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“You must have been terrified,” Ali said to Lina.

“You can’t imagine,” Lina said, shivering, “and you don’t want to.”

“How could you be so brave?”

“Brave? I was shaking.”

“But you did what had to be done,” Ali said quietly. “That’s brave.”

“Hey, don’t forget Hunter,” Jase said. “He was good, really good.”

“Of course,” Ali said. “He has been trained, been in battles. He’s a cop.”

“Ex-cop,” Hunter reminded Ali.

She sniffed. “Like your job is any safer now.”

Amused, Lina bit her lip against a smile and realized that Ali must have been Hunter’s friend for almost as long as Jase had.

“Put it on pause,” Jase said, interrupting them. “The baby kicked. Damn! I know it’s a girl now.”

Ali just shook her head and ran her fingers through Jase’s hair. “It’s too soon.”

“It’s a girl,” Jase repeated, smiling a very satisfied kind of smile. “About time, too.”

Ali stroked his cheek and said to Hunter, “Go on.”

“Not much more to tell,” Hunter said, smiling when Jase’s hand settled on Ali’s rounded stomach. “We walked out of the cenote, and walked back to the main house. Didn’t see anyone on the way.”

“When we got there,” Lina said, “Abuelita was dead. Heart attack, stroke, old age. Nobody official cared. Celia—my mother—was frantic. She had stayed with Abuelita until the end.”

“So the local authorities really bought your no-frills version of what happened?” Jase asked, looking at Hunter again.

“Two men settled old grudges with machetes at the edge of the cenote during the end of the Maya year. Both were injured. Both fell in. Both drowned. Too bad, how sad, count your money, and on to the next job.”

“Did they recover the bodies?” Jase asked.

“Celia told the authorities to leave Philip and Carlos in peace in the cenote,” Lina said. “After a suitable amount of money changed hands, the authorities did. Abuelita had a private burial in the family cemetery. Celia assumed the reins of the Reyes Balam businesses and disappeared into her work.”

“Nothing floated up in the cenote?” Jase asked, cop to the core.

Lina winced.

Hunter took it in stride. “Nope. The disappointed worshippers cut everyone so thoroughly they sank like limestone blocks and stayed at the bottom.”

Remembering a rain of bodies as she struggled to stay afloat, Lina closed her eyes. That time seemed unreal, like a nightmare.

And yet it was as real as her own heartbeat.

“None of the artifacts were found?” Jase asked.

Lina opened her eyes. “Nothing. By sunrise, even the altar had vanished.”

“So the cause of all the fuss got swept into the cenote with the two wack jobs,” Jase said.

“Jase,” Ali chided.

“What? They were crazy and now they’re dead as Geronimo. Tiptoeing around it won’t change it.”

“I’m sorry,” Ali said to Lina. “He’s hopeless.”

Lina smiled sadly. “He’s also right. Carlos and Philip weren’t sane. And they’re dead.”

Sometimes she wept over the loss of the man she would never please. Sometimes the child in her refused to believe he was dead. And Abuelita, the woman whose smile and affectionate pats were like bright embroidery stitching through her childhood…

Maybe it was a nightmare after all.

Yet Lina knew it wasn’t.

Gently Hunter stroked her hair. He could feel the wave of sadness in the tension of her body. The waves would come further and further apart, but they would never go away entirely.

“Some of the villagers live in the same Maya fantasyland that Carlos and Abuelita did,” Hunter said.

Lina sighed. “They believe there will be a new Maya world someday.”

“They’ll have a long wait,” Jase said.

“They’re patient,” Lina said. “Frighteningly so.”

“Or nuts.”

Hunter shook his head. “They’re just different, Jase. It’s a whole other world back in the jungles of the Yucatan.”

Lina ran her fingers through Hunter’s hair. He kissed her palm and pulled her even closer, breathing in the scents of cinnamon and heat and woman.

“Are you done with the cross-examination?” Ali asked, caressing her husband’s cheek.

“For now. I’m a cop, after all. I always have more questions.”

“Make a list. We’re going home,” Ali said firmly. “You’ve been up too much.”

Despite his drawn face, Jase grinned and said, “You never complained before.”

Ali punched his good shoulder lightly, got to her feet, and turned to help him stand.

“I’ve been out of the hospital for a week,” he grumbled. “I’m not an invalid.”

“The doctors really wanted to keep you.”

“Shows you what they know.” Jase stood carefully. “You’re the best medicine for me.”

Ali stood on tiptoe and whispered something in Jase’s ear. His smile made him look years younger. His hand stroked her rear. She swatted at him and blushed.

“Why don’t we go to bed so these nice people can go home?” Hunter asked Lina dryly.

With a smile and a wave, Jase and Ali headed for the apartment door. The door shut behind them.

“They’re good people,” Lina said, snuggling closer to Hunter.

He rumbled agreement as his hand went to the first button of her blouse. Her breath broke. The second button gave way. She started to turn toward him, but he held her in place.

“Let me just touch you,” he said. “I still see you laid out on that damned leering altar.”

“And I still see you falling unconscious to the floor at my cousin’s feet.”

“Not my best moment.”

The catch of her bra came undone. His fingers savored the warm, soft flesh they had revealed.

“My beautiful Amazon,” Hunter breathed, stroking her.

Her breath came out on a sigh. “That’s Brazil, not the Yucatan.”

He laughed softly and licked her neck where it curved into her shoulder. “Now, tell me what’s been going on behind those gorgeous eyes of yours.”


“I can feel you thinking.”

“That’s not my brain you’re feeling,” she said as he teased one nipple.

“I know. What I don’t know is what you’re thinking.”

She smoothed her cheek against his chest. “I love you.”

He pinched her nipple delicately. “And I love you, but I can’t read your mind. You’ve been chewing on something ever since we crawled out of that damned cenote. It’s not grief or fear, yet half the time your mind is somewhere else. Is it the lost artifacts?”

She arched into his touch. “You’re a mind reader.”

“Tell me anyway.”

“I just feel that the artifacts didn’t end up in the cenote. And I’m worried that’s crazy, like Philip.”

He lifted one breast and bit her neck gently. “You don’t feel crazy to me. You feel all woman.”


“Don’t worry, sweetheart. You won’t be going off any deep end without me right there with you.”


Both of his hands slid beneath her breasts, supporting and caressing them at the same time.

“I mean it,” he said. “You’re stuck with me. What do you think—feel—happened to the artifacts?”

At the moment all Lina thought or felt was Hunter’s hands, his breath, his body hot and hard wherever she touched him. She held her hands against his, stilling him, while she caught her breath and unscrambled her brains.

“You said that the villagers just broke over Philip and Carlos like a tidal wave, and when everyone retreated, there was nothing left but the altar.”

“Mmmm,” Hunter said, tasting her neck.