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• How were the clothing and the valuables removed from the ravine?

• Mass murder on a platform? Why? And if so, then it would be possible for groups at most, not all at once. When was the platform built, and by whom?

• In a narrow, winding ravine, the line-ups of people to be executed cannot be very long. One cannot simply swing the machine gun/s in any large angle one might wish to, without endangering one's own people, without losing accuracy and penetration at oblique angles, and without facilitating the escape of some of the victims.

• The bodies must be removed as the groups are executed, otherwise they would result in an enormous pile. If one allows ten minutes for the undressing, shooting and removal of the bodies from each group of at most 100 people, then the murder would have taken at least 83 hours.

• How is it possible to lead the victims into the ravine and then throw them into that same ravine after shooting them?

• In late September dusk comes relatively early in Kyiv. On September 29 it rained heavily, all the roads were soggy, on the 30th it rained and snowed and road conditions grew even worse.[25] Since it is impossible to execute groups of any appreciable size in the dark, the murder could have been carried out only during the daylight hours, i.e., it would have taken more than a week. Bright floodlights are not an option in wartime, especially near the front - and with partisans in the vicinity. And Wiehn[26] raves about beautiful September days!

2. Vilkis, a Jew born in Odessa, reports:[13],[27]

"[...] a near-by Jewish cemetery, where marble grave markers were removed and brought to Babi Yar, where they formed crude stoves [...] but (the bodies) did not burn well because of lack of draft."

• Vilkis goes on to claim that the Germans sent prisoners into the cemetery to get the iron rails from the graves, which were then used to construct cremation grates. During the cremation the Germans had also brought other victims in murder vans in which they had been asphyxiated. These too, he contends, were cremated.

• People and transportation are required to move marble grave markers. Why has no one ever searched for these grave stones as evidence?

• How many such oven gratings would one need to construct in order to cremate that many bodies in so crude a manner? Would it even work at all?

• Where did the enormous quantities of fuel come from? Based on findings from India - the only country where bodies are cremated in the manner under discussion here - we note:

To achieve a marginally adequate, but nevertheless still only partial cremation, 200,000 bodies would require at least 51 million pounds of firewood - a pile 3 ft. high, 3 ft. wide and 34 miles long. Who cut this firewood, and where? How was this huge quantity transported? Who carried the countless bodies to the cremation site? Who removed the remains? Where are the witnesses from among this veritable army of laborers? The claim that cremation gratings were constructed from graveside rails is even less credible; these gratings would have collapsed almost immediately due to the heat.

3. The unnamed son-in-law of one Chaim Shapiro who was taken to Babi Yar recounts:[13]

"At the cemetery the Jews were forced to undress. Fifty six thousand (56,000) Jews were slaughtered. Those who did not die instantly were buried alive. [...]

[...] on the tenth day [after the shooting] we were driven to Lukianova [Babi Yar] ravine. We stood there panic-stricken. From beneath the freshly strewn earth streamed rivers of blood, the blood of 56,000 murdered Jews. It cried to us from under the earth. My hair turned gray that morning."

• From where does Chaim Shapiro's son-in-law get his information? What is his name, anyhow? Why was he not among the victims? After all, wasn't everyone allegedly killed? What was the date? Where is the murder site? Why is the place where the victims undressed not the same as the other witnesses claim?

• What would a forensic doctor say about the rivers of blood allegedly streaming from bodies killed ten days earlier?

• The part about the blood crying from the earth is from the Bible; in Genesis 4:10 we read:

"The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground."

• Can hair spontaneously turn gray?

• Were Jews forcibly driven to the site of the mass murder in order to produce witnesses?

4. In E. R. Wiehn's book, L. Levitas[28] tells of one Riva Kogut, who was later known as Raissa Genrichovna Dashkevich:

"Early on September 29 the Kyiv Jews walked in a continuous line in the direction of Syretz to the train station [...] First the documents were taken away and [...] thrown onto a pile, at the next point the luggage was taken away, [...] already on the grounds of the Jewish cemetery the people were forced with clubs to undress and were then driven to the ravine. That was the ravine of Babi Yar. Then the people were driven [...] down the slope of the ravine. [...] where narrow, terrace-like places had already been prepared. [...] From the opposite side came the thunder of machine guns. There, [...] hundreds of Jews were shot. [...] Everything happened so fast, [...] blows [...] dog bites [...]. The people lost their minds, many turned gray with horror. [...] A severe chill and the pain in my head forced me to move, I began to climb up. [...]"

• Multiple graying of the hair?

• To the train station?

• Beaten up on the cemetery grounds?

• Narrow terraces had been prepared? By whom? When, in the brief time since the taking of Kyiv?

• Gunned down with machine guns from across the ravine?

• Dog bites? Hundreds of victims - not tens or even hundreds of thousands?

5. Dimitri Orlow, one of the alleged witnesses quoted in a 1980 Black Book from the 'Holocaust Library',[29] testified:

"An entire office operation with desks had been set up in an open area. The crowd waiting at the barriers erected by the Germans at the end of the street could not see the desks. Thirty to forty persons at a time were separated from the crowd and led under armed guard for 'registration'. Documents and valuables were taken away. The documents were immediately thrown onto the ground, and witnesses have testified that the square was covered with a thick layer of discarded papers, torn passports, and union identification cards. Then Germans forced everyone to strip naked: girls, women, children, old men. [...] Their clothing was gathered up and carefully folded. Rings were ripped from the fingers of the naked men and women, and these doomed people were forced to stand at the edge of a deep ravine, where the executioners shot them at pointblank range. The bodies fell over the cliff, and small children were thrown in alive. Many went insane when they reached the place of execution."

• Orlow allegedly saw all of this in the space of a few minutes, from the grounds of a cable factory.[30]

• Date? Where was the office operation set up? How much personnel and time would the various operations require? Soviet citizens did not carry passports! Corroborating witnesses???

• Even if the people at the barriers could not see the desks, they would not have failed to hear the gunfire. Why was there no attempt at escape, especially after dark? The rugged, fissured region was ideally suited for hiding.

• At this point, an important general note. More than half of the alleged route taken to the execution site ran through built-up urban areas. Why did Stalin's thugs fail to locate decent witnesses even in this area? Why are there also no witnesses or reports from the Wehrmacht? Vacationers, for example, would hardly have kept such horrible goings-on to themselves.

• We learn that groups of thirty to forty persons at a time were led off under armed guard. How much time would this alone take?