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Cal shook his head. "Shouldn't have said nothing to 'em, Harlan. Now they'll be back harassing me, thinking that last night you was me and that now they can get a rile out of me. They'll be bringing their boyfriends, next thing you know. They're mean bitches, Harlan – Jenny Kane and Lynn Smith – real mean bitches. Shit, they own half the town."

"Rich city folks, eh?"

"No, Sir," Cal said. "They ain't rich, but they're both she-devils. Bought or blackmailed half the town with their pretty bitch asses. Shit, let me tell you about it."

Harlan sank down into a chair and listened to Cal's story.

Jenny Kane and Lynn Smith were both teenagers, with hair down to their waists and eyes that made guys crawl to them. Having likely conspired together from the beginning to gain control over the town, they began to offer themselves to the men of the town. They fucked husbands and doctors and school teachers. They took pictures of their sex escapades and made tape recordings of them. Somewhere they had enough photographs and cassette tapes stashed to put most of the respectable male citizens of the town behind bars, in addition to losing them their jobs and their wives. Some of the men – police officers and judges and lawyers – were bought instead of blackmailed. Jenny and Lynn paid off the police and judges and lawyers both with money and their asses on a regular basis. Jenny and Lynn bought new cars several times a year with the money they'd blackmailed. They went to school only on occasion – purely to raise hell. They fucked like minks, staged wild parties and pranks at night, and supposedly slept all day. They were getting worse all the time, but who could stop them?

"How do you know all this?" Harlan asked.

"Friend of mine – Ron Hammond." Cal said. "He got layed off and couldn't afford to pay 'em their fifty bucks a month blackmail anymore. He called their bluff. He got fifteen years in the state pen for rape, and if the sex laws in this state had not just been changed before Jenny and Lynn got their hands on him, he could of got life for crimes against nature. In court they had pictures of him with his cock down little Jenny's throat."

"Christ!" Harlan said. "Poor guy."

"I visited him once at the state pen, and that's how I found out the story. He's wasting himself up there, and he ain't the only one. Half a dozen guys out of this town got sent up by Jenny and Lynn."

"Bastards!" Harlan said. "Goddamn city bitches. Somebody oughta learn 'em their place."

"And now them and their boyfriends have got it in for my house, Harlan. You shoulda kept your mouth shut last night."

"Sorry about that, Cal. But how was I to know?"

"You couldn't of knowed," Cal said. "Too bad, though. Maybe if I get plowed every night for a week or so I'll sleep through the ruckuses they'll be making. I don't dare stand up to 'em, though, Harlan. No telling what they'd end up doing. And they got the law around here on their side, Harlan. Remember that."

"Sorry, Cal. If I could help out, I would. In the country, we're still a neighborly bunch."


It was a blazing sunny afternoon, and the fresh country air had cleared Harlan's head. He was on his way back to the farm, and he felt like singing, but instead he listened to Tyler and Seth discuss their doings last night with Candy Lee. So it was true after all – what Seth had claimed happened last night.

"Oh, and didn't she cuss us out when she peeled off in her big Lincoln?" Seth said, slapping Tyler's knee.

"Swore like a trooper," Tyler said. "Called us every damn name under the sun."

"And we just stood there and laughed, Pa," Seth said. "You shoulda seen us."

Harlan smiled, shifting the pickup into second gear as they neared the crest of a steep hill. "Piss on her, eh? Well, I guess you young 'uns could afford to chuckle at her mean-mouthing and name-calling after you'd pissed on her."

He shifted the truck back into third, and they coasted down the backside of the hill.

"Pissed on her and down her throat," Seth said.

"Down her throat?" Harlan said. "You boys is shitting me now."

Harlan listened to both boys swear they'd pissed down her throat. The more he listened to the two boys, the more he questioned whether he should believe any of their story. At the same time, they sounded mighty convincing, and Harlan did want to believe their story. It was the best story he'd heard in years, and it kind of made up for the story Cal had told him this morning about Jenny Kane and Lynn Smith. Seth and Tyler had done justice to that bitch city woman, Candy Lee. And that was good. Too bad, though, that they couldn't have got hold of Jenny Kane and Lynn Smith instead. Those were the two meanest city bitches Harlan had ever heard of, and after listening to their foul mouths last night he was churning inside with anger toward them.

"How's Delbert doing back there?" Harlan asked to get his mind off Jenny and Lynn.

Seth and Tyler, sitting side by side – Seth in the middle, and Tyler next to the passenger door of the pickup – swung their heads to look through the rear window.

"Laying on that pile of gunny sacks and sleeping like an old hound dog," Seth said. "His hair's blowing in the wind like a horse's tail, but he's sleeping like he ain't never gonna wake up."

Harlan chuckled. He'd had to carry Delbert from Ruby's bed – where Ruby had been herself sleeping like Rip Van Winkle – and he'd thrown the snoring boy on the pile of gunny sacks in the open rear box of the pickup. He'd safety-pinned a sack around the boy's naked loins, making him look like a naked baby in a gunny sack diaper. Delbert would likely wake up cussing with itchy balls, but the boy had grown too big for Harlan to attempt to dress him while the boy was knocked out.

"He'll likely sleep for a week," Harlan said. "The fool boy fucked himself near to death."

Seth and Tyler laughed. Seth slumped in his seat and plopped his large bare feet up on the dash board, and Tyler did the same. Within a few minutes, both boys closed their eyes and began snoring.

Lazy young 'uns, Harlan thought. Don't want to do nothing but fuck and sleep.

The pickup was moving through open country now. Shoulder-high midsummer corn waved like grasses on the hills to the right and left. That summery scent of sun and sweet clover rode on the wind through the open windows. Harlan felt drowsy. His cock was bone hard, and he rubbed his prick as he drove. Somewhere along the way he was going to have to stop and jerk himself off. His cock felt like his prick was about to split down the middle. Ruby Adams, Candy Lee, Jenny Kane, Lynn Smith – he couldn't get any of those bitches out of his mind. He'd never raped a female before, but if any of those bitches were to appear to him now, he'd stop the truck and fuck their bitch city asses right there in the middle of the road.

Seth and Tyler snored in unison. Their four big feet lay plastered against the windshield, and their chins slumped onto their bare chests. Tyler's jeans were as worn out and faded as Seth's, and Harlan could see the boy's hard prick throbbing in his pants. Tyler's prick wasn't enormous – no more than eight inches, Harlan guessed – but it was still a respectable size, big enough to choke Candy Lee near to death. Lucky Goddamn pricks, Harlan thought, imagining the two boys fucking Candy Lee.

"Shit!" Harlan said. "Goddamnit!" He had half a mind to turn the truck right around and to speed back to the city and find himself a city bitch to fuck with his aching ten inches.

That wouldn't work, though. The hogs needed feeding. And two days worth of chores had piled up. They had to get back to the farm. All that work to do.

He was glad now that he'd agreed to bring Tyler along. The boy was going to stay for a few weeks, and he'd promised to help with the chores. A good strong boy, same size as Seth – that was Tyler. And Harlan could sure use the extra help.