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Warrior had cleared for action at dawn and men rested beside the guns. "Now," Buck ordered, "open gun ports, run out, fire, fire as you bear." The combined broadsides of Warrior and Defiant struck the unsuspecting ship a devastating blow.

"It was like she had ran aground when the first balls hit," Bart said, "She'll not last… she be sunk and jus don't know it… yet."

Yet defiantly the Barracuda turned directly toward the Anthony's two anchored ships. A shout from above as the lookout called down, "Merlin's clearing the channel." A sense of relief came over Anthony. "Captain Buck."

"Aye, my lord."

"Signal Merlin to give chase to the sloop."

"Aye, my lord."

"Look yonder, sir," this from Herrod, Buck's first lieutenant. Fire was amidship of the Barracuda.

"He's turned her into a fire ship by Gawd," Buck swore.

However it was obvious the ship was well down in the water and with the next broadside she broke in half and sunk immediately. There had been a steady stream of sailors jumping clear as Barracuda was being pounded by Anthony's ships.

Buck turned to Lamb, his second lieutenant, and said, "Put someone in the boats and pick up any survivors." Then as an afterthought he looked toward Anthony, who nodded his consent.

"Deck there," the lookout called again. "SeaWolf 'as cleared the channel."

Anthony breathed another sigh of relief. "Captain Buck, signal SeaWolf to assist in giving chase to yonder sloop."

"Aye, my lord, but I doubt Gabe will need any assistance."

Turning their attention to Merlin, Anthony could see Gabe had just fired a warning shot across the ship's bow.

When the warning was ignored Gabe fired a broadside.

This took down the forward mast which half hung over the side creating the effect of a sea anchor. This did it. As the ship carried no flag, the captain had the bow put into the wind and the sails hauled down.

"'E struck," Bart declared.

Gabe, Dagan, and Gabe's new cox'n Paco filled the captain's gig with a crew while Lieutenant Davy and a squad of marines under Sergeant Schniedermire pulled toward the sloop.

"Look," Gabe called to Dagan. "No wonder she got away so easy. She's been pierced for sweeps."

"Aye," Dagan replied. "They pulled themselves around without us being any wiser and only set sail when they were ready."

Hearing the conversation Davy couldn't help but feel a bit of guilt. He'd wanted a better look but hadn't insisted. If Warrior hadn't been lying in wait Barracuda would have gotten away.

"Lieutenant Davy."

"Aye, captain."

"Have the marines board from the starboard while we board from the larboard side."

"Aye, captain."

"Mr. Davy."

"Aye, sir."

"Keep a sharp lookout. I don't trust these rogues."

"Aye, aye sir."

One of the sailors forward used a boathook to grab onto the chains. As per custom Gabe stood up in the stern sheets only to be surprised when Dagan climbed up the tumblehome and through the port. This had taken the crew totally off guard but all eyes remained forward and nobody spoke. With a quick breath Gabe reached out and hauled himself out of the boat and through the entry port.

Once on deck, Gabe could see the marines were formed up and ready to fire. Behind him the gig's crew boarded and fanned out. The sloop's crew was gathered between the main mast and the quarterdeck.

Dagan was there and as Gabe drew abreast he whispered, "Careful now, I've a feeling." This explained his actions in departing the gig. Gabe quickly noted the flushed deck and sixteen twelve pounders and it reminded him of SeaWolf but more like a small frigate.

This will make a nice prize, he thought. Taking a few steps toward the sloop's crew he said, "I'm Captain Gabriel Anthony of HMS Merlin. You have been taken and are now my prisoners. May I ask which of you is in command?"

The sailors before him were a mixed lot, Spanish, Negro's and a few British. They were dressed in slops, most were barefoot and all looked defeated.

"I ask you again," Gabe said, his voice now raised.

"Which of you is in command?"

When no one spoke Gabe called, "Lieutenant Davy."

"Aye, sir."

"Line the prisoners up into two columns and have each man searched. Then have the ship searched." Then turning to the marines he said, "Sergeant Schniedermire, shoot the first man who makes a false move."

"Aye, captain. Marines take aim and if a man so much as moves a hair sideways pluck it for him." The harsh brogue voice of the marine sergeant seemed to leave little doubt in his willingness to cut a man down.

Turning aft Gabe called to Dagan and Paco to assist him as he searched the captain's cabin. At that time a scream pierced the air and a dark figure jumped from the companionway, a sword in one hand and a pistol in the other. He charged screaming curses toward Gabe, his gaunt face emblazed in hate and fury.

Gabe knew he was dead but suddenly Dagan shouted, "de Lavago halt."

Almost like magic the man slid to a halt not three paces from Gabe. So Dagan was right, Gabe thought. The rogue hadn't gone down with his ship. He'd bet we would let the sloop go to capture Barracuda only he hadn't counted on Warrior and Defiant lying in wait.

Again Dagan spoke firmly, "It's over."

The half-crazed man took a deep breath and seemed to sigh. The contorted face seemed to relax and tears poured from his eyes and down his face. Then very deliberately he cocked his pistol and stuck the barrel to his chin and pulled the trigger. A sudden silence followed the bang.

All stood in awe at what they had just witnessed. No one was able to speak as they stared at the man slumped in a pile on the deck. Without understanding why, Gabe removed his coat and placed it over the fallen man.

Hearing steps across the deck Gabe saw Dagan headed toward the entry port and the gig below. Once again Dagan… his uncle… his protector had saved his life.

Gabe still felt numb as he said, "Lieutenant Davy, the prize is yours. I'll send a prize crew over. When you are ready to get underway make a signal and take station on Merlin."

Lieutenant Davy was also dumbfounded at the scene which had just taken place. Even more so when Gabe… the captain had said the prize was his. Well he'd make the captain proud. There'd be no more errors if Lieutenant David Davy could help it.

As the crew pulled back to Merlin the rhythm of the oars was almost hypnotic. Gabe couldn't help but wonder if things had been different; if Spain had kept Florida and England had kept Havana. Would he be here today?

Would Don Luis de Lavago be lying on a ship's deck dead from his own hand or would he be sitting on the veranda of his plantation drinking a glass of wine and smoking a cigar. What about de Lavago's family? Did England or Spain care what their actions had set forth? The destruction of a man. The destruction of his family. Damn all politicians, Gabe thought.


Lord Howe's flagship was at anchor when Lord Anthony's squadron returned with the sloop, Ram, as a prize. Lord Howe was ashore but a messenger from the Governor arrived on board almost before Warrior's anchor was dropped. Governor Tonyn was having a reception for Lord Howe and Lord Anthony and his captains were invited.

The reception that evening proved to be more spectacular than Anthony would have imagined based on previous events. He was shocked when a Negro footman with a white powdered wig took his hat and announced Admiral Lord Gilbert Anthony. The ballroom seemed to be teeming with people, all smiles and politeness. A momentary pause as Anthony was announced then the conversations renewed.

What a farce, Anthony thought. The Army's scarlet coats were everywhere and Anthony quickly spotted Provost in conversation with Governor Tonyn and Lord Howe. A few marine officers were present as was one or two of Browne's ranger officers. Anthony was amazed there were so many civilians. They'd not been many at other receptions.

Bare shouldered ladies flashed their fans and Anthony was amazed at the amount of bosoms being