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"I got her in the ass," Seth muttered. "I'm fucking ass. Oh, bitch baby, you're so tight up the shithole. Ahh! Ahhh!" He gnawed at her neck, her shoulders. He ripped at her hair with his teeth. His tight belly smacked her ass. His cock fucked to the depths of her loins.

Jenny chewed her fist, tasting dirt and sweat, tasting a little blood, still tasting the hog's cum. Tears of anger blurred her vision. She writhed helplessly in the dirt, rubbing her tits raw. Her asshole was on fire.

The hillbillies were all chanting, screaming like a mob for Seth to fuck the guts out of her. Seth was laughing and growling and muttering. He'd become an animal. His prick felt hotter and harder inside her with each thrust. Jenny began to hump back at him, jerking her tightened ass back up at him in self-defense. She found that the pain was less if she moved with him instead of lying under him passively and limply. With each savage downward cock-thrust, Jenny banged her ass up to meet his prick, hoping to knock the wind out of his stomach.

"She's a humping hot sow if I ever seen one," roared Harlan. "Is she tight, boy?"

"Ohhh, Goddamn!" groaned Seth. "She's tighter than a mule."

"I wanna fuck her," Delbert said. "Hurry Seth."

"You'll get your chance later, boy," Harlan said. "Give your brother his piece now. He's got it coming. He's been waiting a mighty spell for this."

Seth got his arms under her, wrapping them around her, filling his hands with her tits. His fingers tightened like pincers on her nipples. Shafts of pain shot through her tits. Her cunt and asshole cramped. She whined like a she-cat, her fingers and toes clawing the dirt.

Seth's cock flexed wildly. Whining just as loudly as Jenny, he pulled out and rammed in frenziedly. His cock began to quiver, and he began to grunt like a boar. As he slammed in, nearly driving both cock and balls up Jenny's asshole, a great shudder racked his cock. At that moment, Jenny felt the boy's first spurt of hot cum shoot the pit of her asshole.

"Ahhhhh!" Seth cried. "Uhhhhh! Ohhhhhh!" Another spurt creamed Jenny's asshole, and the youth bellowed.

Jenny relaxed for a moment, fascinated by the sensation of cum squirting inside her asshole. This was something brand new, something she'd never dreamed she would experience. The boy shot again, then again. Jenny's loins pulsated, responding to the spasms of his cock, to the spurting of cum. Unbelievable, but her loins were tighter now with fuck feelings than they'd been yet at any time since this ordeal began. The ass-fucking, the spasming, shooting cock imbedded up her ass, had stimulated both her cunt and asshole as if she'd been cunt-fucked by some marvelous stud football player. She had not a second to waste. She writhed with all her strength, stretching her muscles, curling her toes, tightening her cunt and shimmying her pussy-lips together in a last all-out attempt to bring herself to orgasm. Immediately she felt the tight tingles begin to stream through her arms and legs, up her spine, up and down and around and throughout her loins. Her cunt and asshole flashed hot and cold, every nerve prickling as if they'd been scoured, then sloshed with sea-water. Jenny squealed with absolute joy. Nothing could stop her orgasm now. It was beginning, coming. She rolled her eyes with pleasure.

The spasms nearly knocked her out. She clawed at consciousness as hard as she was clawing at the dirt. She couldn't pass out now. She must experience every agonizing bit of this orgasm even if it killed her. She'd always marveled at the way her orgasms felt so good that they almost hurt, but this orgasm was far beyond any she'd before experienced. This orgasm was sheer pain, sheer pleasure – an ecstasy so intense that it caused her to curse and shriek as if she were being flogged with barbed wire. She ached to roll her naked body into a ball and to crush the feelings out of her loins, but she was laid flat-out, pinned face-down under the slobbering, grunting, spurting youth, and all she could do was to lie there like a pinned butterfly and wriggle as her orgasm drilled into every cell of her body.

"She's so tight!" Seth groaned. "Oh, Jesus! Asshole squirming inside like a nest of hot worms. Oh, man! Ahhh!"

The contractions of his cock were lessening, the last cum oozing out of him, but Jenny had a long way to go. As her orgasm continued she wished she could die. But she knew she wouldn't. She knew this orgasm would continue torturing her to near insanity, and that she would remain fully awake, jerking and quivering to its every agonizing twinge, squealing her pleasure like a sow.


The door to the smokehouse stood open, allowing Lynn to look out directly upon the woods. She watched the dry breeze as it twisted and swooped through the summer leaves, making them quiver and turn and flutter, allowing Lynn to see them from every angle under the softening wash of the late-afternoon sun. The breeze seemed actually visible to her now, visible as a flow of heat waves scurrying this way and that among the leaves. The smokehouse was suffocatingly hot, but Lynn felt fairly comfortable, being stark naked, bathed in sweat, and having plenty to drink. Tyler and Delbert, after fucking her mouth and asshole, had wrapped a chain around her waist and padlocked her to the iron stove in the center of the hut-like smokehouse. As she sat on the bare ground of the smokehouse floor, she leaned back against the cool iron of the stove, watching the breeze in the leaves, daydreaming, and drinking the wine and water the two boys had left her. Oh, such wine!

Lynn had never tasted wine like this. It had to be homemade. A deep rose color. A little bubbly. And tasty. Lynn smacked her lips after each sip. And potent. The first sip had made her giggle. The alcohol had shot directly to her brain. And now she'd been sitting here for what seemed like hours, sipping and giggling and sipping more. The boys had left her a half gallon of the stuff in a glass jug, and she'd sipped down more than a quart. The wine made her terribly thirsty, and she sipped water along with the wine. She'd drunk nearly a half gallon of that, and her bladder was screaming for relief. She continually crossed and re-crossed her naked legs, trying to avoid pissing in the dirt under her ass.

Despite the ballooning of her bladder, Lynn felt good. She couldn't remember ever having sat alone like this just relaxing and daydreaming. It seemed that she'd spent every waking moment of her life in the company of Jenny. Jenny was a good old girl. Life was never boring with Jenny around. And the two of them were both rich and popular. That was Jenny's doing too. The scheme of blackmailing all those men had been Jenny's idea from the start. Lynn had just played along. Yes, Jenny had given Lynn a good life. Still it was good to sit like this by herself and to daydream and relax. And it felt good even to be chained up. She'd never felt quite so sexy – naked and chained, her ass still throbbing with the feel of the enormous cock that had fucked her.

Lynn glugged down some more wine, sucking it directly from the wide mouth of the jug. The rosy liquid dribbled out of her mouth as she drank, dripping from her chin to her tits. She giggled as she carefully placed the jug back on the earthen floor. Her tits and belly were all sticky now with dried and drying wine. Some of the wine had even run down into her cunt-bush. She was beginning to smell like a wine bottle, but she didn't care. She imagined herself a whore-slave, a tramp. How disgusting she must look! She giggled. If the rich boys could only see Miss Lynn Smith now, she thought. Would they kiss her ass now, or would they piss on her? Who cares? She might enjoy that for once – getting pissed on.

"Lynn, you're the whore of the earth," she said out loud, listening to the words stumble out of her mouth. She wasn't quite sure, but she seemed to be moving and speaking in slow motion. Forming the words with her lips and tongue was something like a game now. "Lynn, you're quite drunk," she said, vaguely aware that there was something wrong with the way she'd pronounced the word drunk. Somewhere in the distance Jenny was screaming. And all those guys were shouting and laughing. The sounds seemed to come from very far off, carried on the dry wind. She could hear the hissing rustle of the woods more loudly. Jenny screamed again, and that big red dog was yapping. Something was happening, but Lynn had long ago given up trying to imagine what. She'd been listening to the intermittent screams and shouts and barks for what seemed like hours now. Those sounds had become natural to her ears, blending in perfectly with the rustling of the woods, with the chirping of birds, with the glugging sound of the wine in the bottle as she drank.