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Gail Parent, Sheila Levine Is Dead and Living in New York; (New York: Putnam, 1972) Judith Rossner, Looking for Mr. Goodbar (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1975); Erica Jong, Fear of Flying (1973; New York: NAL, 1995); Mary Gordon, Final Payments (New York: Ballantine, 1978).



Helen Gurley Brown, Sex and the Single Girl (New York: Bernard Geiss/Random House, 1962); Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique (1963; New York: Dell, 1973); Charles Abrams, The City Is the Frontier (New York: Columbia University Press, 1965); Joan Didion, Something Toward Bethlehem (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1968); Howard Bahr and Gerald Garrett, Women Alone: The Disaffiliation of Urban Females (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1976); Suzanne Gordon, Lonely in America (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1976); Jean Baker Miller, Toward A New Psychology of Women (Boston: Beacon Books, 1979).


Joan Didion, “The Great Reprieve,” Mademoiselle (June 1960); “Do Women Provoke Sex Attack?” Cosmopolitan (Mar. 1960); “The Non-Woman, A Manhattan Enigma, Cosmopolitan (Mar. 1960); Sylvia Porter, “Women Alone,” New York Post (Sept. 13, 1960); Carol Taylor, “East Side, West Side, They Flock to New York for Job, Dream, Dream Man,” New York World-Telegram (Jan. 3, 1960); “Go West Young Woman if You Wish to Wed,” New York Herald Tribune (May 10, 1961); Phyllis Rosenteur, “Unwed Woman a Likely Cynic,” (Newsweek, book excerpt, May 1962); Gloria Steinem, “The Moral Disarmament of Betty Co-ed,” Esquire (Sept. 1962); “How Nice to Be a Pretty Girl in Washington, D.C.,” Life (Mar. 23, 1962); Marion K. Sanders, “The Case of the Vanishing Spinster,” New York Times Magazine (Sept. 22, 1963); “Two Girls Murdered in E. 88th St. Flat,” New York Times, (Aug. 29, 1963); Nan Robertson, “Where the Boys Are Not: At the Barbizon,” New York Times (Oct. 19, 1963); on Kitty Genovese, Loudon Wainwright, “The Dying Girl That Nobody Helped,” Life (Apr. 10, 1964); Sylvia Porter, “Girls Without Jobs,” New York Post (Mar. 25, 1965); Nina McCain, “New York and the Single Girl!” New York World-Telegram (Dec. 14, 1965); “Cities and the Single Girl,” Newsweek (Nov. 15, 1965); “Students in the Free Sex Movement,” Time (Mar. 11, 1966); Judith Viorst and Dorothy Gilliam, “Washington and the Single Girl,” Washington Post (June 22, 1966); “Where the Singles Are!” Newsweek (Sept. 26, 1966); Douglas Sefton, “The Girl Ghetto: East Side, West Side, Gals Buoying It Up on Broads-way,” New York Daily News (May 10, 1967); “New Rules for the Singles Game,” Life (Aug. 18, 1967); “The Pleasures and Pain of the Single Life,” Time (Sept. 15, 1967); Jean Baer, “The Single Girl in the City,” New York Post (Sept. 21, 1968); Shelby Coffey III, “Single Style Yesterday and Today,”’ Washington Post (Jan. 14, 1968); Christina Mirk, “Mingle but Stay Single!” Sunday Daily News (Mar. 23, 1969); “The Politics of Sex: Who’s Come a Long Way, Baby?” Time. (Aug. 31, 1970); Jon Nordheimer, “Vacation and the Single Girclass="underline" Tireless Pursuit of a Dream,” New York Times (July 29, 1970); “A Very Nice Kind of Ski Bum,” Life pictorial on single girls, living together in Aspen (Mar. 8, 1971); “Gloria Steinem: A Liberated Woman Despite Beauty, Chic and Success” Newsweek (Aug. 16, 1971); see also “The Thinking Man’s Jean Shrimpton,” Time (Jan. 3, 1969); Judy Klemesrud, “Single Women Against a Dangerous City,” New York Times (Jan. 12, 1973); Grace Lichtenstein, “Slain Woman’s Neighbors Express Both Horror and Detachment,” New York Times (Oct. 25, 1973); Leslie Maitland, “The Singles Scene Has Sordid Side,” New York Times (Nov. 1, 1974); Susan Jacoby, “Forty-nine Million Singles Can’t All Be Right,” New York Times Magazine (Feb. 17, 1974); Gloria Emerson, “In a City of Crowds, So Many Lonely Women,” New York Times (Jan. 28, 1974); Wendy Shulman, “Singles Becoming More Stable Tenants,” New York Times (July 1974); Judy Klemesrud, “Bachelor’s Life: Things Aren’t Always Hunky-Dory in Paradise,” New York Times (May 3, 1974), “Margaret Mead Puts Single Life in Perspective,” New York Times (Jan. 25, 1974), and “They Tell How They Feel About Being Single Women,” New York Times (Dec. 1974); Robert J. Levin and Amy Levin, “Sexual Pleasure: The Surprising Preferences of 100,000 Women,” Redbook (Sept. 1975); “Men Bite Back,” New York Times (Aug. 1978), a response to Nan Robertson’s controversial essay “Single Women Over 30: Where Are the Men Worthy of Us?” (to quote from one typical male subject: “I am bored with women who claim all that liberation, self-realization, self-fulfillment pap and blame all the woes of women since Eve on me.”); John Kifner, “Hospital at Last Identifies Its Shopping Bag Lady,” New York Times (Jan. 10, 1979).