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Sandra was hypnotized by the sight of the eager couple wallowing in unabashed lust. Her heart felt crushed by the evidence of her husband's infidelity, but still, she couldn't tear herself away from the incredible spectacle. She wanted to run in and separate the adulterous couple, yet she was immobilized by the scene. She had never in her life seen anything so mesmerizing, so compelling. It was strangely, perversely exciting, and every nerve, every sense in her body seemed sharpened to extraordinary intensity.

Sandra watched, her eyes bulging, as Eve, her blonde hair flowing like a sheath of golden hay, stretch free of the tangle of arms and legs and slowly spread her perfectly sculptured thighs, revealing the honey-colored muff of her pubic triangle. Her arms hung languidly by her sides and her firm full breasts rose up and down with her frenzied breathing. Sandra could see the nipples spring to attention, the dark pink buds jutting up erectly from the crinkled brown aureoles.

She gasped, stung with unbearable jealousy, as Mike squeezed the ripe flesh as he kissed first one and then the other buttery globe. He rolled the thickening nipples between his thumb and forefinger, wringing little mewls of pleasure from Eve. Then he raised his head and Sandra could see the livid pink stretch of his tongue darting out as it flicked down the smooth soft plane of her lithe body, stopping to poke at the tight, deeply imbedded little navel, licking it lovingly, as his hand continued to massage the smooth plane of her belly.

Sandra's dimming eyes were riveted on the tall tanned body of her husband as it hovered over the prostrate girl, and her eyes dropped to the huge, fleshy protuberance of his cock as it dangled out obscenely from the blonde pubic thatch. It prodded lewdly at Eve's parted thighs, and Sandra could see the girl's hips churning in unmistakable invitation.

"Oh darling, please fuck me now… I want to feel your beautiful hard cock inside me…" Eve's passion distorted voice pleaded. Her fingernails were digging into his muscular back, and Sandra winced at the girl's lascivious desire.

Sandra had never seen Mike so aroused, so lust-crazed as he was as he hovered over the pleading girl. A new wave of jealously swept over her – she had never been able to arouse him to that extent!

Suddenly, he leaned forward and grasped Eve's quivering legs and lifted them high up, till they dangled over his shoulders. He looked down at the lewd spectacle of her naked open vagina, lust gleaming in his eyes, and Sandra herself could see the moist, pink furrow throbbing with excitement. She could see the eager clasping hole of her vagina, opening and closing, trying to suck in something to fill her desperate void. The outer lips were swollen with passion and the red bulbous tip of her clitoris quivered and pulsed through the soft blond pubic fuzz.

Mike grasped his long, thick penis in his hand and guided it towards the enticing pink split, running the thick burgeoning head deftly along the moistened crevice, lubricating it in Eve's already flowing vaginal juices, while she mewled piteously.

"Ob please Mike, do it to me now… please do it to me now…!!"

Her lewd words seemed to galvanize Mike into action, and he suddenly rammed forward and with an explosive groan, thrust the hard bulbous head into the tiny, hair-fringed hole between her legs.

"AAAAhhhhhhmmmmmmm…" Eve sighed, and Sandra felt the first stirrings of anger on hearing the girl's sibilant moans of pleasure. Her lewd fascination with the incredible scene had suppressed any anger she might have felt, but now a slow burning resentment was seething inside the bewildered wife. It's just like I thought, she fumed inwardly, he was interested in that little slut right from the beginning! Her own deviance from the marital path was forgotten as rage simmered inside her as she watched her husband in his joyful rendezvous with the young blonde milkmaid. No wonder he wasn't interested in me, she bridled, and to think I was rushing out to apologize to him, the lousy cheating bastard…

She watched, rage boiling like a furnace within her, as Mike continued to plow forward, sinking his elongated shaft all the way into Eve's upraised pelvis.

"… hhhhnnnngggghhhhh…!" she moaned as Mike's desire hardened cock reached the back of her womb, and his hairy pendulous balls slammed hard against the soft silky cushions of her upturned buttocks.

Sandra craned her neck, eager suddenly not to miss a second of her husband's frenzied fucking of another woman.

Her rage was receding again, and jealousy was once more taking its place… envy, and a vicarious sort of excitement. There was something hypnotic about her husband's smooth, long instrokes and his short, sharp outstrokes which evoked a responsive rhythm in her own loins. Her initial state of shock was wearing off, and she felt horribly rejected, she was left out of the paradise which the two lovers were enjoying, and she was overcome by a feeling of loneliness and rejection. The obscene magnetism of the violently fucking couple – her husband and, his mistress – was drawing her into its lewd spell, and she wanted to run and leave the scene of adultery, but she couldn't.

She was caught in the web of the lurid act transpiring a few feet away, and she had to wait to the end, had to see all of this incredible copulation between her husband and the young girl.

Suddenly, she froze in her bending forward position, her heart thumping with terror. Someone was behind her! She wanted to turn around, discover the intruder, even scream, but she couldn't! She couldn't let Mike know that she'd seen him, that she'd been spying on him! Her flesh crawled as she felt hands behind her, strong, calloused hands on her thighs, easing up her short flared skirt, caressing her naked skin. The hands were tugging on her flimsy white panties, peeling them down over her full rounded hips… the fingers were probing at her now nakedly exposed vagina…Oh God, she couldn't stand it! She had to turn, stop whoever it was…

"Ssshhh, it's only me…"

It was Sam! Relief flooded through the terrified wife. But what was he doing? Sandra wanted to ask him, wanted him to go away, let her witness alone her husband's infidelity…

"Aaaaahhhhhhhh…" Sandra was unable to stop herself moaning as she felt the searing, unexpected contact of Sam's mouth on her naked pussy! He had ducked under her skirt, and his face was buried between her thighs!

Oh God, Sandra thought desperately, what's happening? She had to stop him, stop his disgusting assault on her genitals, had to pull away…

"Oh Mike, you know how to fuck me… your cock feels so great in me… Mmmmmmm…"

Sandra's attention was once more crudely arrested by her rival's lust-enflamed sighs, and she felt her skin tingle from the girl's obscene words. Her eyes flew to the bucking, writhing bodies as they slapped wetly against each other, coated with perspiration.

Dimly, she realized that she was yielding to Sam's pressure on her thighs, easing them apart. In the daze of her confusion, she could hear him rasping: "I'm gonna lick your pussy, suck it and bite that little clit of yours… make you cum that way while you watch your husband fuck that li'l blonde…" His lewd cantation sent excited shivers coursing through her. Did he think she would allow him to touch her there, where he had ordered the dog to? Her mind shrank again from the memory of the oral licking she had received from Sam's dog, and how she had enjoyed it…

"No, Sam, no…" she whispered feebly, terrified Mike would hear. But her pleas were lost in the slavering sound of his tongue as it swept and lapped against her trembling cuntal split, brushed electrically against the hard button of her clitoris, prodded the soft velvety folds of her pussy. Against her will, Sandra felt the excitement, arousal, enjoyment, building inside her. She couldn't help it… the hired man's tongue felt good against her quivering cunt… His wet mouth continued to stroke the full length of the moistened pink furrow, his taut voracious tongue inching its way deeper and deeper into her eager young pussy. Prickly shoots of pleasure stabbed up into Sandra's belly, radiating a vivid halo of sexual excitement from her glowing womb as his crude, direct sensuality seemed to snap her whole being into lustful attention.