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"They should be close by now. The last time I talked to Austin, he was zeroing in on us."

"Great. We just need to lure them here—" He stopped when the bolt scraped. "Och, that was easy."

Emma grabbed the stake off the floor, stuffed it into the waistband of her pants, and covered it with her shirttail. She scrambled to her feet. She swayed, and Angus steadied her.

"As soon as the door opens, we leave." He led her around the screen.

The door cracked.

Movement by the window snagged his attention. Moonlight gleamed off the barrels of two hunting rifles. The mortal men were reclining on the ground, their rifles poking through the window, aimed at Emma and him.

"Silver bullets," Katya's voice announced through the cracked door. "Back away from the girl, Angus, or we'll shoot her."

He realized she had the mortals under such deep mind control, she could see what they saw through the window. There was no way to fool her. He released Emma and stepped back.

"Give me any trouble, Angus, and we're shooting you with so much nightshade, it'll be a week before you can move. Of course, by then you'll have starved to death." Katya opened the door just wide enough to slip inside. She had her blowpipe ready. Angus considered zipping toward her at vampire speed and breaking her foul neck, but she was as fast as him. She'd drug him for sure, and then how would he protect Emma?

Alek came in, followed by two more Russian vampires with revolvers.

"Burien and Miroslav have an endless supply of silver bullets," Katya boasted. "You will accompany them up the stairs."

Alek grabbed Emma and pressed a knife to her neck. "And if you teleport away, I'll slit her throat."

"I'll behave." Angus gave Emma what he hoped was a reassuring look. "So have ye decided to let us go?"

Katya snorted. "Casimir is coming to take you and your mortal whore. I'm sure he has lovely plans for the two of you."

Alek dragged Emma toward the door. When he had her halfway up the stone steps, Burien motioned for Angus to follow.

"Slowly," Katya reminded him. "Or I'll shoot you with nightshade."

Angus went up the stairs. The two mortals had hunting rifles aimed at Emma. Alek had released Emma, but stood on one side of her with his sword drawn. Galina was on the other side, also with a sword. That made a total of seven bad guys, Angus counted, including the two mortals. And they were all armed. Still, if he could get close enough to Emma, he could teleport her away. He sauntered across the grassy courtyard, hoping they wouldn't notice.

"Stop, or she dies," Katya warned him.

He halted. Emma looked far too pale in the moonlight. He'd left her too damned weak.

And if things weren't bad enough, three figures shimmered in front of the stone manor house, then solidified. Angus's breath hitched. He hadn't seen Casimir since the Great Vampire War of 1710, but there was no mistaking that harsh face and those cruel eyes. The war might have left him weak and injured, but he appeared fully recovered. Or was he? His left arm seemed bent at an odd angle, and he was wearing one glove. His dark eyes scanned everyone, his face blank until he spotted Angus.

He lifted his chin and narrowed his eyes. "General MacKay."

Angus nodded once. His old enemy had two bodyguards. He recognized Jedrek Janow on Casimir's left, perhaps to protect Casimir's weak spot. That was how Casimir worked.

He sacrificed others to keep himself alive. With a pang, Angus realized he might have done the same thing with Emma.

Katya stepped forward and bowed from the waist. "We are honored by your presence, my lord."

Casimir's cold gaze wandered to Katya. "You kept calling and pestering me until I agreed to come."

"I meant no disrespect." Katya bowed again. "I merely wished to give you these gifts as a token of my gratitude and allegiance."

"You were told to deliver the slayer to Jedrek, and yet you did not. Is that how you display your allegiance?"

Katya gripped her hands together. "I wanted to deliver her personally, so I could assure you of my loyalty. And I have a special gift for you—General MacKay. I also saved your servant Jedrek a trip to New York."

"Your kindness is overwhelming," Casimir muttered. "Tell me, how did you display your allegiance to Ivan Petrovsky?"

Katya stiffened.

Angus knew she was in big trouble. If he could get these vampires busy killing each other, he might have a chance to get close to Emma and teleport her to safety. "Katya murdered Petrovsky," he yelled. "I saw it myself. She and Galina staked him through the heart when he was unarmed."

Katya shot him a venomous look, then turned to Casimir. "MacKay is a traitor to our kind. He was helping the mortal woman slay my men."

Casimir glanced at Emma with a dismissive look. "A mere cockroach, easily disposed."

His gaze returned to Angus. "But to have the general who defeated my last army—I shall savor his death."

"Then remember that I am the one who delivered him to you," Katya insisted. "I am your faithful servant."

Angus tilted his head. Was that an owl hooting in the woods? It sounded like the signal Ian and Robby liked to employ. "Ye canna trust her, Casimir. She betrayed ye once. She'll do it again."

Katya turned to Alek. "Kill him!"

Casimir lifted a hand, and Alek froze. "Are you giving orders, Katya, without my permission?"

She winced. "Forgive me. MacKay's lies make me forget myself."

"Lies?" Casimir's dark eyes shifted to Angus. "As much as I detest his kind, I have to admit they are disgustingly honest."

A blur of motion caught Angus's eye. A dozen people were standing on the three-foot-high stone wall that encircled the courtyard. Relief swept through him as he recognized his friends and employees—Ian, Robby, Jack from Venice, Mikhail from Moscow, Austin and Darcy Erickson, Jean-Luc Echarpe from Paris with two from his coven, and Zoltan Czakvar, the coven master of Eastern Europe, with two from his coven. Austin and Darcy had revolvers. The ten Vamps drew their swords.

Jean-Luc swished his foil through the air. "Let us settle this now, Casimir."

Casimir paled. He glared at Katya. "You traitor! You led me into a trap."

"No!" Katya shouted.

Casimir zoomed toward her and grasped her by the throat. "I will remember this betrayal."

Jedrek dashed forward and whispered in Casimir's ear. Casimir released Katya and stepped back.

She fell to the ground. "I didn't betray you. I swear I didn't."

Angus's friends jumped from the stone wall and slowly advanced.

Casimir eased behind his bodyguards and glared at the Russian vampires. "You will die tonight. You deserve to die." He and his bodyguards shimmered.

"Nay!" Angus ran toward Casimir just as the evil vampire vanished. "Damn!" He'd wanted to kill Casimir tonight. A sword swiped close to Angus's ear, and he jumped back. Alek was trying to kill him. "A sword!"

Alek lunged, aiming his sword at Angus's heart.

Angus leaped to the side and caught the sword Ian tossed him. Ian whipped his dagger from his sock and ducked when Burien took a swing at him. Robby jumped in to engage Burien and protect Ian.

Angus parried with Alek, drove him back, then skewered him through the heart. He watched with satisfaction as Alek turned to dust. No longer would the bastard stick a knife to Emma's throat.

Angus swiveled, looking for Emma. Jean-Luc was fighting Miroslav. Jack was taking his time with Galina, no doubt uncomfortable with the thought of killing a woman. But where the hell was Emma? Burien cried out as Robby stabbed him through the heart. The two mortals dropped their rifles and ran for the woods. Zoltan and his men chased after them. Galina screamed. Jack must have gotten over his hesitation.

Angus froze when he spotted Emma. Katya was dragging her toward the barn. Emma struggled, but was too weak to escape. He zoomed toward them, but Katya saw him coming and vanished, taking Emma with her.