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"Come on," he said again, taking her by the arm and escorting her from the weightlifting area.

Camey didn't see anything clearly for the next several minutes. Her feet were moving. People stared, someone laughed behind her as she moved north on the Walk. But all she could feel was Brad's strong fingers pressing down on her upper arm and his chest occasionally brushing her bare back. At times she wanted to stop, wanted to tear away from the handsome young man shoving her down the boardwalk and run for home. But something powerful had taken hold of both her body and mind.

What am I doing? Oh, God, what would my mother say?

These and other similar thoughts rushed through her head as the two of them threaded their way through the thickening Saturday afternoon beach crowd. A light breeze blew Camey's hair back as they turned a corner and started up a long narrow stairway.


Camey stepped into the second-floor garage apartment. There was the odor of stale beer and smoke hanging like a perfume in the air, mixed with a heavy musty smell. Clothes were strewn all over the floor, draped over the chairs and on what appeared to be a mattress on the far side of the room.

"Ain't much," Brad said, closing the door and snapping the bolt shut.

Camey jumped at the sound, wheeling wound and staring wide-eyed at the big man. What was she doing in this strange place? How had she managed to muster the courage to be with him alone, to do what she was doing to do? Her friends had always called her daring and unorthodox. Her mother had always said she had a curiosity that would get her in trouble some day. Well, it appeared as if they were all right.

"I… I've never done this sort of thing before," Camey stammered, holding her blanket tightly to her tits. She felt suddenly vulnerable, small in front of this large weightlifter whose bulky frame seemed to fill the room.

"Then you need lessons, and I'm the one to give 'em to you," Brad said, tossing the room key on an end table.

He walked up to her, passing one hand over her shoulders and down her slim arms. Camey shuddered, dropping her beach towel and books to the floor. Everything in the tiny room seemed to sway back and forth. She could hear her blood pounding in her ears.

Then he was making her stand up, bringing her against him. She opened her eyes at last and tilted her chin up.

"Man, I been watchin' you for the last couple of days. Thought this'd never happen, baby," he breathed into her ear.

Camey thought her heart was going to rip through her ribcage. She felt his breath against her face, then closed her eyes as his tongue speared her lips and shoved deep into her mouth.

"Mmmmmmmm!" she groaned. Frenched! Only twice had she done this with boys, and both times it had made her cum. Of course she never let them know she'd reached climax without them even touching her cunt.

The girl groaned and circled her arms around his back. Feeling bold, Camey made soft fucking movements with her thighs while wiggling her tongue back and forth. It was incredible! Oh, how hot she was getting, hot wet and tight her little virgin cunt was feeling! She slid her hips back and forth, feeling the hot bulge of Brad's cock pressing against the thin material of his bathing suit. It shoved against her belly and she struggled against him. He was so tall, so big, so muscular! And Camey was more than just a little afraid about what was going to happen. But the young woman was excited past anything called sanity now. She threw caution and fears to the winds. The newness and danger of this situation intrigued her, cleared her mind of everything to her.

"Baby, I'm gonna fuck you 'til you can't piss," he whispered, pulling away from her and holding her head gently in his hands.

Camey was panting. She felt weak. Brad's hands moved down her body, tracing every curve, stopping finally at the tie of her bikini bottom. She felt him fumbling, then felt the tie come loose. Camey gasped as she felt the damp nylon pull away from her soaked cunt lips. Oh, how shameless this was! "Don't, don't," she cried weakly, resting her head on his broad chest. His flesh was so hot, so damp. She could hear his heart pounding as rapidly as hers! The thought that Brad was as excited as she made Camey fight for breath.

"Oh, baby, you want this bad, don'tcha?"

Gently the big man peeled the bikini bottom away from her pussy. Camey shuddered as the soft material of her suit brushed over her cuntal mound. Every nerve ending was alive, standing on end, sputtering with energy. The young girl moved slightly, sucking in a deep breath when she felt her cunt lips move against one another and over her clit.

"Wanna get fucked bad?" he said in a mocking voice.

"Ohhh, I… don't know, I… don't know," Camey said.

"I love your pussy," he said, moving her back, then lowering her onto the mattress. The bottom of her bikini dangled from his fingers. As she lay spread-eagled Brad stared at her. Camey blushed, wanting to cover herself with both hands and yet not daring. Something inside her was telling her to be sexy, to move her slim hips back and forth, up and down in a fucking motion. When she did Brad's eyes lit up.

The young man rubbed one hand over his bulging crotch. Camey lowered her eyes, studying the tubular bulge pressing hard against the damp material. She'd seen pictures of erections in sex education books. Once or twice some of her dates had forced her hands over their dicks. Then the young blonde had slapped their faces, threatening to scream for the police if they did that again. But now she was anxious to see his dick, even touch it! How quickly the girl had changed!

"Nice cunt, nice pussy," he murmured, bending down and touching one finger to her outer pussy lips.

Camey sucked in air, pulling her ass back, and shaking.

"It's so soft…" Brad was lowering his head, kissing her belly now.

"Ohhhhh, God!"

"You wanna fuck real bad, don'tcha?" he asked again, studying her as she squirmed uncomfortably on the lumpy, dirty mattress.

Camey couldn't answer that kind of filthy question. She rolled her head from side to side, feeling her cuntal muscles cramp, relax, then cramp again.

"Come on, just say it," Brad laughed, kissing her forehead while rubbing his thumbs on either side of ter bloated cunt lips.

He licked one of her nipples until she felt the tiny dark-pink nub almost tear through the thin material of her halter. Camey arched her back, pressing up against that wonderful sensation. "Yes, yes, I want to… fuck!"

The word made her shiver. She'd never said anything like that, although at times Camey wanted to. What would those nice boys have done if she'd admitted to them just how hot she was? Word, she knew, would spread like wildfire around the school. Her parents would find out about it and send her away. No, she had to protect herself, her family's reputation. But here, alone with this stranger, Camey could explore all those hidden desires that had been flaring up inside her more and more frequently lately without worrying about being discovered.

Reaching down, Brad untied the halter, sliding it out from under her shoulder blades. Now she was completely naked, exposed to this man.

"Mmmmmmmm," Brad groaned, dropping his head down again and sucking that nipple hard.

Camey glanced down and watched as he twisted his head from side to side. His eyes were closed while he kept making that moaning sound, moving his thick-muscled thighs from side to side over the mattress. Oh, how his flicking tongue raked her nipple! Sharp cutting jolts of pleasure knifed through her clit.

When Camey started twisting more actively on the mattress, digging in with her heels and hunching up against the young man, Brad pulled away. He rolled back, squatting in front of her, scratching his groin.

"You undress me, baby."

He stood up, spreading his legs apart yet keeping them close enough together so she could easily slide his bathing suit down over his knees.