in a state of progress?

We know the opinion on this subject of our philosopher Mr. Carlyle.

If he be right, we are all going straight away to darkness and the

dogs. But then we do not put very much faith in Mr. Carlyle,--nor

in Mr. Ruskin and his other followers. The loudness and extravagance

of their lamentations, the wailing and gnashing of teeth which comes

from them, over a world which is supposed to have gone altogether

shoddy-wards, are so contrary to the convictions of men who cannot

but see how comfort has been increased, how health has been improved,

and education extended,--that the general effect of their teaching

is the opposite of what they have intended. It is regarded simply

as Carlylism to say that the English-speaking world is growing

worse from day to day. And it is Carlylism to opine that the general

grand result of increased intelligence is a tendency to deterioration.

Nevertheless a certain class of dishonesty, dishonesty magnificent

in its proportions, and climbing into high places, has become at

the same time so rampant and so splendid that there seems to be

reason for fearing that men and women will be taught to feel that

dishonesty, if it can become splendid, will cease to be abominable.

If dishonesty can live in a gorgeous palace with pictures on all

its walls, and gems in all its cupboards, with marble and ivory

in all its corners, and can give Apician dinners, and get into

Parliament, and deal in millions, then dishonesty is not disgraceful,

and the man dishonest after such a fashion is not a low scoundrel.

Instigated, I say, by some such reflections as these, I sat down

in my new house to write The Way We Live Now. And as I had ventured

to take the whip of the satirist into my hand, I went beyond the

iniquities of the great speculator who robs everybody, and made an

onslaught also on other vices;--on the intrigues of girls who want

to get married, on the luxury of young men who prefer to remain

single, and on the puffing propensities of authors who desire to

cheat the public into buying their volumes.

The book has the fault which is to be attributed to almost all

satires, whether in prose or verse. The accusations are exaggerated.

The vices are coloured, so as to make effect rather than to represent

truth. Who, when the lash of objurgation is in his hands, can

so moderate his arm as never to strike harder than justice would

require? The spirit which produces the satire is honest enough, but

the very desire which moves the satirist to do his work energetically

makes him dishonest. In other respects The Way We Live Now

was, as a satire, powerful and good. The character of Melmotte is

well maintained. The Beargarden is amusing,--and not untrue. The

Longestaffe girls and their friend, Lady Monogram, are amusing,--but

exaggerated. Dolly Longestaffe, is, I think, very good. And Lady

Carbury's literary efforts are, I am sorry to say, such as are too

frequently made. But here again the young lady with her two lovers

is weak and vapid. I almost doubt whether it be not impossible to

have two absolutely distinct parts in a novel, and to imbue them

both with interest. If they be distinct, the one will seem to be

no more than padding to the other. And so it was in The Way We Live

Now. The interest of the story lies among the wicked and foolish

people,--with Melmotte and his daughter, with Dolly and his family,

with the American woman, Mrs. Hurtle, and with John Crumb and the

girl of his heart. But Roger Carbury, Paul Montague, and Henrietta

Carbury are uninteresting. Upon the whole, I by no means look upon

the book as one of my failures; nor was it taken as a failure by

the public or the press.

While I was writing The Way We Live Now, I was called upon by the

proprietors of the Graphic for a Christmas story. I feel, with regard

to literature, somewhat as I suppose an upholsterer and undertaker

feels when he is called upon to supply a funeral. He has to supply

it, however distasteful it may be. It is his business, and he will

starve if he neglects it. So have I felt that, when anything in the

shape of a novel was required, I was bound to produce it. Nothing

can be more distasteful to me than to have to give a relish of

Christmas to what I write. I feel the humbug implied by the nature

of the order. A Christmas story, in the proper sense, should be

the ebullition of some mind anxious to instil others with a desire

for Christmas religious thought, or Christmas festivities,--or,

better still, with Christmas charity. Such was the case with Dickens

when he wrote his two first Christmas stories. But since that the

things written annually--all of which have been fixed to Christmas

like children's toys to a Christmas tree--have had no real savour

of Christmas about them. I had done two or three before. Alas!