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"All right. I hope you feel better." The crisp, disapproving voice was gone. Laura shivered with its coldness and her own guilt.

What about the children in my class? They're losing three days of our science unit. That Mrs. Walsh never follows anybody's plan book. She's so lazy that it'll be just fun and games the whole time I'm gone. And we'll have to start the American History unit all over again.

Laura sighed. Then she looked at Lance and promptly forgot her class and the rest of the world.

After walking and feeding Lance, Laura quickly had her coffee, her lust keeping her from enjoying a leisurely cup. She rushed to the bedroom and stripped and called Lance. He came obediently to his loving mistress, his eyes gleaming and his tongue hanging out in anticipation.

Laura wasted no time. She turned the dog over and began to pet his limp, furry cock. As she rubbed, the dog began to pant and his prick rose and swelled. Laura leaned over close to it, smelling its strong, musky odor. It weakened her, and cramps began to engulf her whole lower body.

She couldn't wait to get on the bed. In her eagerness, Laura turned over on the rug and raised her bare butt, spreading her legs wide. The dog fucked her hard, and Laura let go with a giant orgasm that continued in wild waves as the dog flooded her with jizz. She sighed in contentment and then slept.

Laura fucked with the dog every few hours all day long, sleeping an exhausted sleep in between. Once the phone rang, and she ignored it. It was ridiculous to interrupt a honeymoon.

Chapter 4

The Change The air outside smelled fresh and different to Laura as she got into her brother-in-law's car. But it couldn't be spring, because it was the middle of winter. Her senses danced with excitement. The music playing on the car radio was unbearably beautiful. She thrilled to each pop song, reacting emotionally to each new lyric and melody. One song actually gave Laura goose flesh. All smells and sounds seemed indescribably better and more beautiful.

Laura had not really looked forward to going to this wedding until now. But as they drove downtown, it seemed that she could barely breathe from the excitement of the coming evening. She hadn't felt like this in many years.

If I didn't know better, I'd say I'm in love, laughed Laura at herself. I'm a different person these last three days. In love with a dog. Who would ever believe it?

She wasn't going to allow herself to feel guilty again. She was over all that, she told herself. Lance was good for her, and she was sure of it. He met all her needs, and she knew that she'd never be the same woman again, all because of her darling.

She suddenly realized that she felt the way honeymooners were described as feeling. She felt a floating light happiness that she wanted to share with the whole world.

Only, I can't, she sighed. I want everyone to know that I'm a new me-a happy, fulfilled me. Dear Lance, that's what you've done for me, and I've waited so long for it.

Laura mooned and sighed like a teen-ager.

Betty kept staring at Laura as they drove.

I look different, Laura told herself. I noticed it when I was dressing. My cheeks have color, and my skin looks clearer. I look younger. Maybe Betty sees it, too.

Betty said, "I don't know what it is about you tonight, Laura, but you look so changed. You're radiant. What are you beaming about? I'd like the secret of your success. You look ten years younger since I saw you last week. If it's vitamins, buy me a case of the same kind."

Laura laughed and thanked her. "I do feel great!" she said, not explaining why. "I feel like my life is changing. All of a sudden I'm looking forward to going to a wedding. They used to make me feel sad and left out."

"Well, you won't be left out the way you look tonight. Doesn't she look different, Jim?" Jim had his eyes on the road, but he grunted agreeably.

The two women chatted with friends in the hotel lobby while Jim parked the car. Laura quivered with anticipation. She felt like a kid at a dance.

Oh, my darling, she thought of Lance. If I could only have you here right now to make love to me.

She was awakened from her reverie by Betty laughing, "Get off of cloud nine, Laura. Jim's waiting for us."

They watched the ceremony, a simple beautiful one. The bride's mother, Elaine, Betty's best friend, smiled at them as she stood on the aisle waiting for the bride. Everything was perfectly planned, and the bridal party looked beautiful. Elaine's three sons were ushers, and they looked terrific in their formal clothes, with blue ruffled shirts. Laura noticed how handsome and grown-up the three boys had become. They'd been children the last time she'd seen them.

When the receiving line broke up, waiters began to bring in trays of hot hors d'oeuvres. Jim stood in a strategic spot to get them when they first came out. Laura noticed that even the food tasted better the last few days, but somehow she couldn't eat. Her throat was tense and tight with excitement.

Jim and Betty saw to it that she had a drink, and then they wandered off to talk to Elaine. Laura was accustomed to being alone at social gatherings. Single women had to fend for themselves. In the past, she would have found a friend or acquaintance, and they would have sat on chairs against the wall and visited, waiting for dinner to be served.

Laura felt restless. She didn't want to sit and watch everyone else having fun. She walked near the bar and stood there, sipping her drink.

"Hello, sexy," a dark young man said to her. She knew he was one of Elaine's three sons, but she didn't remember which one. He was one of the young ushers.

"Hello," Laura answered, smiling at the compliment. It was the first time in her thirty-six years that anyone had ever called her that. And yet she felt sexy. She felt a warm feeling of aching desire at the way the boy looked at her. A child – and yet, he obviously admired her as a man would.

He stood at the bar, drank, and watched her. Laura finished her drink and went up to the bar to get another.

A middle-aged man-Elaine's brother-edged up to Laura. He had ignored her at many a party and wedding. But tonight he was all smiles.

"Hi, there. Can I get a drink for you, dear?" He leaned close to her, smiled confidentially, and began to complain about his wife. "Harriet won't let me have more than three martinis. She says I have a long way to drive home. What do you think?"

"I think she's right," smiled Laura. "I'll tell you what. I'll give you the olive from my drink."

"It's funny. You women all stick together. But you have such a charming way of cutting me off." He squeezed Laura's arm. It was eerie how friendly this cold man had become.

Nothing's the same tonight, she pondered.

When the man handed Laura the drink, she gave him her olive and he blew a kiss at her and left.

"May I please have another olive?" Laura asked the bartender. He ignored, or didn't hear, her request.

Suddenly a deep young voice insisted, "An olive for the beautiful lady, please." The boy then handed her a small cup with two olives in it.

"You're my friend," Laura thanked him gaily.

"I'd like to be much more than that," the boy replied, looking deeply into her eyes. His look sent electric shocks of lust down to her cunt and to her toes. She turned her eyes away, and when she looked back at him a few minutes later, he was still looking, and he gave her a sly smile.

The boy sauntered off self-consciously and joined a plump young girl with a very short skirt. The waiting girl was heavily pretty in a petulant sort of way. Her face was full, and her thick, pouting lips looked as if they were well-used for kissing and for complaining. Her eyes were stormy and her buxom tits were heaving. She had seen her lover flirting with Laura. He seemed to be an experienced lover, as he quickly soothed the girl's feelings. He sat next to the blonde, a hand possessively clutching her heavy thigh.

Laura tried to recapture her former light mood, but something had happened to her. She still felt that tonight anything was possible to her.