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"We're over the border and on the home run!” Rains suddenly shouted.

Further cheers rang out. It seemed almost unreal that they had made it out alive.

"It's over," said Eddie relieved.

"No, it's only just begun. We've got a new war on our hands, and we're gonna be fighting human on human."

"Why? Can't people see how crazy that is now?"

"Hasn't stopped them in the past."

As they approached Meaux, they heard the Adrienne’s engines finally cut out, and they all knew it would come down hard. Rains was doing everything he could to slow them down and keep the nose up, but as they came down on the landing pad, they hit so hard it felt like the ship would tear itself apart.

The Adrienne bounced and then came down hard once again, slipping across the ground with sparks flying up on either side. After thirty metres of grinding along the strip, they finally struck a truck. The nose of the Adrienne pierced right through the bodywork of the vehicle and wedged itself there, bringing them to a halt. Rains looked around in shock that they were still in one piece.

"I tell you what, she may be an old girl, but she's a good ’un."

"Not that she'll ever fly again."

"Oh, come on, Colonel, have some heart. She got us through it all. I'm not ready to give up on her yet."

"You're a sentimental bastard."

"And you're just a bastard," he smiled.

Taylor grabbed Armand who was still cowering in pain. Parker had bound up his wound but had refrained from giving him any painkillers. They led him between them to the door on the side of the ship. They found Silva still sitting where Taylor had thrown him aboard.

"You all right?"

"I'll live."

Taylor hit the door release button but nothing happened, so he pulled down the override, but that was jammed also. With little finesse, he lifted his foot and kicked the door full force. It fell from its broken mounts and dropped to the ground. Fire crews and medics were already arriving on the scene, and Taylor could see the General's vehicle approaching at speed. Dupont was on his feet before the medics had even reached them. He stopped for a moment to look at the wrecked state of Armand. Blood and dirt covered much of his suit.

"When I said dead or alive, I didn't expect you'd meet me half way," he said to Taylor.

"Best of both worlds, I guess."

Dupont stretched out his hand to him. It was a moment he never thought to see. He had to think about it for a moment, as their history was turbulent at best, but he accepted the gesture.

"You saved our asses up there. I can't thank you enough."

"And if this man is who you say he is, it was well worth it. Welcome back, Colonel."

The medics took Armand off their hands with the MPs close in tow.

"War will be declared within the hour. The United States is still remaining neutral, and your government is chasing for your return, but I will not send you back. I would be a fool to give away one of the greatest assets we have. If you are willing to stay here and fight for the European Alliance, then I will be honoured to give you a commission as such at your present rank."

Taylor stopped and looked back at his marines for a moment who were battle weary and exhausted. He knew they would go to hell and back if he asked them, and he knew he must.

"You're on, General."

"Then welcome to the European Alliance."

"This war we are starting, it is just the beginning. It is the Krys’ doing, and Armand is proof of that. Jafar tells me it is a prophecy of theirs. They believe Earth is the paradise they must find and make their home. They will never stop coming for it. They failed to defeat us as a united world, now they seek to divide and conquer. A plan that so far seems to be going in their favour."

"But we have little choice at present but to fight the clear and present danger."

Taylor knew it was the last day of peace the World would know for some time. He hated the enemy invaders. He hated what they stood for and everything they strove to achieve over the human race, but he was now in his element once more, as a new Battle for Earth was beginning.

Engines roared overhead, and six ships landed just off to their flank.

"Friends of yours, I believe," said Dupont.

"The ramps dropped, and a familiar face rushed out from the nearest ship, leading a group of British paratroopers he had come to know as his closest friends and allies.

"Captain Grey reporting for duty, Sir!"

Two hundred troops formed up before them, all equipped and under his command.

"Welcome to the European Alliance and the new Inter-Allied Regiment!" yelled Colonel Mitch Taylor.