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Mike was afraid to look at Sandra. Afraid, and ashamed, too. His anger had gotten the better of him, and had faded with his arousal; now he felt nothing but regret. He knew he'd gone too far when he'd forced his own hired hand and his wife to perform in front of him. He'd no right to do it, he knew now, especially when he himself had just been fucking Eve. Who was he to throw stones? For all he knew, catching him and Eve in the act might have set the ball rolling for his wife and Maguire. I shouldn't have been so hasty…

Apprehensively, he watched Sandra get up. Where was she going, he puzzled, and then drew in his breath sharply when he saw her heading over to where Eve was still cringing against the wall.

What was she going to do to the girl? he wondered, tempted to call out and warn Eve. His wife was probably angry enough for anything, maybe even for attacking the girl!

"Sandy…" he called softly, but she didn't seem to hear. Afraid, Mike got to his feet, and hurried over to where the two women were standing.

Sandra was looking intently at Eve, taking in every inch of her soft golden curves, feeling a stab of jealousy on seeing the girl's youthful perfection.

There was a look of abject fear on her face, and her pale hair, seen in the dim light, made her look ghostly, a sad apparition.

"Please, it's not my fault!" she whimpered, suddenly terrified of her employer's wife who was standing beside her. With relief, Eve saw Mike coming towards them. He'd protect her, save her from that madwoman…

"Sandra, leave Eve out of this!" Mike said authoritatively, and Sandra threw him a haughty glance.

"No fear!" she scoffed, throwing her head back, "I'm going to find out just what it is you've been so interested in!"

Sandra reached out her hand and rested it on the girl's shoulder, and then began to caress the soft flesh, dropping lower still until her hand was covering one of Eve's soft round breasts.

"Sandra, for God's sake…" Mike broke in.

"Mmmm, not bad…" Sandra noted, her hand moving to cup the other full white orb in her hand. Eve's brown berry-like nipples leaped into erection at Sandra's touch and jutted out provocatively against her palm. Now Sandra was embracing the astonished girl, gathering her in her arms, pulling her toward her breasts, and then, Sandra lowered her mouth onto the girl's quivering lips, and planted them with soft, passionate kisses. Sandra could hear Mike's sharp intake of breath and felt a thrill of pleasure when she realized that her plan was working. I'll make him sorry yet… she promised, as she continued to shower hot little kisses on the surprised girl's lips, neck, throat. Sandra was actually surprised by how pleasant it was to hold the other woman in her arms, and was glad that she was so pretty and soft and appealing. She realized she felt a sort of sympathy for the girl, a mild desire to comfort her for what she had to go through.

Mike stared dumbfounded at the two women, their arms entwined around each other. He couldn't believe it. He had been sure they were going to come to blows, instead they were lovingly caressing and kissing each other. Eve had suddenly come to life under his wife's attentions and was reciprocating with passionate leech-like kisses. Her mouth was closing in on one of Sandra's pink little nipples, enclosing the hard little knob between her full ripe lips, sucking on it deliriously. Sandra was emitting little moans of pleasure as she clung to the blonde, and Mike had to rub his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. Sam, too, had joined him, his mouth agape at the incredible sight.

"Well, I'll be hornswoggled…" he murmured, his eyes widening as he watched his mistress and the dairymaid melting together in passionate embrace. He looked awkwardly at his boss, wondering what to say, but Mike was looking away embarrassedly, ashamed to look his employee in the eye. So they both turned their attention back to the girls…

They had slipped to the floor, golden body fused against creamy white one, and the two men watched in disbelief as Sandra began to slide along the ground, trailing kisses down the length of Eve's body, coming to rest on the golden triangle between her long slim legs.

Sandra poised above the yellow thatch of pubic curls for a moment, and then dipped still lower, and slowly drew apart the girl's buttery thighs. Her eyes gazed raptly at the enticing pink slit which appeared before her, crowned by a golden fleece. She could see the thin hair-feather outer lips throb slightly and placing a thumb and forefinger on each soft, tender flange, gently drew apart the fleshy folds, revealing the moist pink glory of her delicious young pussy. The tiny pink tip of her clitoris peeped out from beneath the flaxen curls, and just below it, the small rosebud-like opening of her vagina glistened wetly. Sandra had never seen a woman so close before. It was all new and strange to her, yet she was driven by she didn't know what instinct. She had forgotten her initial desire for revenge; she was enraptured by the sculptured wonder of the girl's soft, yielding body, and she was borne along by an inclination which was getting more clamorous as minutes ticked by.

Slowly, she lowered her face towards the golden gateway, and drawing out her tongue, ran it along the full length of the narrow pink aperture.

She felt the young girl draw back from the strange sensation, but she continued to touch the girl's tender young flesh with her tongue, tentatively licking and swiping with her own sensitive organ. Her long slim fingers were pressing against the tender flesh of the girl's smooth thighs, and she began to grow more familiar with the other woman's perfumed young cunt, sweeping her tongue in long, caressing strokes along its velvety folds, dipping and probing and drawing out the ambrosia of her femininity. She enclosed the turgid little button of her clitoris in her mouth, fastening it between her teeth, and titillating it with her tongue, making Eve squirm and moan with ecstatic pleasure. Sandra's tongue searched and explored the secret creases and indentations of Eve's pussy, sending chills of pleasure rippling up and down her spine, making her grind the golden peak of her body down on the other woman's feverishly licking mouth. She was beginning to mewl incessantly, her whole frame wracked with tiny spasms of pleasure.

Mike just couldn't believe it. The two women were twisting around on the floor like fish out of water, and Eve was moaning and sighing under his wife's oral love-making. He could feel his own prick beginning to rise again, a new, piercing ache throbbing through it. He was overcome with desire for his wife, and for his mistress, and experienced an acute agony which stemmed from the knowledge that he was excluded. They didn't need him… they were sensually aroused without him…

He continued to watch astonished as Eve suddenly began to swivel around, until her head was reaching down for Sandra's loins. Sandra, realizing what was happening, languidly spread her thighs, and Mike gasped as he saw Eve lower her pale oval face between the creamy columns of his wife's legs. Eve was going to suck his wife's pussy!

Sandra moaned into Eve's steaming crotch as she felt the first touch of the girl's cool tongue on her burning vaginal lips. It felt so soft, so soothing and she sighed, stretching out her legs as Eve continued to tease her twirling little tongue along the length of her hot pussy, soaking up her free-flowing juices, nibbling the little bud of her rigid clitoris, jabbing experimentally at the clasping hole of her cunt.