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“Yes, we met earlier this evening at the gym. I was the one who bandaged her up and insisted that Adalynn seek medical attention. However, Adalynn is a little stubborn and refused to go until her boyfriend came in and rescued her.”

“Boyfriend?” Logan asks, baffled, at the same time Connor says, “Don’t we know it.”

Luckily Kohen is studying my CT scans so he’s not paying much attention to them. I notice that his smile slips for a second. I can feel Logan’s gaze on me, but I don’t acknowledge him. He shouldn’t have to ask about the boyfriend comment; he knows I’m unattached.

“There’s no swelling, or anything else to be concerned about, but I would still like to check your balance, reflexes, coordination, vis—”

I interrupt him as I know exactly what he has to do. “Vision, and any possible memory loss.”

He doesn’t seem surprised that I am familiar with the examination. Maybe he realizes I’m accident-prone. That could be a new thing that shows up on CT scans now.

He pulls out a silver looking pen that I recognize as a flashlight. “Look to the left, good. Now the right, good. Follow the light with your eyes please.”

“Well?” Logan ask impatiently once Kohen finishes testing my reflexes.

Kohen turns to my pacing brother. “I need to check her balance next and then I’ll be done.”

“Is she going to be okay?” Logan asks, ignoring the fact that the examine isn’t over. “Yes, she has a slight concussion but she’ll be fine.” He focuses on me again. “Stand up, please.”

I do everything he asks, wishing with each command that we were alone so he wouldn’t have to deal with the my brother. He’s already had to come in on his day off. I want to make this as easy as possible for him, and him receiving the third degree from my brother isn’t easy for anyone in the room.

His back is to the door when Jax swaggers in and Connor decides to make matters worse. I have no idea how I’m even surprised by anything that he says. I should be used to it by now, but not even a lifetime with this guy can prepare me for what comes out of his mouth.

“Oh, look here’s the boyfriend now.” He tilts his head toward Jax.

“I’ll hide your body where nobody will ever find it,” I mutter only loud enough for Connor to hear.

“Boyfriend? Ahh Connor I’m touched, but baby you’re not my type.”

Kohen looks from Connor to Jax, then finally to me. Connor and Logan aren’t even trying to hide their grins now while Jax is momentarily surprised to see Kohen again.

“Kohen, meet Jaxon Chandler. He’s another childhood friend of my brother’s.” I try to assure him that he isn’t my boyfriend.

Kohen nods in understanding and visibly relaxes. “Well, Adalynn, you’re ready to go home once the discharge nurse has you sign the release papers. You’ll need someone to check on you a few times throughout the night. Rest that ankle for at least two weeks before you take on any treadmills again.”

“Great, thanks again, Kohen. Sorry you were forced to come in so late.”

My brother steps forward and shakes his hand. “Yes, thank you for everything.”

“You’re welcome.” He moves towards the door. “The discharge nurse will be in shortly.”

Once the door closes, Jax asks, “Do I even want to know about the boyfriend comment?”

Logan shakes his head, but of course Connor decides silence isn’t necessary. “The doc is interested in Addie so I thought it would be funny to mess with him and let him think that you’re her boyfriend.”

Jax’s jaw tightens. It’s the only sign that he’s fighting to stay in control. Good. Maybe now he will notice that I’m not that broken teenager I once was and see me as an adult.

There’s a soft knock on the door and a male nurse enters, carrying crutches. After another minute or two, the crutches are in Connor’s hands, and the nurse is telling Logan where the pharmacy is to pick up my medication. Jax broods behind me, ready to wheel me out to the car. Connor wiggles his eyebrows at me. I glare at him and silently beg him not to do what I know he’s about to do.

He winks as he shouts, “Wait up!” to my brother. He hurriedly runs to catch up with Logan, leaving me in my wheelchair with a stone-faced Jax.

Awkward seconds turn into minutes as Jax wheels me into the waiting room. He sits down with the wheelchair in front of him. As I people-watch, I curse Connor for leaving me here. He could have at least taken me with him. That prick! Out of nowhere I’m spun around so I’m facing Jax. He leans forward and rests his chin in his hands. We’re so close, we’re breathing each other’s air. I don’t know how long we’re sitting here like this when I hear Connor’s laugh bouncing off the walls. He’s obnoxious, but I love him.

We’re finally able to leave. As the exit comes into view, I exhale in relief. My entire body is strung so tightly, I’m positive that I’ll snap if I’m forced to stay a second longer. It’s taking everything in me to be appreciative, but a small part of me is still pissed that Logan made me come here, today of all days.

Kohen strolls around the corner with a purpose. Hoping to evade his attention, I inspect my nearly perfect cuticles as he comes closer. When the wheelchair stops moving, I’m forced to lift my head to see Kohen kneeling in front of me.

He hands me a card. “My personal number is on the back. When you feel up for it, I would love to take you out.” Without waiting for a response, he kisses my hand and then he’s gone.

My face flushes beet red. That was hands-down the most mortifying thing to happen since we arrived at the hospital. I can’t believe he just asked me out in front of everyone. I turn slightly to see Jax rubbing his clean-shaven chin in thought. Not the envious reaction I was hoping for. Logan helps me into his suit jacket before we leave the hospital.

When we reach the parking lot, I wrinkle my nose as we pass a couple leaning against the back of their car, smoking. I hate the smell of cigarettes. I turn my head and see Jax glaring at them. Of course he would have a reaction to them and not to Kohen asking me out. We’re nothing to each other anymore. I’m just his best friend’s little sister.

I start to drift off before Logan drives out of the parking lot. I’m vaguely aware of Jax stirring in the middle seat. He leans my head on his shoulder and starts to draw patterns onto my arm. With the rhythmic movements of the car and the calm feeling Jax brings me, I’m asleep within seconds.

I have a momentary panic attack when I feel someone wrap their arms around me, but once the feel of Jax’s body against mine sinks in, I relax and snuggle as close to him as possible. All too soon we’re in my apartment and Jax carries me into my bedroom. I’m acutely aware of Logan watching us as Jax tucks me in. Once Jax ensures that I’m comfortable, not that he asked me, he promptly exits my room, leaving Logan and me alone.

“I have bad news, Addie.” Logan sits on the edge of my bed, careful to avoid my ankle. He runs a hand over his buzzed-cut brown hair. “Connor and I need to take the plane tonight for a meeting in San Francisco.”

It always amazes me how well my brother is doing. He and his best friends own Trinity together. And their company has its own plane. Just like Connor’s parents, ours would be proud of all three of them. They’ve dominated the business world, the tech world, and the sports world all at the same time. They combined their strengths and made a lucrative marketing company.

“I have to leave so Jax is going to stay here and watch out for you until I get back in two days.”

Ah, now the pieces of the puzzle are all here. I’m being put under house arrest with Jax as my warden. Wonderful. You would think for someone about to turn twenty-eight, Logan would be more lenient towards his younger sister, but you’d be wrong.

Jax decides to enter right as I’m about to protest. Which is good because I know it would be pointless. Logan wouldn’t leave me alone, especially after an Emergency Room visit. Turning away from Jax, I give my brother the biggest smile I can manage. I’m vaguely aware of Jax making more noise then he should, but I solely focus my attention on my brother.