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No, the Agency has no connection with Palladium.

I’m not familiar with those names.

It is possible that some retired Agency personnel are employed by Palladium. We don’t tell our retirees what to do.

Sir? I don’t know what you’re inferring.

Again Senator, there were no convictions in that matter, and I wonder why you keep digging up ancient history.

Okay, that, yes that recent operation took a lot of, of press, didn’t it. Yes, by all means, let’s talk about that operation. That operation had both military benefits and security benefits and economic benefits. First, the contraband fissile material was interdicted at the border. Second, the quantity was relatively small. Third, it proves that market forces treat this kind of contraband material the same as any other material. To me that says the operation was a success. It creates an opportunity for us. As a result of it, we have a new tool for fighting terrorism.

Yes, exactly, Mister Chairman. A sting. First we sell it to them and then we take it back. This creates a market for the material which drives up the price, which forces terror groups to spend themselves into a downward spiral. Since we’re a market maker in this material, other players will come to us and that also gives us a chance to repatriate some of the contraband material that’s got out there over the years.

Uh, how much, how much contraband material is out there — isn’t that classified?

No? Okay, if you insist, about twelve thousand kilograms. That we know of. More or less.

A, a weapon? You mean a device. You could make a nuclear device from, ah, about six kilograms of this material.

I think that would make twenty? Two hundred? No, okay, two thousand devices. More or less.

Mister Chairman, again, I want to come back and say I’m pleased to hear your concern and the committee’s concern on this issue. I have to go and refresh myself on this, but I don’t think — I think that if it’s a trade issue — I mean, is it fair trade practice to take in fissile material and introduce it to the market without having any cost associated? We’ll have to study that, sir.

No, Senator. I don’t think this is a matter of where Mister Kak is or isn’t or what he has or hasn’t done. It’s more about the roles we have established for the kinds of players that best fill them.

You’ve already heard testimony from the Vice President and from the gentlemen at Treasury, Justice, and State on how valuable Mister Kak has been to them. In closing let me say that he is a patriot twice over. He has served and sacrificed for his homeland, and for his adopted country. He has served on advisory panels, he has testified before Congress on several occasions, and there should be no further delay in confirming his appointment as our next Secretary of Homeland Security.

Yes, sir. Nice to see you too. Thank you. You make me blush.